27 research outputs found

    Algebraic representation of correlation functions in integrable spin chains

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    Taking the XXZ chain as the main example, we give a review of an algebraic representation of correlation functions in integrable spin chains obtained recently. We rewrite the previous formulas in a form which works equally well for the physically interesting homogeneous chains. We discuss also the case of quantum group invariant operators and generalization to the XYZ chain.Comment: 31 pages, no figur

    A recursion formula for the correlation functions of an inhomogeneous XXX model

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    A new recursion formula is presented for the correlation functions of the integrable spin 1/2 XXX chain with inhomogeneity. It relates the correlators involving n consecutive lattice sites to those with n-1 and n-2 sites. In a series of papers by V. Korepin and two of the present authors, it was discovered that the correlators have a certain specific structure as functions of the inhomogeneity parameters. Our formula allows for a direct proof of this structure, as well as an exact description of the rational functions which has been left undetermined in the previous works.Comment: 37 pages, 1 figure, Proof of Lemma 4.8 modifie

    Fifth-neighbor spin-spin correlator for the anti-ferromagnetic Heisenberg chain

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    We study the generating function of the spin-spin correlation functions in the ground state of the anti-ferromagnetic spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain without magnetic field. We have found its fundamental functional relations from those for general correlation functions, which originate in the quantum Knizhink-Zamolodchikov equation. Using these relations, we have calculated the explicit form of the generating functions up to n=6. Accordingly we could obtain the spin-spin correlator up to k=5.Comment: 10 page

    Finite temperature density matrix and two-point correlations in the antiferromagnetic XXZ chain

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    We derive finite temperature versions of integral formulae for the two-point correlation functions in the antiferromagnetic XXZ chain. The derivation is based on the summation of density matrix elements characterizing a finite chain segment of length mm. On this occasion we also supply a proof of the basic integral formula for the density matrix presented in an earlier publication.Comment: 35 page

    Exact evaluation of density matrix elements for the Heisenberg chain

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    We have obtained all the density matrix elements on six lattice sites for the spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain via the algebraic method based on the quantum Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations. Several interesting correlation functions, such as chiral correlation functions, dimer-dimer correlation functions, etc... have been analytically evaluated. Furthermore we have calculated all the eigenvalues of the density matrix and analyze the eigenvalue-distribution. As a result the exact von Neumann entropy for the reduced density matrix on six lattice sites has been obtained.Comment: 33 pages, 4 eps figures, 3 author

    Short-distance thermal correlations in the XXZ chain

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    Recent studies have revealed much of the mathematical structure of the static correlation functions of the XXZ chain. Here we use the results of those studies in order to work out explicit examples of short-distance correlation functions in the infinite chain. We compute two-point functions ranging over 2, 3 and 4 lattice sites as functions of the temperature and the magnetic field for various anisotropies in the massless regime 1<Δ<1- 1 < \Delta < 1. It turns out that the new formulae are numerically efficient and allow us to obtain the correlations functions over the full parameter range with arbitrary precision.Comment: 25 pages, 5 colored figure

    Exact results for the sigma^z two-point function of the XXZ chain at Delta=1/2

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    We propose a new multiple integral representation for the correlation function of the XXZ spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain in the disordered regime. We show that for Delta=1/2 the integrals can be separated and computed exactly. As an example we give the explicit results up to the lattice distance m=8. It turns out that the answer is given as integer numbers divided by 2^[(m+1)^2].Comment: 8 page

    Factorization of the finite temperature correlation functions of the XXZ chain in a magnetic field

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    We present a conjecture for the density matrix of a finite segment of the XXZ chain coupled to a heat bath and to a constant longitudinal magnetic field. It states that the inhomogeneous density matrix, conceived as a map which associates with every local operator its thermal expectation value, can be written as the trace of the exponential of an operator constructed from weighted traces of the elements of certain monodromy matrices related to Uq(sl^2)U_q (\hat{\mathfrak{sl}}_2) and only two transcendental functions pertaining to the one-point function and the neighbour correlators, respectively. Our conjecture implies that all static correlation functions of the XXZ chain are polynomials in these two functions and their derivatives with coefficients of purely algebraic origin.Comment: 35 page

    Traces on the Sklyanin algebra and correlation functions of the eight-vertex model

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    We propose a conjectural formula for correlation functions of the Z-invariant (inhomogeneous) eight-vertex model. We refer to this conjecture as Ansatz. It states that correlation functions are linear combinations of products of three transcendental functions, with theta functions and derivatives as coefficients. The transcendental functions are essentially logarithmic derivatives of the partition function per site. The coefficients are given in terms of a linear functional on the Sklyanin algebra, which interpolates the usual trace on finite dimensional representations. We establish the existence of the functional and discuss the connection to the geometry of the classical limit. We also conjecture that the Ansatz satisfies the reduced qKZ equation. As a non-trivial example of the Ansatz, we present a new formula for the next-nearest neighbor correlation functions.Comment: 35 pages, 2 figures, final versio

    Computation of dynamical correlation functions of Heisenberg chains: the gapless anisotropic regime

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    We compute all dynamical spin-spin correlation functions for the spin-1/2 XXZXXZ anisotropic Heisenberg model in the gapless antiferromagnetic regime, using numerical sums of exact determinant representations for form factors of spin operators on the lattice. Contributions from intermediate states containing many particles and string (bound) states are included. We present modified determinant representations for the form factors valid in the general case with string solutions to the Bethe equations. Our results are such that the available sum rules are saturated to high precision. We Fourier transform our results back to real space, allowing us in particular to make a comparison with known exact formulas for equal-time correlation functions for small separations in zero field, and with predictions for the zero-field asymptotics from conformal field theory.Comment: 14 page