15 research outputs found

    Thriving families: The feasibility and preliminary efficacy of a multi-component physical literacy program for children with neurodevelopmental, emotional, or behavioural problems

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    Children with neurodevelopmental, emotional, or behavioural challenges participate in lower levels of physical activity (PA) and subsequently have poorer physical and mental health outcomes. We sought to determine the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of a multi-component physical literacy program for children with neurodevelopmental, emotional, or behavioural challenges. Thirty children and 28 parents were recruited to participate in the 10-week single-group non-randomised feasibility trial. Thriving Families was designed to promote children's physical literacy through (a) providing programmed opportunities for PA, (b) incorporating parents, (c) supporting motivation and engagement, and (d) utilising behaviour change techniques. Program feasibility was determined using qualitative and quantitative feedback. Preliminary efficacy was determined through pre-and post-intervention assessments of children's physical literacy. Results indicate that the program is acceptable and was well received. Effect size estimates for parent knowledge (d = 0.78) and confidence (d = 0.57) were moderate to large; however, little change was observed for parents' motivation to support PA and children's perceptions of PA support. Moderate or large effects were observed for pre-to-post-program change on children's domains of physical competence. The Thriving Families program appears to be feasible and acceptable for community-based implementation and may provide benefits for physical and psychological outcomes

    Support needs and experiences of young people living in families with mental illness

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    Introduction: Children and adolescents living in families affected by mental illness are at elevated risk of developing mental health problems. A range of interventions have been designed to help these young people; however, the effectiveness of these programs is, in some cases, mixed. Our aim was to understand in detail the support needs and experiences of a group of Australian children and adolescents living in families with mental illness. Methods: Our study is a qualitative in nature. In 2020−2021, we interviewed 25 Australian young people (Mage = 13.60, SD = 2.26, 20 females and 5 males) living with family members affected by mental illness to understand their (the young people's) experiences, and to identify the types of support that these young people considered important or effective. We conducted reflexive thematic analyses of interview data, underpinned by interpretivist assumptions. Results: We identified seven themes within two higher-order categories reflecting our aims to understand (1) lived experiences within families affected by mental illness (i.e., increased responsibilities, missing out, and stigmatization), and (2) support experiences, needs, and preferences (i.e., respite, shared experiences with like-minded others, education, and flexibility). Conclusions: Our findings hold substantial practical value by informing services, interventions, and conversations that better support young people living in families affected by mental illness

    Exercise in the treatment of youth substance use disorders: Review and recommendations

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    Substance use disorders among youth represent a significant public health concern. It is well established that regular exercise provides important physical and mental health benefits; however, evidence for the role of exercise as an adjunct component within substance use disorder treatment is scarce. In this review, we identify factors associated with the development and persistence of substance use disorders among youth, identify current treatment modalities, and present evidence to support the efficacy of incorporating exercise participation during rehabilitation. We also provide a series of recommendations for future research that explores the feasibility and effectiveness of exercise participation as a complement to substance use disorder treatment among youth

    Positive patient experiences in an Australian integrative oncology centre

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of cancer patients\u27 utilising complementary and integrative therapies (CIT) within integrative oncology centres across Western Australia.Methods: Across four locations 135 patients accessed CIT services whilst undergoing outpatient medical treatment for cancer. Of the 135 patients, 66 (61 ± 12 y; female n = 45; male n = 21) agreed to complete a personal accounts questionnaire consisting of open-ended questions designed to explore patients\u27 perceptions of CIT. All results were transcribed into nVivo (v9) and using thematic analysis, key themes were identified.Results: Of the 66 participants, 100% indicated they would recommend complementary therapies to other patients and 92% stated CIT would play a significant role in their future lifestyle . A mean score of 8 ± 1 indicated an improvement in participants\u27 perception of wellbeing following a CIT session. Three central themes were identified: empowerment, support and relaxation. Fourteen sub-themes were identified, with all themes clustered into a framework of multifaceted views held by cancer patients in relation to wellbeing, role of significant others and control.Conclusions: Exploration of patients\u27 experiences reveals uniformly positive results. One of the key merits of the environment created within the centres is patients are able to work through their cancer journey with an increased sense of empowerment, without placing them in opposition to conventional medical treatment. In order to effectively target integrative support services it is crucial to explore the experiences of patients in their own words and use those forms of expression to drive service delivery

