510 research outputs found

    How to observe dipolar effects in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We study a spinor condensate of alkali atoms in F = 1 hyperfine state under the presence of an oscillating magnetic field. We find resonances which, due to the dipolar interactions, magnify the transfer of atoms from mF = 1 to mF = 0 Zeeman sublevel. These resonances occur at magnetic fields of the order of milligaus and are broad enough to enable observation of the famous Einstein-de Haas effect, which is solely a dipolar effect, in systems of cold alkali gases.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Excitation spectrum of Mott shells in optical lattices

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    We theoretically study the excitation spectrum of confined macroscopic optical lattices in the Mott-insulating limit. For large systems, a fast numerical method is proposed to calculate the ground state filling and excitation energies. We introduce many-particle on-site energies capturing multi-band effects and discuss tunnelling on a perturbative level using an effectively restricted Hilbert space. Results for small one-dimensional lattices obtained by this method are in good agreement with the exact multi-band diagonalization of the Hamiltonian. Spectral properties associated with the formation of regions with constant filling, so-called Mott shells, are investigated and interfaces between the shells with strong particle fluctuations are characterized by gapless local excitations

    Endoscopic imaging of quantum gases through a fiber bundle

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    We use a coherent fiber bundle to demonstrate the endoscopic absorption imaging of quantum gases. We show that the fiber bundle introduces spurious noise in the picture mainly due to the strong core-to-core coupling. By direct comparison with free-space pictures, we observe that there is a maximum column density that can be reliably measured using our fiber bundle, and we derive a simple criterion to estimate it. We demonstrate that taking care of not exceeding such maximum, we can retrieve exact quantitative information about the atomic system, making this technique appealing for systems requiring isolation form the environment

    Localization and delocalization of ultracold bosonic atoms in finite optical lattices

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    We study bosonic atoms in small optical lattices by exact diagonalization and observe a striking similarity to the superfluid to Mott insulator transition in macroscopic systems. The momentum distribution, the formation of an energy gap, and the pair correlation function show only a weak size dependence. For noncommensurate filling we reveal in deep lattices a mixture of localized and delocalized particles, which is sensitive to lattice imperfections. Breaking the lattice symmetry causes a Bose-glass-like behavior. We discuss the nature of excited states and orbital effects by using an exact diagonalization technique that includes higher bands.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures. Published versio

    Spontaneous pattern formation in an anti-ferromagnetic quantum gas

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    Spontaneous pattern formation is a phenomenon ubiquitous in nature, examples ranging from Rayleigh-Benard convection to the emergence of complex organisms from a single cell. In physical systems, pattern formation is generally associated with the spontaneous breaking of translation symmetry and is closely related to other symmetry-breaking phenomena, of which (anti-)ferromagnetism is a prominent example. Indeed, magnetic pattern formation has been studied extensively in both solid-state materials and classical liquids. Here, we report on the spontaneous formation of wave-like magnetic patterns in a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate, extending those studies into the domain of quantum gases. We observe characteristic modes across a broad range of the magnetic field acting as a control parameter. Our measurements link pattern formation in these quantum systems to specific unstable modes obtainable from linear stability analysis. These investigations open new prospects for controlled studies of symmetry breaking and the appearance of structures in the quantum domain

    Magnetically tuned spin dynamics resonance

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    We present the experimental observation of a magnetically tuned resonance phenomenon resulting from spin mixing dynamics of ultracold atomic gases. In particular we study the magnetic field dependence of spin conversion in F=2 87Rb spinor condensates in the crossover from interaction dominated to quadratic Zeeman dominated dynamics. We discuss the observed phenomenon in the framework of spin dynamics as well as matter wave four wave mixing. Furthermore we show that the validity range of the single mode approximation for spin dynamics is significantly extended in the regime of high magnetic field

    Resonant Einstein-de Haas effect in a rubidium condensate

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    We numerically investigate a condensate of 87^{87}Rb atoms in an F=1 hyperfine state confined in an optical dipole trap. Assuming the magnetic moments of all atoms are initially aligned along the magnetic field we observe, after the field's direction is reversed, a transfer of atoms to other Zeeman states. Such transfer is allowed by the dipolar interaction which couples the spin and the orbital degrees of freedom. Therefore, the atoms in mF=0,−1m_F=0,-1 states acquire an orbital angular momentum and start to circulate around the center of the trap. This is a realization of the Einstein-de Haas effect in systems of cold gases. We find resonances which amplify this phenomenon making it observable even in very weak dipolar systems. The resonances occur when the Zeeman energy on transfer of atoms to mF=0m_F=0 state is fully converted to the rotational kinetic energy.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Evolution from a Bose-Einstein condensate to a Tonks-Girardeau gas: An exact diagonalization study

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    We study ground state properties of spinless, quasi one-dimensional bosons which are confined in a harmonic trap and interact via repulsive delta-potentials. We use the exact diagonalization method to analyze the pair correlation function, as well as the density, the momentum distribution, different contributions to the energy and the population of single-particle orbitals in the whole interaction regime. In particular, we are able to trace the fascinating transition from bosonic to fermi-like behavior in characteristic features of the momentum distribution which is accessible to experiments. Our calculations yield quantitative measures for the interaction strength limiting the mean-field regime on one side and the Tonks-Girardeau regime on the other side of an intermediate regime.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Gap and screening in Raman scattering of a Bose condensed gas

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    We propose different spectroscopic methods to explore the nature of the thermal excitations of a trapped Bose condensed gas: 1) a four photon process to probe the uniform region in the trap center: 2) a stimulated Raman process in order to analyze the influence of a momentum transfer in the resulting scattered atom momentum distribution. We apply these methods to address specifically the energy spectrum and the scattering amplitude of these excitations in a transition between two hyperfine levels of the gas atoms. In particular, we exemplify the potential offered by these proposed techniques by contrasting the spectrum expected, from the {\it non conserving} Bogoliubov approximation valid for weak depletion, to the spectrum of the finite temperature extensions like the {\it conserving} generalized random phase approximation (GRPA). Both predict the existence of the Bogoliubov collective excitations but the GRPA approximation distinguishes them from the single atom excitations with a gapped and parabolic dispersion relation and accounts for the dynamical screening of any external perturbation applied to the gas. We propose two feasible experiments, one concerns the observation of the gap associated to this second branch of excitations and the other deals with this screening effect.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure
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