106 research outputs found

    Informatisation du Dictionnaire Hydrographique International

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    Etude de faisabilité réalisée pour le Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la MarineL'Organisation Hydrographique Internationale (OHI) publie régulièrement un dictionnaire hydrographique dans ses deux langues officielles (anglais et français) et en espagnol. Ce document, édité jusqu'à présent sous forme « papier », devrait faire l'objet d'un projet de version « électronique ». Le Bureau Hydrographique International (BHI) a demandé aux membres du groupe de travail de l'OHI chargé de l'entretien du dictionnaire d'étudier indépendamment les différentes offres pouvant satisfaire ce projet. C'est dans ce cadre que le service hydrographique et océanographique de la marine (SHOM) a demandé au CRIN une étude de faisabilité permettant d'identifier les éléments à mettre en œuvre pour ce projet

    A Contrastive Indexing Method and its Integration in Aquarelle Folders

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    International audienceThe Aquarelle1 architecture is designed and built in a user oriented perspective. Folder archiving, indexing and retrieval must thus be designed for data access through «user friendly», yet expeditious, methods. This is a major challenge to the Information Systems in the Aquarelle organisation. This document addresses the role of advanced full text indexing in delivering data access and archiving applications. Our aim is to investigate the effective use of structured folders using automatic or assisted indexing in a multimedia and multilingual environment

    Genetic hitchhiking in a subdivided population of Mytilus edulis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Few models of genetic hitchhiking in subdivided populations have been developed and the rarity of empirical examples is even more striking. We here provide evidences of genetic hitchhiking in a subdivided population of the marine mussel <it>Mytilus edulis</it>. In the Bay of Biscay (France), a patch of <it>M. edulis </it>populations happens to be separated from its North Sea conspecifics by a wide region occupied only by the sister species <it>M. galloprovincialis</it>. Although genetic differentiation between the two <it>M. edulis </it>regions is largely non-significant at ten marker loci (average F<sub>ST</sub>~0.007), a strong genetic differentiation is observed at a single locus (F<sub>ST </sub>= 0.25). We validated the outlier status of this locus, and analysed DNA sequence polymorphism in order to identify the nature of the selection responsible for the unusual differentiation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We first showed that introgression of <it>M. galloprovincialis </it>alleles was very weak in both populations and did not significantly affect their differentiation. Secondly, we observed the genetic signature of a selective sweep within both <it>M. edulis </it>populations in the form of a star-shaped clade of alleles. This clade was nearly fixed in the North Sea and was segregating at a moderate frequency in the Bay of Biscay, explaining their genetic differentiation. Incomplete fixation reveals that selection was not direct on the locus but that the studied sequence recombined with a positively selected allele at a linked locus while it was on its way to fixation. Finally, using a deterministic model we showed that the wave of advance of a favourable allele at a linked locus, when crossing a strong enough barrier to gene flow, generates a step in neutral allele frequencies comparable to the step observed between the two <it>M. edulis </it>populations at the outlier locus. In our case, the position of the barrier is now materialised by a large patch of heterospecific <it>M. galloprovincialis </it>populations.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>High F<sub>ST </sub>outlier loci are usually interpreted as being the consequence of ongoing divergent local adaptation. Combining models and data we show that among-population differentiation can also dramatically increase following a selective sweep in a structured population. Our study illustrates how a striking geographical pattern of neutral diversity can emerge from past indirect hitchhiking selection in a structured population.</p> <p>Note</p> <p>Nucleotide sequences reported in this paper are available in the GenBank™ database under the accession numbers <ext-link ext-link-type="gen" ext-link-id="EU684165">EU684165</ext-link> – <ext-link ext-link-type="gen" ext-link-id="EU684228">EU684228</ext-link>.</p

    Strike-slip faulting, thrusting and related basins in the Cenozoic evolution of the Southern branch of the Bolivian orocline

