9 research outputs found

    Image methods for diagnosis of congenital and acquired disorders of the hip joint in children

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    Luxation is one of the most common congenital hip dislocations in newborns. The aim of the review is to acquaint the audience with the imaging methods for the diagnosis of congenital and acquired dislocations of the hip joints in children. A documentary method is used. Literary and Internet sources describing the disease, its origin and imaging methods used for diagnosis and timely treatment have been studied. The diagnosis is made not only by symptoms or examination, but also by using imaging methods such as: ultrasound, radiography, magnetic resonance imaging /MRI/, and in some cases computed tomography /CT/. Ultrasound diagnosis is the preferred method because it is a cheap and non-ionizing method. Radiography gives us enough information to diagnose diseases of the hip joint in children, but is preferable in children above the age of 9-10 months. It is desirable, if possible, to replace the radiation diagnostics with another, non-ionizing method. Each imaging method provides sufficient and important information necessary for the accurate diagnosis and timely treatment of congenital and acquired dislocations of the hip joints

    Wilhelm Conrad Ryontgen: The Visionary Who Taught The World To See The Invisible

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    There are some discoveries that are not affected by time and whose value increases rather than decreases over time. Wilhelm Konrad Röntgen‘s discovery marked the beginning of a new discipline in medicine, turned the 20th century into the century of X-rays, and shed new light on the understanding of the structure of living and dead nature and the structure of the micro- and macrocosm. The purpose of the review is to acquaint the audience with the dreams and difficulties that accompanied the life of the genius and formed him as a person. Methods: A documentary method was used in order to perform a study and analysis of various literary and Internet sources describing the life and work of Röntgen and his personal and creative path. The rays he discovered, named after Röntgen himself, saved the lives of many individuals and took the world and humanity to new heights in medicine and scientific research

    Student assessment of the training and teaching methods in the X-ray technician program of Medical College `Y. Filaretova`, Sofia

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    Студентската оценка е съществен елемент в процеса на осигуряване качеството на обучение, чрез оценяване качеството и ефективността на учебния процес с методите на преподаване и възможност за неговото подобряване. Целта на нашето изследване е да се установи мнението на студентите рентгенови лаборанти от МК „Й. Филаретова` относно обучението и методите на преподаване. Материали и методи: Използван е социологически метод. Проведена е анкета сред 69 студенти от специалност „Рентгенов лаборант`, направено е математическо обработване на данните и графично представяне с програма Excel. Резултатите показват: според студентите от специалност „Рентгенов лаборант` учебното съдържание по обем е поносимо (53.6%) и темпото на преподаване е нормално (65.2%). Нашите респонденти (40.6%) смятат, че преподавателите представят добре своя учебен материал и начинът им на преподаване е достъпен за тях, като с положителен отговор са отговорили (53.6%). Набавянето на информация за дадена дисциплина, без да има изработени учебници, невинаги е толкова лесна задача и от нашето изследване виждаме, че анкетираните студенти рентгенови лаборанти също изпитват затруд-нения с намирането на информация (58%). За студентите най-предпочитаният метод за изпитване е устният (27 бр.). Изводи: Студентите от специалност „Рентгенов лаборант` не изпитват затруднения и се справят добре със съдържанието на материала и темпото на преподаване. Начинът на преподаване е достъпен за повечето студенти. Намирането на информация за дисциплините, без да има учебници, е трудна задача за нашите респонденти.Introduction: Student assessment is an essential element in the quality assurance process by evaluating the quality and effectiveness of the learning process provided by the teaching methods and the possibility of its improvement. Aim: The aim of our research is to establish the opinion of the students of from the X-ray Technician program of the Medical College „Y. Filaretova` on training and teaching methods. Materials and Methods: A sociological method was used. A survey was conducted among 69 students from the X-ray Technician program. Mathematical data processing and graphic presentation were done with Excel. Results and Discussion: The results show: according to the students from the X-ray Technician program, the volume of the study material is tolerable (53.6%) and the teaching rate is normal (65.2%). Our respondents (40.6%) believe that the teachers present their materials well and their teaching is easy enough to understand, responding positively (53.6%). Obtaining information about a discipline without textbooks is not always an easy task, and from our research we see that students from the X-ray Technician program also have difficulty in finding information (58%). For students, the most preferred test method is oral examination (27). Conclusion: Students from the X-ray Technician program do not experience considerable difficulties and do well with the content of the material and the tempo of teaching. The way of teaching is available to most students. Finding information about the subjects without having textbooks is a difficult task for our respondents

    The physical world of computed tomography

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    Computed tomography (CT) is an imaging method that allows the study of all structures and systems in the human body, allowing the production of highly detailed images. CT is based on a mathematical model developed by Johann Radon in 1917. The aim of the article is to present the physical principles of CT. A documentary method has been used. Literary sources have been explored, explaining the principle of image acquisition and the improvement of CT devices. Formation of the diagnostic image in CT occurs in three phases. The first is the scanning of the object, the second is the computer reconstruction and the third is the visualization of the image on the screen. Since 1971, when mass production of CT equipment began, there has been continuous improvement - increasing the number of detectors, movement of the apparatus, etc. Despite the patient's radial load in a CT study, the ability to distinguish structures with similar density makes it an indispensable diagnostic method

    Are X-ray Technician students interested and what is their theoretical knowledge in the field of ultrasound diagnostics

