9 research outputs found

    Class Lines piece on allegations of sexual harassment among third-graders at W

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    Class Lines piece on allegations of sexual harassment among third-graders at West Bath Elementrary School, and in defense of teachers

    Class Lines piece urging the Legislature to repeal a law that requires school

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    Class Lines piece urging the Legislature to repeal a law that requires school employees in Maine, including teachers, to be fingerprinted for criminal background checks

    Class Lines piece on the teacher shortage in Maine, suggesting that attracting

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    Class Lines piece on the teacher shortage in Maine, suggesting that attracting the best and the brightest to Maine\u27s teaching profession means changing attitudes and funneling more money into teacher salaries, making compensation more equitable town-to-town and state-to-state

    Class Lines piece urging the Legislature to repeal the law that requires all M

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    Class Lines piece urging the Legislature to repeal the law that requires all Maine school employees, including teachers, to be fingerprinted for criminal background checks

    Class Lines piece on the schism between the corporate and education worlds. W

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    Class Lines piece on the schism between the corporate and education worlds. With special focus on a challenge to local educators issued by Larry Mahaney, president of Webber Energy Fuels. Mahaney offered a $100 donation to the school of every teacher who agreed to become a Webber Oil customer. Just seven teachers joined the Partners in Education promotion last year, which might be due to the fact that the Webber program is offensive to many teachers, because the average teacher already spends hundreds of dollars on school supplies and other forms of local school support

    Class Lines piece on Gov. Angus King\u27s proposal to provide all of Maine\u27s seve

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    Class Lines piece on Gov. Angus King\u27s proposal to provide all of Maine\u27s seventh-graders with a laptop computer, and suggesting that the proposal needs to be reworked so that teachers have time to receive substantial technological training long before students get their own free laptops

    Truths and Consequences piece on a recent report by a commission comprised of

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    Truths and Consequences piece on a recent report by a commission comprised of Maine educators and citizens detailing state-wide standards for ethical and responsible behavior in our schools and communities, arguing that the report places too much onus for implementing the standards on schools, and not enough on parents and parties other than educators who hold strong influence over students

    Other Voices piece by Lynn Bonsey of Surry, on popular culture.

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    Other Voices piece by Lynn Bonsey of Surry, on popular culture

    Class Lines piece rebutting an editorial written by John Porter and recently p

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    Class Lines piece rebutting an editorial written by John Porter and recently published in the Maine Sunday Telegram, suggesting that the Maine Educational Assessment test is all about winning and losing