20 research outputs found

    Relaxation of photogenerated Carrieres in P3HT PCBM Organic Blends

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    The after pulse time resolved microwave conductivity TRMC decays observed in P3HT PCBM blends display a dependence on time close to t b, independent of excitation intensity, in the 10 ns 1 ms range. This is explained in terms of the relaxation of carriers in a Gaussian density of states DOS . The model is based on a demarcation level that moves with time by thermal release and retrapping of initially trapped carriers. The model shows that when the disorder is large the after pulse decay of the type t b is obtained, while at low disorder and large temperature the carrier distribution becomes independent of time. In the measurements different b values were observed depending on the solvent used for spin coating 0.4 0.6 for chlorobenzene and 0.3 0.4 for toluene. The model was applied to extract the shape of the DOS from the TRMC decays, giving a dispersion parameter of about 120 meV for blends with high P3HT conten

    Universal transients in polymer and ionic transition metal complex light-emitting electrochemical cells

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    Two types of light-emitting electrochemical cells (LECs) are commonly distinguished, the polymer-based LEC (p-LEC) and the ionic transition metal complex-based LEC (iTMC-LEC). Apart from marked differences in the active layer constituents, these LEC types typically show operational time scales that can differ by many orders of magnitude at room temperature. Here, we demonstrate that despite these differences p-LECs and iTMC-LECs show current, light output, and efficacy transients that follow a universal shape. Moreover, we conclude that the turn-on time of both LEC types is dominated by the ion conductivity because the turn-on time exhibits the same activation energy as the ion conductivity in the off-state. These results demonstrate that both types of LECs are really two extremes of one class of electroluminescent devices. They also implicate that no fundamental difference exists between charge transport in small molecular weight or polymeric mixed ionic and electronic conductive materials. Additionally, it follows that the ionic conductivity is responsible for the dynamic properties of devices and systems using them. This likely extends to mixed ionic and electronic conductive materials used in organic solar cells and in a variety of biological systems

    Universal transients in polymer and ionic transition metal complex light-emitting electrochemical cells

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    Two types of light-emitting electrochemical cells (LECs) are commonly distinguished, the polymer-based LEC (p-LEC) and the ionic transition metal complex-based LEC (iTMC-LEC). Apart from marked differences in the active layer constituents, these LEC types typically show operational time scales that can differ by many orders of magnitude at room temperature. Here, we demonstrate that despite these differences p-LECs and iTMC-LECs show current, light output, and efficacy transients that follow a universal shape. Moreover, we conclude that the turn-on time of both LEC types is dominated by the ion conductivity because the turn-on time exhibits the same activation energy as the ion conductivity in the off-state. These results demonstrate that both types of LECs are really two extremes of one class of electroluminescent devices. They also implicate that no fundamental difference exists between charge transport in small molecular weight or polymeric mixed ionic and electronic conductive materials. Additionally, it follows that the ionic conductivity is responsible for the dynamic properties of devices and systems using them. This likely extends to mixed ionic and electronic conductive materials used in organic solar cells and in a variety of biological systems