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    Introduction: The modern education of X-ray technicians includes knowledge of ultrasound diagnostics, which is part of the imaging diagnostics. Students in the Medical College “Y. Philaretova”- Sofia receive theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in this field in the Echographic Techniques section, which is included in the Fundamentals of Imaging Diagnosis. X-ray Methods disciplibe.Aim: The aim of the study is to illustrate the interest of the students in ultrasound diagnostics and also the results of the study of their basic knowledge on this topic.Material and methods: Documentary and sociological methods were used. Students from the X-ray Technician program of the Medical College, Sofia were subject of the study. Mathematical and statistical calculations were conducted and presented graphically.Results: The results of the study conducted in January 2019 showed that a large part of the students investigated were interested in the possibilities of practicing this part of the imaging diagnosis. From the survey on the theoretical knowledge of the participants in the Infrastructure Project, input. 4872 / 09.07.2018 of MU-Sofia, it was determined that they were well acquainted with the basic material but there were also questions that were not answered correctly because of the insufficient and unsatisfactory training in the training facilities.Conclusion: In order to have adequately prepared professional with quality professional skills, a more in-depth and practice-oriented training is needed as well as good knowledge of topographic and ultrasound anatomy

    A Survey On Parents’ Awareness About The X-Ray Diagnostic Examinations Of Their Children

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    Diagnostic imaging is a set of different types of non-invasive examinations that provide information about the internal structure of the body. In his prac-tice, the X-ray technician conducts examinations and imaging tests with the help of X-rays. According to studies, medical examinations are the most responsi-ble for the population’s radiation exposure. They are used to diagnose injuries or illnesses, and patients are frequently children. Parents, on the other hand, are not always informed about the benefits and harms of X-rays. The purpose of this report is to present the re-sults of a survey among parents on their awareness of issues related to X-ray diagnostic examinations of children. Documentary and sociological methods were used. Literature and Internet sources on the effect of X-rays on children were studied. A sociological sur-vey was conducted through our own anonymous elec-tronic survey among parents whose children under-went X-ray examinations. The obtained information was processed statistically, and an analysis of the re-sults was made. The study showed that one of the most common X-ray examinations in children is an X-ray of the lungs, followed by images of the limbs. In a larger percentage of cases, the positioning of children is done according to the rules of good medical practice. Just over half of the respondents are aware of the possible side effects of contrast agents and the need for sedation in young patients. Awareness among parents about the impact of ionizing radiation on the child’s body leads to greater control over the quality of work of the X-ray technician and reduces the exposure of children to medical procedures

    Imaging methods for ankylosing spondylitis diagnosis

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    Ankylosing spondylitis (Bekhterev's disease) is a form of chronic inflammation in the spine and sacroillitic joints, with or without involvement of the peripheral joints. The genetic factors are considered to be of major importance to the disease. The aim of the review is to familiarize the audience with the symptoms, etiology and imaging methods for diagnosing the disease. A documentary method has been used. Research and analysis of literary and Internet sources describing the disease and the use of imaging techniques for analyzing it have been done. Diagnosis is based on: symptoms, findings in X-ray and blood tests. Imaging methods are key tools for detecting, diagnosing, and monitoring patients with Bekhterev's disease. The cause of the disease remains unknown and to date there is no cure for permanent and final cure, but the role of imaging diagnosis in this process is indispensable for modern medicine

    Reasons for student`s mistakes during practical traning

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    Обучението на студентите от специалност „Рентгенов лаборант` включва теоретична и практическа подготовка, затова както преподавателите, така и колегите рентгенови лаборанти от учебните бази заемат важно място в обучителния процес. За да е успешна практическата подготовка от значение е комуникацията между студентите и работещите рентгенови лаборанти. Целта ни е да открием причините за често допусканите грешки по време на практическа подготовка и да ги анализираме. В резултат на това ще бъдат набелязани мерки за намаляването и отстраняването им. За постигане на целта е изготвена собствена анкета, проведена през м. април 2016 г. сред 32 рентгенови лаборанти, работещи в 5 учебни бази. Резултатите са представени в таблици и диаграми. Анализът показа, че най-често се допускат неточности в центража (56.2%), причина за което са недостатъчната теоретична подготовка и незаинтересованост към работния процес от страна на студента. 68.8% от анкетираните дават добра оценка на теоретичната подготовка и организация на практическата подготовка и смятат, че допусканите грешки са най-вече от личностен характер (62.5%). За привличане на вниманието и повишаване на мотивацията за обучение на студентите рентгенови лаборанти е необходимо поставяне на извънаудиторни задачи и формиране на професионална култура.The training in the X-Ray Technician program consists of theoretical and practical part, so the lecturers as well as the x-ray technicians from the instructional bases have an important place in the education process. For a successful practical preparation the communication between the students and the working x-ray technician is important. The purpose is to find the reasons for the mistakes during practical preparation and to analyze them. As a result of this measures for decreasing and removing of these mistakes will be marked. In order to achieve this goal, a survey was prepared in April, 2016. It included 32 x-ray technicians, working in 5 instructional bases. The results were presented in tables and charts. The analysis proved that inaccuracies are most common in positioning (56.2%), reason for which is deficient theoretical training and disinterest in the work on the student`s part. Of the respondents, 68.8 percent gave a good evaluation to the theoretical practice and think that the mistakes are mostly related to the specific person (62.5%). To raise awareness and increase motivation for students x-ray technicians it is necessary to set extracurricular tasks and develop professional culture

    Abstracts Of The Proceedings And The Posters From The Third Scientific Session Of The Medical College Of Varna

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    October 2-3, 201