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    The evolution of the Cenozoic deformation of the Cordillera Oriental and of the contact zone with the Altiplano in southern Bolivia is well documented in the Tupiza, Nazareno and Estarca basins. The tectonic evolution started at about 29 Ma. The period between 29 and about 22-21 Ma is marked by developement of a pull-apart basin related to N-S trending left-lateral strike-slip faulting. During this period, initial deposition consisted of andesitic lavas and detrital sediments (breccias ; matrix-supported red conglomerats ; sands and silts...) of the Catati and Tupiza Formation, deposited in alluvial fan and flood plain environments. From 21 to 20 Ma, the tectonic setting evolved to N-S oriented thrusts, which had a dextral component. This event caused the Tupiza basin to evolve into a full-ramp basin, and triggered the developement of two piggy-back basins : Nazareno and Estarca. Both basins record detrital deposition (Nazareno Formation) in an alluvial fan environment. At 10-9 Ma, deformation in this area stopped allowing peneplanation during which time the San Juan de Oro erosional surface was formed and the fluvial conglomerates of the Oploca Formation were deposited. This segment of the Andes was then tectonically transported to the east, while uplift due to thrusting continued in the eastern Andean front and in the Subandean zone. (Résumé d'auteur

    Codage, documentation et diffusion de ressources textuelles

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    National audienceDans la communauté des sciences humaines ainsi que dans le domaine de l'informatique linguistique, les ressources textuelles sous format électronique sont à la base de bon nombre de recherches ou de réflexions. La grande diversité des ressources, des domaines et des architectures informatiques compliquent considérablement le traitement de ces données. Cet article présente brièvement les solutions et l'aide qu'apporte la TEI, une instance de la norme SGML, et illustre par quelques exemples d'applications développées au sein de notre équipe, les traitements effectués sur des données au format TEI

    L'informatisation du Dictionnaire hydrographique international : normalisation et utilisation

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    International audienceNous présentons dans cet article le résultat d'une étude de faisabilité mené conjointement Service hydrographique et océanographique de la Marine (SHOM) et le laboratoire de recherche en informatique et ses applications (Loria) sur l'informatisation du Dictionnaire hydrographique international (D.H.I.) publié dans sa forme actuelle papier en trois langues, à savoir l'anglais, le français et l'espagnol. Plus particulièrement, nous abordons successivement le problème du choix d'un système de codage indépendant d'un format de présentation particulier (papier, CDROM ou visualisation sur Internet), la d'une politique éditoriale pour la gestion dynamique des contenus et quelques considérations techniques pour mettre en oeuvre les choix correspondants

    CES/XML : An XML-based Standard for Linguistic Corpora

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    International audienceThe Corpus Encoding Standard (CES) is a part of the EAGLES Guidelines developed by the Expert Advisory Group on Language Engineering Standards (EAGLES) that provides a set of encoding standards for corpus-based work in natural language processing applications. We have instantiated the CES as an XML application called XCES, based on the same data architecture comprised of a primary encoded text and "standoff" annotation in separate documents. Conversion to XML enables use of some of the more powerful mechanisms provided in the XML framework, including the XSLT Transformation Language, XML Schemas, and support for inter-rescue reference together with an extensive path syntax for pointers. In this paper, we describe the differences between the CES and XCES DTDs and demonstrate how XML mechanisms can be used to select from and manipulate annotated corpora encoded according to XCES specifications. We also provide a general overview of XML and the XML mechanisms that are most relevant to language engineering research and applications

    Silfide: A System for Open Access and Distributed Delivery of TEI Encoded Documents

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    Article dans revue scientifique avec comité de lecture.International audienceThis paper presents some aspects of the Silfide server, a system dedicated to the delivery of linguistic resources on the web. After presenting the main issues behind the design of such a system, we focus on the editorial choices related to the use of the Text Encoding Initiative to represent our textual documents. In particular, we focus on the accomodations we have had to carry with regards to the TEI header and address the trade-off between extensive enrichment and genericity of the primary data when one wants to precisely mark-up a given document content
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