265 research outputs found

    Magnetically tuned spin dynamics resonance

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    We present the experimental observation of a magnetically tuned resonance phenomenon resulting from spin mixing dynamics of ultracold atomic gases. In particular we study the magnetic field dependence of spin conversion in F=2 87Rb spinor condensates in the crossover from interaction dominated to quadratic Zeeman dominated dynamics. We discuss the observed phenomenon in the framework of spin dynamics as well as matter wave four wave mixing. Furthermore we show that the validity range of the single mode approximation for spin dynamics is significantly extended in the regime of high magnetic field

    Measurement of a Mixed Spin Channel Feshbach Resonance in Rubidium 87

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    We report on the observation of a mixed spin channel Feshbach resonance at the low magnetic field value of (9.09 +/- 0.01) G for a mixture of |2,-1> and |1,+1> states in 87Rb. This mixture is important for applications of multi-component BECs of 87Rb, e.g. in spin mixture physics and for quantum entanglement. Values for position, height and width of the resonance are reported and compared to a recent theoretical calculation of this resonance.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures minor changes, actualized citation

    Ultracold quantum gases in triangular optical lattices

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    Over the last years the exciting developments in the field of ultracold atoms confined in optical lattices have led to numerous theoretical proposals devoted to the quantum simulation of problems e.g. known from condensed matter physics. Many of those ideas demand for experimental environments with non-cubic lattice geometries. In this paper we report on the implementation of a versatile three-beam lattice allowing for the generation of triangular as well as hexagonal optical lattices. As an important step the superfluid-Mott insulator (SF-MI) quantum phase transition has been observed and investigated in detail in this lattice geometry for the first time. In addition to this we study the physics of spinor Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) in the presence of the triangular optical lattice potential, especially spin changing dynamics across the SF-MI transition. Our results suggest that below the SF-MI phase transition, a well-established mean-field model describes the observed data when renormalizing the spin-dependent interaction. Interestingly this opens new perspectives for a lattice driven tuning of a spin dynamics resonance occurring through the interplay of quadratic Zeeman effect and spin-dependent interaction. We finally discuss further lattice configurations which can be realized with our setup.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    Exact Solution of Strongly Interacting Quasi-One-Dimensional Spinor Bose Gases

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    We present an exact analytical solution of the fundamental system of quasi-one-dimensional spin-1 bosons with infinite delta-repulsion. The eigenfunctions are constructed from the wave functions of non-interacting spinless fermions, based on Girardeau's Fermi-Bose mapping, and from the wave functions of distinguishable spins. We show that the spinor bosons behave like a compound of non-interacting spinless fermions and non-interacting distinguishable spins. This duality is especially reflected in the spin densities and the energy spectrum. We find that the momentum distribution of the eigenstates depends on the symmetry of the spin function. Furthermore, we discuss the splitting of the ground state multiplet in the regime of large but finite repulsion.Comment: Revised to discuss large but finite interaction

    Localization of bosonic atoms by fermionic impurities in a 3d optical lattice

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    We observe a localized phase of ultracold bosonic quantum gases in a 3-dimensional optical lattice induced by a small contribution of fermionic atoms acting as impurities in a Fermi-Bose quantum gas mixture. In particular we study the dependence of this transition on the fermionic 40K impurity concentration by a comparison to the corresponding superfluid to Mott insulator transition in a pure bosonic 87Rb gas and find a significant shift in the transition parameter. The observed shift is larger than expected based on a mean-field argument, which is a strong indication that disorder-related effects play a significant role.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Do mixtures of bosonic and fermionic atoms adiabatically heat up in optical lattices?

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    Mixtures of bosonic and fermionic atoms in optical lattices provide a promising arena to study strongly correlated systems. In experiments realizing such mixtures in the quantum degenerate regime the temperature is a key parameter. In this work, we investigate the intrinsic heating and cooling effects due to an entropy-preserving raising of the optical lattice potential. We analyze this process, identify the generic behavior valid for a wide range of parameters, and discuss it quantitatively for the recent experiments with 87Rb and 40K atoms. In the absence of a lattice, we treat the bosons in the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov-Popov-approximation, including the fermions in a self-consistent mean field interaction. In the presence of the full three-dimensional lattice, we use a strong coupling expansion. As a result of the presence of the fermions, the temperature of the mixture after the lattice ramp-up is always higher than for the pure bosonic case. This sheds light onto a key point in the analysis of recent experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    A Waveguide for Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We report on the creation of Bose-Einstein condensates of 87^{87}Rb in a specially designed hybrid, dipole and magnetic trap. This trap naturally allows the coherent transfer of matter waves into a pure dipole potential waveguide based on a doughnut beam. Specifically, we present studies of the coherence of the ensemble in the hybrid trap and during the evolution in the waveguide by means of an autocorrelation interferometer scheme. By monitoring the expansion of the ensemble in the waveguide we observe a mean field dominated acceleration on a much longer time scale than in the free 3D expansion. Both the autocorrelation interference and the pure expansion measurements are in excellent agreement with theoretical predictions of the ensemble dynamics

    Long-range interacting many-body systems with alkaline-earth-metal atoms

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    Alkaline-earth-metal atoms exhibit long-range dipolar interactions, which are generated via the coherent exchange of photons on the 3P_0-3D_1-transition of the triplet manifold. In case of bosonic strontium, which we discuss here, this transition has a wavelength of 2.7 \mu m and a dipole moment of 2.46 Debye, and there exists a magic wavelength permitting the creation of optical lattices that are identical for the states 3P_0 and 3D_1. This interaction enables the realization and study of mixtures of hard-core lattice bosons featuring long-range hopping, with tuneable disorder and anisotropy. We derive the many-body Master equation, investigate the dynamics of excitation transport and analyze spectroscopic signatures stemming from coherent long-range interactions and collective dissipation. Our results show that lattice gases of alkaline-earth-metal atoms permit the creation of long-lived collective atomic states and constitute a simple and versatile platform for the exploration of many-body systems with long-range interactions. As such, they represent an alternative to current related efforts employing Rydberg gases, atoms with large magnetic moment, or polar molecules

    Ultracold heteronuclear molecules in a 3D optical lattice

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    We report on the creation of ultracold heteronuclear molecules assembled from fermionic 40K and bosonic 87Rb atoms in a 3D optical lattice. Molecules are produced at a heteronuclear Feshbach resonance both on the attractive and the repulsive side of the resonance. We precisely determine the binding energy of the heteronuclear molecules from rf spectroscopy across the Feshbach resonance. We characterize the lifetime of the molecular sample as a function of magnetic field and measure between 20 and 120ms. The efficiency of molecule creation via rf association is measured and is found to decrease as expected for more deeply bound molecules.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Optical frequency generation using fiber Bragg grating filters for applications in portable quantum sensing

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    A method for the agile generation of the optical frequencies required for laser cooling and atom interferometry of rubidium is demonstrated. It relies on fiber Bragg grating technology to filter the output of an electro-optic modulator and was demonstrated in a robust, alignment-free, single-seed, frequency-doubled, telecom fiber laser system. The system was capable of 50 ns frequency switching over a ~40 GHz range, ~0.5 W output power and amplitude modulation with a ~15 ns rise/fall time and an extinction ratio of 120 ±\pm 2 dB. The technology is ideal for enabling high-bandwidth, mobile industrial and space applications of quantum technologies