    Characteristics and quality of life of patients presenting to cancer support centres: Patient rated outcomes and use of complementary therapies

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    Background: In order to effectively target and provide individualised patient support strategies it is crucial to have a comprehensive picture of those presenting for services. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics and patient rated outcomes of individuals presenting to SolarisCare cancer support centres and their choices regarding complementary and integrated therapies (CIT).Methods: A cohort with a current or previous cancer diagnosis aged 18 - 87 years presenting to a SolarisCare centre during a 5-day period completed a questionnaire. Four SolarisCare centres participated in the trial including regional and metropolitan locations. Outcomes included medical and demographic characteristics, CIT variables and patient rated outcomes (PROs) including quality of life (QoL).Results: Of the 95 participants (70.3%) who completed the survey, the mean age was 60.5 years with 62% currently receiving treatment. Eighty percent of the sample had at least one other comorbid condition, with the most popular CIT being relaxation massage. Of the PROs, QoL was significantly lower than norms for the Australian population and other mixed cancer populations. No notable differences were seen between genders, however significantly poorer outcomes were found for the younger age group. Fifty percent of the population did not meet physical activity recommendations, and musculoskeletal symptoms explained between 25-27% of variance in QoL.Conclusions: A greater understanding of the health profiles of patients presenting to supportive care centres and their use of CIT, provides Western Australian health professionals with key information to ensure the safety of supportive care practices, as well as fosters optimal patient outcomes and enhances the integration of supportive care strategies within mainstream medical care

    Structured exercise programs for higher education students experiencing mental health challenges: background, significance, and implementation

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    The incidence of mental illness is greatest among young adults, and those enrolled in higher education may be particularly vulnerable compared to the general young adult population. Many higher education institutions employ student support staff tasked with implementing strategies to improve student wellbeing and mental illness. However, these strategies tend to be focused on clinical therapies and pharmacological interventions with limited lifestyle approaches. Exercise is an effective method for addressing mental illness and promoting wellbeing, yet widespread provision of structured exercise services to support treatment options for students with mental health challenges has not been fully realized. In an effort to guide exercise strategies for student mental health, we synthesize considerations for developing and delivering exercise programs in higher education settings. We draw directly from the evidence base on existing exercise programs in higher education; and the broader behavior change, exercise adherence, health psychology, implementation science, and exercise prescription literatures. Our broad considerations cover issues regarding program engagement and behavior change, exercise ‘dose’ and prescription, integration with other on-campus services, and robust research and evaluation. These considerations may provide impetus for widespread program development and implementation, as well as informing research focused on protecting and improving student mental health

    Structured exercise programs for higher education students experiencing mental health challenges: background, significance, and implementation

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    The incidence of mental illness is greatest among young adults, and those enrolled in higher education may be particularly vulnerable compared to the general young adult population. Many higher education institutions employ student support staff tasked with implementing strategies to improve student wellbeing and mental illness. However, these strategies tend to be focused on clinical therapies and pharmacological interventions with limited lifestyle approaches. Exercise is an effective method for addressing mental illness and promoting wellbeing, yet widespread provision of structured exercise services to support treatment options for students with mental health challenges has not been fully realized. In an effort to guide exercise strategies for student mental health, we synthesize considerations for developing and delivering exercise programs in higher education settings. We draw directly from the evidence base on existing exercise programs in higher education; and the broader behavior change, exercise adherence, health psychology, implementation science, and exercise prescription literatures. Our broad considerations cover issues regarding program engagement and behavior change, exercise ‘dose’ and prescription, integration with other on-campus services, and robust research and evaluation. These considerations may provide impetus for widespread program development and implementation, as well as informing research focused on protecting and improving student mental health


