121 research outputs found

    Polynomial interpolation over quaternions

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    Interpolation theory for complex polynomials is well understood. In the non-commutative quaternionic setting, the polynomials can be evaluated "on the left" and "on the right". If the interpolation problem involves interpolation conditions of the same (left or right) type, the results are very much similar to the complex case: a consistent problem has a unique solution of a low degree (less than the number of interpolation conditions imposed), and the solution set of the homogeneous problem is an ideal in the ring H[z]{\mathbb H}[z]. The problem containing both "left" and "right" interpolation conditions is quite different: there may exist infinitely many low-degree solutions and the solution set of the homogeneous problem is a quasi-ideal in H[z]{\mathbb H}[z]

    An algorithm for finding low degree rational solutions to the Schur coefficient problem

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    We present an algorithm producing all rational functions ff with prescribed n+1n+1 Taylor coefficients at the origin and such that βˆ₯fβˆ₯βˆžβ‰€1\|f\|_\infty\le 1 and deg⁑f≀k\deg f\le k for every fixed kβ‰₯nk\ge n. The case where k<nk<n is also discussed

    Confluent Vandermonde matrices, divided differences, and Lagrange-Hermite interpolation over quaternions

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    We introduce the notion of a confluent Vandermonde matrix with quaternion entries and discuss its connection with Lagrange-Hermite interpolation over quaternions. Further results include the formula for the rank of a confluent Vandermonde matrix, the representation formula for divided differences of quaternion polynomials and their extensions to the formal power series setting

    Pick matricies and quaternionic power series

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    It is well known that a non-constant complex-valued function ff defined on the open unit disk D\mathbb D is an analytic self-mapping of \D if and only if Pick matrices [(1βˆ’f(zi)f(zj)β€Ύ)/(1βˆ’zizβ€Ύj)]i,j=1n\left[ (1-f(z_i)\overline{f(z_j)})/(1-z_i\overline{z}_j)\right]_{i,j=1}^n are positive semidefinite for all choices of finitely many points z_i\in\D. A stronger version of the "if" part was established by Alan Hindmarsh: if all 3Γ—33\times 3 Pick matrices are positive semidefinite, then ff is an analytic self-mapping of D\mathbb D. In this paper, we extend this result to the non-commutative setting of power series over quaternions

    Zeros and factorizations of quaternion polynomials: the algorithmic approach

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    It is known that polynomials over quaternions may have spherical zeros and isolated left and right zeros. These zeros along with appropriately defined multiplicities form the zero structure of a polynomial. In this paper, we equivalently describe the zero structure of a polynomial in terms of its left and right spherical divisors as well as in terms of left and right indecomposable divisors. Several algorithms are proposed to find left/right zeros and left/right spherical divisors of a quaternion polynomial, to construct a polynomial with prescribed zero structure and more generally, to construct the least left/right common multiple of given polynomials. Similar questions are briefly discussed in the setting of quaternion formal power series

    A uniqueness result on boundary interpolation

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    Let ff be an analytic function mapping the unit disk \D to itself. We give necessary and sufficient conditions on the local behavior of ff near a finite set of boundary points that requires ff to be a finite Blaschke product

    On the Sylvester matrix equation over quaternions

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    The Sylvester equation AXβˆ’XB=CAX-XB=C is considered in the setting of quaternion matrices. Conditions that are necessary and sufficient for the existence of a unique solution are well-known. We study the complementary case where the equation either has infinitely many solutions or does not have solutions at all. Special attention is given to the case where AA and BB are respectively, lower and upper triangular two-diagonal matrices (in particular, if AA and BB are Jordan blocks

    Boundary Nevanlinna--Pick interpolation problems for generalized Schur functions

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    Three boundary Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation problems at finitely many points are formulated for generalized Schur functions. For each problem, the set of all solutions is parametrized in terms of a linear fractional transformation with a Schur class parameter

    The higher order Carath\'eodory--Julia theorem and related boundary interpolation problems

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    The higher order analogue of the classical Carath\'eodory-Julia theorem on boundary angular derivatives has been obtained in \cite{bk3}. Here we study boundary interpolation problems for Schur class functions (analytic and bounded by one in the open unit disk) motivated by that result

    de Branges-Rovnyak spaces and norm-constraint interpolation

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    For SS a contractive analytic operator-valued function on the unit disk D{\mathbb D}, de Branges and Rovnyak associate a Hilbert space of analytic functions H(S){\mathcal H}(S). A companion survey provides equivalent definitions and basic properties of these spaces as well as applications to function theory and operator theory. The present survey brings to the fore more recent applications to a variety of more elaborate function theory problems, including H∞H^\infty-norm constrained interpolation, connections with the Potapov method of Fundamental Matrix Inequalities, parametrization for the set of all solutions of an interpolation problem, variants of the Abstract Interpolation Problem of Katsnelson, Kheifets, and Yuditskii, boundary behavior and boundary interpolation in de Branges-Rovnyak spaces themselves, and extensions to multivariable and Kre\u{\i}n-space settings
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