2 research outputs found

    Exposure to elevated sea-surface temperatures below the bleaching threshold impairs coral recovery and regeneration following injury

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    Elevated sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are linked to an increase in the frequency and severity of bleaching events due to temperatures exceeding corals' upper thermal limits. The temperatures at which a breakdown of the coral-Syrnbiodinium endosymbiosis (coral bleaching) occurs are referred to as the upper thermal limits for the coral species. This breakdown of the endosymbiosis results in a reduction of corals' nutritional uptake, growth, and tissue integrity. Periods of elevated sea surface temperature, thermal stress and coral bleaching are also linked to increased disease susceptibility and an increased frequency of storms which cause injury and physical damage to corals. Herein we aimed to determine the capacity of corals to regenerate and recover from injuries (removal of apical tips) sustained during periods of elevated sea surface temperatures which result in coral stress responses, but which do not result in coral bleaching (i.e., sub-bleaching thermal stress events). In this study, exposure of the species Acropora aspera to an elevated SST of 32 degrees C (2 degrees C below the bleaching threshold, 34 degrees C) was found to result in reduced fluorescence of green fluorescent protein (GFP), reduced skeletal calcification and a lack of branch regrowth at the site of injury, compared to corals maintained under ambient SST conditions (26 degrees C). Corals maintained under normal, ambient, sea surface temperatures expressed high GFP fluorescence at the injury site, unclerwent a rapid regeneration of the coral branch apical tip within 12 days of sustaining injury, and showed extensive regrowth of the coral skeleton. Taken together, our results have demonstrated that periods of sustained increased sea surface temperatures, below the corals' bleaching threshold but above long-term summertime averages, impair coral recover/from damage, regardless of the onset or occurrence of coral bleaching

    Assessing Reef Island Sensitivity Based on LiDAR-Derived Morphometric Indicators

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    Reef islands are some of the most highly sensitive landforms to the impacts of future environmental change. Previous assessments of island morphodynamics primarily relied on historical aerial and satellite imagery. These approaches limit analysis to two-dimensional parameters, with no ability to assess long-term changes to island volume or elevation. Here, we use high-resolution airborne LiDAR data to assess three-dimensional reef island features for 22 islands along the north-western coast of Australia. Our primary objective was to utilize two regional LiDAR datasets to identify characteristics indicative of island sensitivity and future vulnerability. Results show reef platform area to be an accurate predictor of island area and volume suggesting larger island volumes may reflect (1) increased carbonate production and supply from the reef platform and/or (2) enhanced shoreline protection by larger reef platforms. Locations of foredune scarping (an erosional signature) and island orientations were aligned to the regional wind and wave climate. Reef island characteristics (island area, volume, elevation, scarping, and platform area) were used to rank islands according to sensitivity, using a new Island Sensitivity Characteristics Index (ISCi) where low ISCi indicates stable islands (large areas and volumes, high elevations, and fewer scarped areas) and high ISCi indicates unstable islands (small areas and volumes, low elevations, and more scarped areas). Comparison of two LiDAR surveys from 2016 and 2018 validates the use of 3D morphometrics as important (direct) measurements of island landform change, and can complement the use of 2D parameters (e.g., area) moving forward. Results demonstrate that ongoing use of airborne LiDAR and other 3D technology for monitoring coral reef islands at regional scales will enable more accurate quantification of their sensitivity to future impacts of global environmental change