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the reliability of the Aerobic Power Index (API) submaximal cardiorespiratory exercise test, as well as associated variables of oxygen uptake (ml·kg-1·min-1) and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) in cancer patients who are generally unable to complete maximal or lengthy aerobic fitness tests. Twenty male and female participants (11 male; 9 female) aged between 18 and 70 y (mean = 53.28 ± 11. 82 y) were recruited with medical consent within 4 weeks of completing chemotherapy treatment for a lymphohaematopoietic cancer (LHC). Of the twenty recruited participants' 2 were excluded from analysis due to disease relapse or complications unrelated to testing occurring within the month following testing. Intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) scores for power output (W·kg-1) and oxygen uptake (ml·kg-1·min-1) were highly reliable (R1 = 0.96 and 0.96, respectively) and the ICC for RPE was moderately reliable (R1 = 0.83). Technical error of measurement results for power output (W·kg-1), oxygen uptake (ml·kg-1·min-1) and RPE were 0.11W·kg-1, 1.18 ml·kg-1·min-1 and 1.0 respectively. A Pearson's product-moment correlation demonstrated a strong relationship between power output (W·kg-1) and oxygen uptake (ml·kg-1·min-1) for both trials (r = 0.93 and 0.89, respectively). Results demonstrate that the API test is a highly reliable protocol for use with a LHC population and can be considered a clinically feasible, safe and tolerable exercise tes

    The effect of parental logistic support on physical activity in children with, or at risk of, movement difficulties

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    Objectives: In a sample of children with, or at risk of, movement difficulties, (1) To test the direct effects of children's perceptions of parents' logistic support for physical activity on children's physical activity-related self-perceptions and on children's physical activity levels, and (2) To explore the indirect relationship between children's perceptions of parents' logistic support for physical activity and children's physical activity levels through children's physical activity-related self-perceptions. Design: Cross-sectional observation study. Methods: Data were collected from 120 children aged 6 to 12 years; movement proficiency levels were determined using the movement assessment battery for children-2 test. Children's perspectives of parental support for physical activity were captured using the Activity Support Scale for Multiple Groups child report. Children's self-perceptions towards physical activity were reported with the Children's Self- perceptions of Adequacy in and Predilections for physical activity, and time spent in physical activity were measured using accelerometers. Results: There was no significant direct effect between perceived levels of parents' logistic support for physical activity and children's physical activity. A significant indirect relationship between these variables was discovered, with higher perceived levels of parent logistical support for physical activity predicting stronger perceptions of adequacy (i.e., confidence) toward physical activity participation among children, which in turn was associated with increased physical activity minutes. Conclusions: The results demonstrate that irrespective of a child's movement ability, children's perceptions of parents' logistic support for physical activity indirectly and positively predicts children's physical activity levels, via children's confidence for physical activity

    “It's like a counselling session … but you don't need to say anything:” exercise program outcomes for youth within a drug and alcohol treatment service

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    Objectives: Evidence for exercise as an adjunct therapy in youth substance use disorder (SUD) treatment is scarce, despite support for its efficacy among adult populations. In this study, youth undergoing residential treatment for SUDs were provided with twice-weekly exercise sessions, with the aim of examining their perceptions about the outcomes associated with regular exercise participation during their recovery. Design: Qualitative – interpretivist approach. Method: Qualitative (i.e., focus group) methods were employed to capture the experiences of 27 youth and 10 staff members employed in the facility, and content analytic procedures were employed to understand the outcomes (i.e., exercise perceptions, recovery-specific outcomes, and other health outcomes) associated with exercise participation during recovery. Results: Within three broad themes (i.e., exercise perceptions, recovery-specific outcomes, other health outcomes), youth and staff reported that, among other things, regular exercise contributed to the establishment of a healthy routine, more positive perceptions about one's appearance, improved sleep and interpersonal relationships, cathartic effects, and a sense of accomplishment. Conclusions: Based on the ‘lived experiences’ of youth and staff, the results of this study indicated that participation in regular, structured, and personalized exercise may be an important part of successful SUD treatment. The benefits of exercise align with a range of important outcomes including exercise perceptions (i.e., barriers to exercise participation, exercise motivation), recovery factors (e.g., cravings and withdrawals, routine), and health outcomes (e.g., self-esteem and mental health, physical health) among youth undergoing SUD treatment