368 research outputs found

    Random Exchange Disorder in the Spin-1/2 XXZ Chain

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    The one-dimensional XXZ model is studied in the presence of disorder in the Heisenberg Exchange Integral. Recent predictions obtained from renormalization group calculations are investigated numerically using a Lanczos algorithm on chains of up to 18 sites. It is found that in the presence of strong X-Y-symmetric random exchange couplings, a ``random singlet'' phase with quasi-long-range order in the spin-spin correlations persists. As the planar anisotropy is varied, the full zero-temperature phase diagram is obtained and compared with predictions of Doty and Fisher [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 45 }, 2167 (1992)].Comment: 9 pages + 8 plots appended, RevTex, FSU-SCRI-93-98 and ORNL/CCIP/93/1

    Collision and symmetry-breaking in the transition to strange nonchaotic attractors

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    Strange nonchaotic attractors (SNAs) can be created due to the collision of an invariant curve with itself. This novel ``homoclinic'' transition to SNAs occurs in quasiperiodically driven maps which derive from the discrete Schr\"odinger equation for a particle in a quasiperiodic potential. In the classical dynamics, there is a transition from torus attractors to SNAs, which, in the quantum system is manifest as the localization transition. This equivalence provides new insights into a variety of properties of SNAs, including its fractal measure. Further, there is a {\it symmetry breaking} associated with the creation of SNAs which rigorously shows that the Lyapunov exponent is nonpositive. By considering other related driven iterative mappings, we show that these characteristics associated with the the appearance of SNA are robust and occur in a large class of systems.Comment: To be appear in Physical Review Letter

    Fractal Properties of Robust Strange Nonchaotic Attractors in Maps of Two or More Dimensions

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    We consider the existence of robust strange nonchaotic attractors (SNA's) in a simple class of quasiperiodically forced systems. Rigorous results are presented demonstrating that the resulting attractors are strange in the sense that their box-counting dimension is N+1 while their information dimension is N. We also show how these properties are manifested in numerical experiments.Comment: 9 pages, 14 figure

    Intermittency transitions to strange nonchaotic attractors in a quasiperiodically driven Duffing oscillator

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    Different mechanisms for the creation of strange nonchaotic attractors (SNAs) are studied in a two-frequency parametrically driven Duffing oscillator. We focus on intermittency transitions in particular, and show that SNAs in this system are created through quasiperiodic saddle-node bifurcations (Type-I intermittency) as well as through a quasiperiodic subharmonic bifurcation (Type-III intermittency). The intermittent attractors are characterized via a number of Lyapunov measures including the behavior of the largest nontrivial Lyapunov exponent and its variance as well as through distributions of finite-time Lyapunov exponents. These attractors are ubiquitous in quasiperiodically driven systems; the regions of occurrence of various SNAs are identified in a phase diagram of the Duffing system.Comment: 24 pages, RevTeX 4, 12 EPS figure

    Wegener’s granulomatosis mimicking a parotid abscess

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    We present the case of a previously healthy 59-year-old man who was under treatment for scleritis and episcleritis when he developed a parotid-gland swelling and pus-producing sinus. On surgical exploration, the features were those of a parotid abscess, but the lesion not only failed to heal post-operatively but increased in size very significantly. There was also severe necrotizing keratitis of the eyes. Due to clinical suspicion and a positive antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies test, Wegener’s granulomatosis was diagnosed and the patient successfully treated with cyclophosphamide and steroids. Previously, a number of cases of Wegener’s granulomatosis causing salivary-gland swelling have been reported in the literature; this is the first case in which the disease has masqueraded as a parotid abscess

    Modeling the excitation of graphene plasmons in periodic grids of graphene ribbons: an analytical approach

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    We study electromagnetic scattering and subsequent plasmonic excitations in periodic grids of graphene ribbons. To address this problem, we develop an analytical method to describe the plasmon-assisted absorption of electromagnetic radiation by a periodic structure of graphene ribbons forming a diïŹ€raction grating for THz and mid-IR light. The major advantage of this method lies in its ability to accurately describe the excitation of graphene surface plasmons (GSPs) in one-dimensional (1D) graphene gratings without the use of both time-consuming, and computationally-demanding full-wave numerical simulations. We thus provide analytical expressions for the reïŹ‚ectance, transmittance and plasmon-enhanced absorbance spectra, which can be readily evaluated in any personal laptop with little-to-none programming. We also introduce a semi-analytical method to benchmark our previous results and further compare the theoretical data with spectra taken from experiments, to which we observe a very good agreement. These theoretical tools may therefore be applied to design new experiments and cutting-edge nanophotonic devices based on graphene plasmonics.The authors thank N. Asger Mortensen for insightful and valuable comments. PADG acknowledges ïŹnancial support from Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia (Portugal) from grant No. PD/BI/114376/2016. NMRP and YVB acknowledge ïŹnancial support from the European Commission through the project “GrapheneDriven Revolutions in ICT and Beyond” (Ref. No. 696656). This work was partially supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in the framework of the Strategic Financing UID/FIS/04650/2013. The Center for Nanostructured Graphene is sponsored by the Danish National Research Foundation, Project DNRF103

    Modified spin-wave study of random antiferromagnetic-ferromagnetic spin chains

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    We study the thermodynamics of one-dimensional quantum spin-1/2 Heisenberg ferromagnetic system with random antiferromagnetic impurity bonds. In the dilute impurity limit, we generalize the modified spin-wave theory for random spin chains, where local chemical potentials for spin-waves in ferromagnetic spin segments are introduced to ensure zero magnetization at finite temperature. This approach successfully describes the crossover from behavior of pure one-dimensional ferromagnet at high temperatures to a distinct Curie behavior due to randomness at low temperatures. We discuss the effects of impurity bond strength and concentration on the crossover and low temperature behavior.Comment: 14 pages, 7 eps figure

    Pressure-driven instabilities in astrophysical jets

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    Astrophysical jets are widely believed to be self-collimated by the hoop-stress due to the azimuthal component of their magnetic field. However this implies that the magnetic field is largely dominated by its azimuthal component in the outer jet region. In the fusion context, it is well-known that such configurations are highly unstable in static columns, leading to plasma disruption. It has long been pointed out that a similar outcome may follow for MHD jets, and the reasons preventing disruption are still not elucidated, although some progress has been accomplished in the recent years. In these notes, I review the present status of this open problem for pressure-driven instabilities, one of the two major sources of ideal MHD instability in static columns (the other one being current-driven instabilities). I first discuss in a heuristic way the origin of these instabilities. Magnetic resonances and magnetic shear are introduced, and their role in pressure-driven instabilities discussed in relation to Suydam's criterion. A dispersion relation is derived for pressure-driven modes in the limit of large azimuthal magnetic fields, which gives back the two criteria derived by Kadomtsev for this instability. The growth rates of these instabilities are expected to be short in comparison with the jet propagation time. What is known about the potential stabilizing role of the axial velocity of jets is then reviewed. In particular, a nonlinear stabilization mechanism recently identified in the fusion literature is discussed. Key words: Ideal MHD: stability, pressure-driven modes; Jets: stabilityComment: 20 pages, 3 figures. Lecture given at the JETSET European school "Numerical MHD and Instabilities". To be published by Springer in the "Lectures notes in physics" serie
