18 research outputs found

    Assessment of water quality in the Wiśniówka River considering circulation of organic matter

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    Variation of hydrochemical conditions, with special reference to adequacy of waters as fish habitats, was traced based on selected hydrochemical parameters obtained during the studies conducted from February 2013 till February 2014 year. The results were compared with earlier studies. The sources of organic pollution were identified, and the effects of biogenic substances on the biomass, as well as the self-purification capability of the river, were assessed. The total suspension exceeded the requirements for waters which are habitats of both salmonid and cyprinid fishes. Compared to the previous years, the load of organic and inorganic matter in the waters of Wiśniówka River increased; this may have resulted from external inflow, neighbourhood of the hatchery but also, to a small extent, from internal supply. The high availability of nitrogen-(NNH_4+; N-NO_2-, N-NO_3-) and phosphorus-(total phosphorus; P-PO_4 ^3-) based biogenic (substances favoured the biomass production, thus contributing to the increase in organic matter load in the river

    Size of eggs and duration of embryogenesis in fishes

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    Studies were undertaken on the relationship between egg size and duration of embryogenesis in four freshwater fish species (Salmo trutta L, Esox lucius L., Gasterosteus aculeatus L., Leucaspius delineatus Heck.). Analyses were carried out in a comparative sense (different taxa) as well as with respect to eggs of the same species, or even laid by the same female. In addition to understandable differences of egg size between particular species, considerable differences were observed as regards egg size in fish of the same species, and even originating from the same female. In extreme cases the differences in egg size of the same female reached up to 11 percentage points (linear size) and over 40 (volume)! A strict relationship was found between duration of embryonic development and egg size: the smaller the egg, the shorter its embryogenesis. Biological meaning of this phenomenon has been discussed

    Spatial orientation of trout (Salmo trutta L.) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walb.) embryos in natural and artificial magnetic fields

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    Trout (Salmo trutta L.) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walb.) embryos developing in eggs incubated in the geomagnetic field are oriented NW-SE. Artificial horizontal magnetic fields of 0.5 and 1.0 mT, i.e., higher than that of the natural one but of the same direction resulted in a changed alignment of the embryos examined. The embryos placed in those artificial fields were aligned N-S and NE-SW. A 90° clockwise rotation of the artificial horizontal magnetic field poles, relative to the geomagnetic one, resulted in embryos′ orientation being changed to N-S and NE-SW

    Selected parameters of water quality in aerated Lake Resko Górne

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    Badania przeprowadzono w latach 2005-2008 na jeziorze Resko Górne, gmina Połczyn-Zdrój w województwie zachodniopomorskim. Celem badań prezentowanych w pracy była ocena stanu jakości wód jeziora Resko Górne na podstawie wybranych wskaźników w warunkach napowietrzania za pomocą aeratora pulweryzacyjnego. W czteroletnim okresie badań (2005-2008) nie stwierdzono wyraźnych różnic w zawartości tlenu w wodzie między punktem zlokalizowanym w pobliżu aeratora pulweryzacyjnego a oddalonymi punktami badawczymi. Jednocześnie stwierdzono, że praca aeratora pulweryzacyjnego na jeziorze nie wpłynęła na poprawę natlenienia wody w warstwach naddennych zarówno w pobliżu aeratora, jak również w oddalonych punktach badawczych. Stężenie składników biogennych w wodzie jeziora w kolejnych latach badań malało, a na podstawie uzyskanych średnich wartości w ostatnim roku (2008) wodę można zakwalifikować do II klasy czystości wód jeziorowych ze względu na zawartość NH4+, Nmin, a ze względu na zawartość fosforanów (PO43-) do III klasy czystości [KUDELSKA i in., 1994]. Zaobserwowane w ostatnim roku badań (2008) mniejsze stężenie jonów amonowych i azotu mineralnego w wodzie jeziora Resko Górne wynika z uporządkowania gospodarki wodno-ściekowej w gospodarstwie ekologiczno-turystycznym, położonym w sąsiedztwie jeziora.This study was performed in the years 2005-2008 in Lake Resko Górne, commune Połczyn- Zdrój in the West-Pomeranian province. The aim of the study was to estimate water quality status in conditions of its aeration by means of pulverization aeration. During the whole study period (2005-2008) there were no significant differences of oxygen concentration in water near aerator and in that far from the device. Aerator did not improve oxygenation of near-bottom water in both sites. Nutrient concentrations in lake water decreased during the subsequent years of this study. Mean concentration of NH4+ and mineral N in the year 2008 was typical of the 2nd class water quality and that of PO43- was typical of the 3rd class [KUDELSKA et al., 1994]. Lower concentrations of NH4+ and mineral N observed in 2008 resulted from the improvement of water management and sewage handling in eco-tourist farm near this lake

    The effect of fish hatchery on water quality in the lower stretch of the Wiśniówka River

