5 research outputs found
Pemberian Natrium Benzoat Terhadap Kualitas Dan Daya Simpan Sirup Jambu Mete
Effect of Benzoic Acid Supplement to Storage and Quality of Syrup of Jambu Mete. The research was executed at laboratory of THP Politani Negeri Kupang, from August to November 2006. This research aimed to carry out influence of benzoic acid supplement to quality of syrup jambu tee during storage. This research used completely randomized design (RAL). The treatments studied were concentration of benzoic acid by 5 levels, that is 0 mg/liter syrup (control), 200 magnesium /liter syrup, 400 mg/liter syrup, 600 mg/liter syrup and 800 mg/liter syrup. Variables observed covered number of microbe colonies, sour total and test hedonic, what observed from 0 month of until 2 month of storage. Statistical analysis showed that concentration of benzoic acid significantly affected to quality of syrup jambu mete during storage. benzoic acid concentration of 600 mg/liter syrup performed best quality of syrup (safe to be consumed) compared to other treatments
Kajian Penggunaan Beberapa Jenis Ensiling Sebagai Pengawet Alami Terhadap Sifat Kimia Dan Mikrobiologis Cakalang (Katsuwonus Pelamis L) Asap
Study the Use of Several Ensiling Types as Natural Preservatives to Increase the Chemical and microbiological Characteristics of Smoked Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis L). The research was conducted in the Managing of Fisheries Product Processing Laboratory, University of Sam Ratulangi Manado in order to determine the effect of ensiling types and storage durations on chemical and microbiological characteristics of smoked skipjack tuna. The research used experimental method that was arranged factorially in 4x4, using Completely Randomized Design (CRD), with two replications in order to obtain 32 experimental units. The treatments consisted of two factors, i.e. types of ensiling (factor A) and storage durations (factor B). Factor A was A0 = without ensiling (as control), A1 = ensiling of mustard green, A2 = ensiling of cabbage, and A3 = ensiling of petsai. Factor B was 0 day, 3 days, 6 days, and 9 days. The observed parameters were water content, pH, total acid, total bacteria (TPC), total lactic acid bacteria, and total fungal colony. The results showed that the effect of cabbage ensiling to the chemical and microbiological characteristics of smoked skipjack tuna was better than the other treatments. It can be recognized from the low value of water content (39.78%) and pH (5.00) as well as the high value of total acid (1.03%), in which, it could support the growth of lactic acid bacteria (3.41 cfu / g) and suppress the growth of bacteria (TPC) and fungi. Ensiling of cabbage can be used as natural preservative to maintain the quality and durability of smoked skipjack tuna. It is recommended that further studies are required to identify lactic acid bacteria and to analyze nutrient content in smoked skipjack tuna as the result of certain ensiling utilization in relation to storing duration.Keywords: storage duration, chemical and microbiological characteristics, smoked skipjack tuna, ensilingStudy the Use of Several Ensiling Types as Natural Preservatives toIncrease the Chemical and microbiological Characteristics of SmokedSkipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis L). The research was conducted in theManaging of Fisheries Product Processing Laboratory, University of SamRatulangi Manado in order to determine the effect of ensiling types and storagedurations on chemical and microbiological characteristics of smoked skipjacktuna. The research used experimental method that was arranged factorially in4x4, using Completely Randomized Design (CRD), with two replications in orderto obtain 32 experimental units. The treatments consisted of two factors, i.e.types of ensiling (factor A) and storage durations (factor B). Factor A was A0 =without ensiling (as control), A1 = ensiling of mustard green, A2 = ensiling ofcabbage, and A3 = ensiling of petsai. Factor B was 0 day, 3 days, 6 days, and 9days. The observed parameters were water content, pH, total acid, total bacteria(TPC), total lactic acid bacteria, and total fungal colony. The results showed thatthe effect of cabbage ensiling to the chemical and microbiological characteristicsof smoked skipjack tuna was better than the other treatments. It can berecognized from the low value of water content (39.78%) and pH (5.00) as well asthe high value of total acid (1.03%), in which, it could support the growth of lacticacid bacteria (3.41 cfu / g) and suppress the growth of bacteria (TPC) and fungi.Ensiling of cabbage can be used as natural preservative to maintain the qualityand durability of smoked skipjack tuna. It is recommended that further studiesare required to identify lactic acid bacteria and to analyze nutrient content insmoked skipjack tuna as the result of certain ensiling utilization in relation tostoring duration
