273 research outputs found

    Chirping for large-scale maritime archaeological survey:a strategy developed from a practical experience-based approach

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    Archaeological wrecks exposed on the sea floor are mapped using side-scan and multibeam techniques, whereas the detection of submerged archaeological sites, such as Stone Age settlements, and wrecks, partially or wholly embedded in sea-floor sediments, requires the application of high-resolution subbottom profilers. This paper presents a strategy for cost-effective, large-scale mapping of previously undetected sediment-embedded sites and wrecks based on subbottom profiling with chirp systems. The mapping strategy described includes (a) definition of line spacing depending on the target; (b) interactive surveying, for example, immediate detailed investigation of potential archaeological anomalies on detection with a denser pattern of subbottom survey lines; (c) onboard interpretation during data acquisition; (d) recognition of nongeological anomalies. Consequently, this strategy differs from those employed in several detailed studies of known wreck sites and from the way in which geologists map the sea floor and the geological column beneath it. The strategy has been developed on the basis of extensive practical experience gained during the use of an off-the-shelf 2D chirp system and, given the present state of this technology, it appears well suited to large-scale maritime archaeological mapping

    Seismic and petrophysical properties of Faroe Islands basalts: the SeiFaBa project

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    Flood basalt-covered basins exist worldwide along continental margins and are now in focus as targets for future hydrocarbon exploration. It is generally difficult to image through the basalt cover by conventional seismic reflection methods, and this is a major challenge to future petroleum exploration offshore the Faroe Islands. Long-offset profiling has proven very successful (White et al. 2003). Surprisingly, however, it is possible to image through kilometre-thick basalt sequences on some conventional profiles. Details of basalt stratigraphy are revealed on old, reprocessed seismic profiles as well as on recently acquired profiles, even though the imaging may be unsuccessful on nearby profiles (e.g. Boldreel & Andersen 1993). This stresses the need for a better understanding of the acoustic and other physical properties of basalt as well as of the degree of three-dimensional heterogeneity. The SeiFaBa project (Seismic and petrophysical properties of Faroes Basalt, 2002–2005) is funded by the Sindri Group as part of the programmes for licensees within the Faroese offshore area, and addresses these issues with special focus on the subaerially extruded flood basalts of the Faroe Islands (cf. Japsen et al. in press)

    Seismic stratigraphy and sedimentary architecture of the Chalk Group in south-west Denmark

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    The Chalk Group is ubiquitous in the subsurface of the Danish Basin and its upper levels are exposed locally onshore, most notably in eastern Denmark. Although many subsurface studies have been made of the group in the Danish Basin, most of these have been in the eastern part of Denmark (e.g. Esmerode et al. 2007; Surlyk & Lykke-Andersen 2007) whereas the stratigraphy and character of the Chalk Group in the western onshore region is less well-known. The work described here was undertaken as a BSc project at the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Mangement at the University of Copenhagen by the first author as part of regional seismic mapping work contributing to an evaluation of the geothermal energy potential in Denmark. The aim of this paper is to present a summary of the key results of the study. We have subdivided and mapped the distribution of the Chalk Group in the northern North German Basin and the south-western Danish Basin based on digital reflection seismic profiles. We also highlight seismic architectural features that testify to periods of active bottom currents

    Thrust-fault architecture of glaciotectonic complexes in Denmark

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    Cross sections of glaciotectonic complexes are exposed in coastal cliffs in Denmark, which allow structural studies of the architecture of thin-skinned thrust-fault deformation (Pedersen 2014). However, the basal part of the thrust-fault complex is never exposed, because it is located 50 to 100 m below sea level. It is in the basal part the most important structure – the décollement zone – of the complex is found. The décollement zone constitutes the more or less horizontal surface that separates undeformed bedrock from the displaced thrust-sheet units along the décollement level. One of the most famous exposures of glaciotectonic deformations in Denmark is the Møns Klint Glaciotectonic Complex. The structures above sea level are well documented, whereas the structures below sea level down to the décollement level are poorly known. Modelling of deep structures was carried out by Pedersen (2000) but still needs documentation. A glaciotectonic complex affecting comparable rock units, such as the chalk at Møns Klint, was recently recognised in seismic sections from Jammerbugten in the North Sea (Fig. 1). These sections provide an excellent opportunity for comparable studies of the upper and lower structural levels in thin-skinned thrust-fault deformation, which is discussed in this paper with examples from three major glaciotectonic complexes

    Late glacial to early Holocene development of southern Kattegat

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    The Kattegat region is located in the wrench zone between the Fennoscandian shield and the Danish Basin that has repeatedly been tectonically active. The latest ice advances during the Quaternary in the southern part of Kattegat were from the north-east, east and south-east (Larsen et al. 2009). The last deglaciation took place at c. 18 to 17 ka BP (Lagerlund & Houmark-Nielsen 1993; Houmark-Nielsen et al. 2012) and was followed by inundation of the sea that formed a palaeo-Kattegat (Conradsen 1995) with a sea level that was relatively high because of glacio-isostatic depression. Around 17 ka BP, the ice margin retreated to the Øresund region and meltwater from the retreating ice drained into Kattegat. Over the next millennia, the region was characterised by regression because the isostatic rebound of the crust surpassed the ongoing eustatic sea-level rise, and a regional lowstand followed at the late glacial to Holocene transition (Mörner 1969; Thiede 1987; Lagerlund & Houmark-Nielsen 1993; Jensen et al. 2002a, b)