35 research outputs found

    Turtles of Borneo & Peninsular Malaysia

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    A new species of Calluella Stoliczka, 1872 (Anura: Microhylidae) from Taman Negara, Pahang State, Peninsular Malaysia

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    A new species of microhylid of the genus Calluella Stoliczka, 1872, is described from Sungai Relau, Taman Negara, Pahang State, Peninsular Malaysia. Calluella minuta, new species, is compared with congeners from Malaysia and other parts of south-east Asia. The new species is diagnosable in showing the following combination of characters: SVL 32.7 mm in the largest of the three specimens known; dorsum warty; no dermal fold across forehead; tympanum present; toe tips obtuse; webbing on toe IV broad up to median subarticular tubercle, webbing reaching tip of all toes as narrow sheaths; outer metatarsal tubercle present; and dorsum yellowish-brown with darker variegations

    First report on the herpetofauna of Pulau Aur, Johor, West Malaysia

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    With the exception ofTweedie's (1983) account ofCalamaria lovii, published accounts on the herpetofauna of Pulau Aur, located 63 km off the south-east coast of peninsular Malaysia in the South China Sea did not exist prior to this report. The only species known from the island were based on the museum records ofLimnonectes blythii, Mabuya multi/asciata, Bronchocela cristatella, Gehyra mutilata, Varanus nebulosus and Ahaetulla prasina deposited in the Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research. A short expedition to the island on 15-16 July 2001 yielded an additional 12 species, comprising 10 lizards and two snakes: Limnonectes blythii; Bronchocela cristatella; Cnemaspis cf. Nigridia; Cosymbotus platyurus; Cyrtodactylus consobrinus; Gehyra mutilata; Gekko monarchus; Hemidactylus frenatus; Dasia o/ivacea; Emoia atrocostata; Lygosoma bowring;;; Mabuya multi/asciata; Sphenomorphus scotophi/us; Varanus nebulosus; Varanus salvator; Ramphotyphlops cf. braminus; Calamaria lovii and Macropisthodon flaviceps


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    Tinjauan tentang Schistosoma di Indonesia ini mencakup Schistosoma japonicum, S. incognitum, S. spindale dan Trichohilharzia brevis. Tinjauan dibuat atas dasar laporan-laporan penelitian yang telah diterbitkan. Di dalamnya dapat dijumpai uraian singkat tentang S. spinale dan T. brevis. Dari banyak publikasi tentang S. japonicum dan S. incoganitum dapat disajikan uraian tentang peranan kedua parasit tersebut sebagai penyebab penyakit baik manusia maupun hewan


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    Scrub typhus merupakan penyakit yang endemis di Indonesia. Akan tetapi laporan mengenai hal tersebut sangat sedikit. Penelusuran hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebelum tahun 1945 pernah dilaporkan hasil isolasi Rickettsia tsutsugamushi dari penderita demam di beberapa tempat di Indonesia. Setelah tahun 1970 beberapa penelitian seroepidemiologi dilakukan di beberapa daerah di Indonesia terutama daerah transmigrasi dengan hasil prevalensi antibodi terhadap scrub typhus tertinggi di daerah Biak dan Owi, Irian Jaya dan yang terendah di Flores dan Jakarta. Selain itu dilakukan pula penelitian mengenai vektor scrub typhus dan hospesnya dengan hasil di­temukannya 7 species tungau Leptotrombidium termasuk 2 jenis yang merupakan vektor. Saran untuk penelitian di masa yang akan datang diberikan dalam laporan ini

    Venomous Terrestrial Snakes of Malaysia: Their Identity and Biology

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    This article presents an overview of the identity and biology of the venomous terrestrial snakes of Malaysia, from Peninsular Malaysia and the Bornean states of Sabah and Sarawak. Two families account for a majority of venomous snakes that are of medical significance – the Elapidae (cobras, kraits, and coral snakes) and Viperidae (vipers and pit vipers). Certain members of the Colubridae are capable of giving life-threatening bites to humans (especially species of Rhabdophis), but little is known of the Malaysian species of the genus. A number of other species in the family have been implicated with human envenomation, although little objective evaluation appears to have been published. This article synthesizes data on the identification, distribution, and conservation of these snakes; provide colored images of every recognized species and subspecies of venomous terrestrial snakes of the families Elapidae and Viperidae known to occur in the country; and conclude with strategies to improve knowledge of the snakes of the country

    Sur deux nouvelles espèces du genre

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    — Srivastavanema (Singh, 1962 s.-genre) est élevé au rang de genre, avec S. longispicularis (Singh, 1962) n. cb. comme espèce type, et est classé dans la sous-famille des Brevistriatinae.— Deux nouvelles espèces de Srivastavanema, parasites de Petauristinae orientaux sont décrits : S. bhagwansinghi n. sp. est caractérisée par des spicules relativement courts et un synlophe de 7 arêtes cuticulaires ; S. yapi possède un lobe dorsal bien développé et le synlophe compte 10 arêtes cuticulaires.Du point de vue phylétique, le genre Srivastavanema se situe entre les Heligmonellinae et les Brevistriatinae appartenant à la branche orientale. Sa position est à peu près la même que celle du genre Xericola Durette-Desset, 1974, qui forme un chaînon entre les Heligmonellinae et les Brevistriatinae de la branche éthiopienne

    Description de deux nouvelles espèces du genre

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    — Orientostrongylus dendrogali n, sp., parasite de Dendrogale melanura (Tupaiiné), proche de O. brevispicularis (Singh, 1962), parasite de Rattus norvegicus en Inde, s’en distingue par la naissance des côtes externo-dorsales à la racine de la côte dorsale et la division de cette dernière dans son tiers antérieur.— Orientostrongylus krishnansamyi n. sp., parasite d’Iomys horsfieldi (Petauristiné),. proche de O. tenorai Durette-Desset, 1971, parasite de Muridés orientaux, s’en distingue par des spicules à pointe simple et un nombre plus élevé d’arêtes cuticulaires.La présence d’un Orientostrongylus chez un Tupaiidé, animal relique, nous paraît un élément important pour confirmer la place de ce genre à la base de la seconde branche-évolutive de la lignée Heligmonella