3 research outputs found

    The effect of intravenous butaphosphan, B12 and C vitamins on metritis, mastitis prevalence and reproductive performance of dairy cattle

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    Three groups of Holstein Friesian cows were used to test the effect of two intravenous solutions on metritis, mastitis prevalence and reproductive performance. The first solution containing 3000 mg Butaphosphan (100 mg/ml) and 1.5 mg B12 Vitamin (0.05 mg/ml) was administered to BB12 group in the first 3 days after parturition and the second solution containing 3000 mg Butaphosphan (100 mg/ml), 1.5 mg B12 Vitamin (0.05 mg/ml) and 7 g of C vitamin (0.1 g/ml) was administered to BB12C group in the same period. The control group (C) didn’t receive any intravenous solution. The Tukey- Krammer multiple comparison tests were used to compare the results. The prevalence of clinical metritis, puerperal metritis and clinical mastitis was lower in the BB12C group (p< 0.05), compared to BB12 and C groups. Regarding the prevalence of metritis and mastitis no differences was observed in the BB12 group, compared with the C group (p>0.05). However, no difference was observed in the prevalence of the clinical endometritis (p>0.05) for the all three groups of cows. Also, the BB12C group registered the best calving to first insemination interval and calving to conception interval (p< 0.05). In conclusion, the intravenous cocktail containing Butaphosphan, B12 and C Vitamin can reduce the prevalence of some uterus and udder infection in the first 7 days after parturition in dairy cows

    In vitro production of embryos at Research and Development Station for Cattle Breeding Dancu, Iasi – first bovine embryos produced in vitro in North-Eastern Romania

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    The in vitro production (IVP) of bovine embryos increases the selection intensity in cattle and reduces the generation interval, which is very important in the genetic gain. In Romania, this reproductive biotechnology has shown a timid evolution in the last years, although the need for genetic improvement in the area is present. The aim of this paper is to describe the work that resulted in first bovine embryos obtained through IVP in North-Eastern Romania. Oocytes were collected by slashing ovaries from slaughtered cows, matured in a TCM199-based medium and fertilized in TL-based medium microdrops with sperm processed by swim-up procedure. The presumptive embryos were cultured one day in TCM199 and 8 days in SOF-based medium and evaluated in days 7, 8 and 9 after fertilization. We retrieved an average number of 83 usable oocytes/IVF session, which represents 73.8% from the total harvested oocytes. The average number of cleaved embryos was 50.8 per IVF, reflecting an average cleavage rate of 61.2%. An average of 8.6 blastocysts/IVF session was obtained, representing 10.4% of the selected oocytes or 16.9% of the number of cleaved embryos. Although suboptimal, the results were comparable with other reports on IVP in cattle. The adapted IVP protocol, based on maturation with TCM199, fertilization in microdrops of TL and culture of presumptive embryos one day in TCM199 and afterwards in SOF seems to offer acceptable results and will be used for further attempts to produce bovine embryos

    Cryopreservation of Bălțată cu Negru Românească cattle immature oocytes by slow freezing method: preliminary research

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    Research on bovine oocytes cryopreservation is important for successful preservation of genetically valuable animal. The transvaginal ultrasound-guided follicular puncture coupled with in vitro embryo production has become competitive and alternative method for MOET (Multiple ovulation and embryo transfer) in dairy cattle. The aim of this preliminary research is to presents the result of Bălțată cu Negru Românească (BNR) cows oocytes recovery by two different protocols and its cryopreservation by slow freezing method. By applying the recovery oocytes from slaughterhouse ovary we obtained an average of 16.34 ± 6.71 oocytes per cow, much higher compared with the Ovum Pick Up (OPU) method, which reveals an average of 2.75 ± 0.2 oocytes per cow. After applying the slow freezing procedures using the ethylene glycol cryoprotectant we observed the oocytes with cumulus cells normal with the spherical shape and normal zone pellucida