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    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań zmian jakości wody ujściowego odcinka rzeki Wiśniówka w latach 2005-2009 w dwóch punktach - woda dopływająca do wylęgarni ryb i woda poniżej obiektu. Oznaczano wskaźniki ważne w aspekcie życia ryb w warunkach naturalnych, tj. temperaturę, pH, zawiesiny ogólne, zawartość tlenu, BZT5, ChZT, azot amonowy, azotany (III), fosfor ogólny, żelazo ogólne, a następnie porównywano ich wartości z wymaganiami określonymi w Rozporządzeniu MŚ… [2002] i Rozporządzeniu MŚ ...[2008]. Uzyskane wyniki zmian jakości wody rzeki Wiśniówka umożliwiły ocenę oddziaływania ośrodka zarybieniowego na stan czystości tego cieku w okresie 5 lat i mogą stanowić niezbędną bazę danych do zaplanowania zintegrowanej technologii uzdatniania i recyklingu wody, wykorzystywanej w wylęgarni ryb.Water quality at the mouth of the Wiśniówka River was analysed between 2005 and 2009 at two sampling sites: at the inlet to (I) and at the outlet from (II) fish hatchery. Water quality indicators important for fish in natural conditions, i.e.: temperature, pH, suspended solids, dissolved oxygen, BOD5, CODMn,Cr, total phosphorous, ammonium nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, and total iron were determined. Obtained results were compared with standards given in the Decrees of the Polish Ministry of Environment of 4.10.2002 and 20.08.2008. The aim of the study was: evaluation of 5-year changes of water quality and building a database for the development of integrated technology for water treatment and recycling at a fish hatchery

    Investigation of permeate recovery ratio in two-stage water treatment process of fish hatchery effluent with the use of inorganic membranes

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    W publikacji przestawiono wyniki badań jakości wody odprowadzanej z wylęgarni ryb oraz wyniki badań procesu ultrafiltracji w systemie dwustopniowym z zastosowaniem membran ceramicznych o cut-off \ kDa oraz modułów 3-rurowcgo (stopień 1) i 1-rurowego (stopień II). Wykazano, że w wodzie opuszczającej wylęgarnię ryb przekroczone są wskaźniki jakości wód, tj. zawiesina ogólna, biochemiczne i chemiczne zapotrzebowanie tlenu oraz fosfor ogólny. Zastosowany proces ultrafiltracji umożliwia zmniejszenie wartości przekroczonych wskaźników, w największym stopniu w przypadku zawiesiny (100%), a w mniejszym, ale zapewniającym spełnienie wymogów środowiskowych w przypadku ChZTCr (91%) i BZT5 (73%). Stopień odzysku permeatu uzyskany w procesie dwustopniowej ultrafiltracji w czasie ok. 5 h pracy membran wynosi 87,5%.Research results dealing with quality of water discharged from a fish hatchery and investigation results of two-stage ultrafiltration process with the use of ceramic membranes of 1 kDa cut-off and 3-tubes module (stage 1) as well as 1-tube module (stage II) are presented in the paper. The obtained results showed that water quality indicators such as total suspended solids (TSS), biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total phosphorus (TP) were cxceedcd in fish hatchery effluent. The proposed ultrafiltration enables one to decrease values of exceeded indicators to the highest degree in case of suspension (100%) and to the lesser degree (but still ensuring compliance with environmental requirements) in case of CODCr (91%) and BOD5 (73%). The permeate recovery ratio obtained in two-stage ultrafiltration during membrane operating time of about 5 hr was equal to 87.5%

    The effect of water salinity on the motility of spermatozoa of the brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis (Actinopterygii: Salmoniformes: Salmonidae)

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    Background. Salmonid spermatozoa are characterised by a very short time of activity in the water, therefore sudden water pollution in the form of increased salinity on the spawning grounds may have a negative effect on the sperm motility parameters, thus affecting the subsequent egg fertilisation and, consequently, the number of hatched individuals of the species. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of water salinity on the motility parameters of spermatozoa of brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill, 1814). Materials and methods. Sperm motility was monitored with a camera (Basler A312fc) coupled with Nikon Eclipse 50i light microscope from the moment of their activation (contact with water) until the cessation of movement. The following water-salinity treatments were tested: 1.0‰, 3.0‰, 5.0‰, and 10.0‰. The motility parameters: VCL, VSL, VAP, ALH, BCF, LIN, STR, WOB, and MOT, were analysed with Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis (CASA). Results. The mean values of the studied motility parameters of the brook trout spermatozoa (obtained within 30 s), whose activation took place in the water of 0.35‰ salinity and in water of 1.0‰ and 3.0‰ salinity, did not differ significantly. The highest mean values of motility parameters were recorded for the water of 5.0‰ salinity.  The 10.0‰ treatment caused a distinct decrease in the values of all the studied parameters. The percentage of MOT was the highest (37.5%) in the sample activated in the water used for fish rearing (0.35‰). In the remaining samples the MOT was lower, and in the water of 10.0‰ salinity it was only 9.1%. No spermatozoa movement of any kind was recorded in the 35th second of the experiment. Conclusion. The values of the motility parameters as well as the percentage of motile spermatozoa (MOT) in the semen decrease with increasing salinity of the water used for activation, and with increasing time of exposure