“Manggullu” Makanan Khas Lokal Berbasis Buah Pisang Dan Kacang Tanah
“Manggullu” Local Special Food Based On Banana And Peanut. For the agenda of diversivikasi [by] food material, potential traditional food products of local standard barium needed alwaysly in diging and developed. Because local food products generally has niulai taste goal that is typical and doesn't contain chemicals endangering for consuming it. Manggullu is one of local typical food type of sub-province public Sumba Timur, made from banana jam and peanut boxed collectively/together causing forms a dough. Sees light f ood potency which pertained this on unique hence this research done.This research applies Completely randomized design method. Treatment tried consisted of banana type and composition of peanut and design as unique f actor with formation of treatment as follows: pl p2 etc.: banana ambon + 250% peanut, plp2 etc.: banana ambon + 50% peanut, P3: banana ambon + 75% peanut, P4:banana beraga + 25% peanut, P5 : banana is having Beraga + 50% peanut, P6:banana beraga + 75% peanut, P7 : banana kepok + 25% peanut, P8: banana kepok + 50% peanut, P9: banana kepok + 75 % peanut. Each re- treatment 3 times so that as a whole there is there are 27 attempt units.Result of research indicates that treatment of banana type and composition of peanut added influential reality to quality of light food of manggullu yielded especially concerning chemical composition and character physical of product. Statistically chemical composition manggullu tarutama water activity, different f at rate and glucose rate depended f rom banana type as component of main standard and composition of peanut added. Banana type ambon and baranga with composition 75% peanut can increase nutritional value and panelist hobby value (colour, taste goal, and aroma) to product manggullu
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama perendaman dalam asap cair dan suhu pengovenan terhadap mutu organoleptic cakalang asap. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen yang dirancang dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan saru perlakuan kombinasi. Variabel yang diamati dalam penelitian ini difokuskan pada mutu cakalang asap selama masa penympanan 12 hari, meliputi kadar air (%), pH, Total asam (%), protein (%) dan total koloni mikroba (cfu). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Perlakuan lama perendaman dalam asap cair dan suhu pengovenan berpenagruh nyata terhadap mutu cakalang asap cair yang dihasilkan. Perlakuan lama perendaman 30 menit dalam asap cair degan suhu pengovenan 750C dapat meningkatkan mutu kimiawi cakalang asap cair yang dihasilkan; Perlakuan lama perendaman 30 menit dan 40 menit dengan suhu pengovenan 750C dan 850C dapat menekan pertumbuhan koloni mikroba sampai 12 hari penyimpana
The Effect of Soaking Time and Liquid Smoke Types on the Quality of Smoked Skipjack (Kastuwonus pelanis L.) Fillets During Storage
This study aims to determine the effect of soaking time in distilled and non-distilled liquid smoke of kusambi wood (Schleicera oleosa) on the quality of smoked skipjack fillets. This study used an experimental method designed with a completely randomized design (CRD) with two factor treatments. The first factor was soaking time with four levels, namely 10, 20, 30 and 40 min. The second treatment factor was the type of liquid smoke from kusambi wood (without and with distillation). The variables observed in this study focused on the quality of the smoked skipjack fillets after the 8-day storage period, including: water content (%), pH, total acid (%), fat content (%) protein (%) and phenol content (%). The results showed that the liquid smoke of kusambi wood with distillation had a pH of 3.18 which was more acidic and had higher phenol content (0.61%) and acid content (17.62%) than liquid smoke without distillation. Of the eight treatment combinations, the quality of smoked skipjack fillets after 8 days of storage, it is found that the treatment of soaking 30 min and 40 min in distilled liquid smoke is the best treatment and meets the quality requirements of SNI. This is based on the value of water content (48.46% and 49.67%), pH (4.04 and 3.96), total acid (8.84% and 9.07%), fat content (4.85% and 4.92%), protein content (18.04% and 17.83%) and phenol content in smoked skipjack fillets (0.65% and 0.61%)