28 research outputs found

    Employment and Unemployment at Regional Level

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    This paper analyzes the effect of the restructuring process on the employment dynamics of urban and rural residents in the Romanian labor market, a study that focuses on every region of development in Romania. We study the structure of the population, the effects of the economic restructuring, the demographic trends that can have long-term effects, analyzing at the same time the ability of individuals to adjust to labor market transformations. To be noticed would be that long-term unemployment in Romania has grown in both absolute and relative terms in the last few years, leading to increased expenditures, both absolutely and in relation to unemployment benefits, for the support allowance and social assistance programs and for pensions to labor force drop-outs. We also focus on the fact that Romania's integration into the European Union is the major global determinant that creates the new frameworks for evolution in our society; and at this stage, compliance with the European standards in various domains raises some difficulties regarding implementation. Several fields (among which agriculture) face major problems during the post-accession period, the shortage of manpower being severely felt. We also underline the fact that employment and human capital management policies go beyond the framework of the labor market itself, because any strategy of employment is practically a component of the overall strategy of growth and development. And here exactly does the regional development take up its role, aiming at stimulating and diversifying the economic activity, stimulating private sector investment, helping to reduce unemployment and ultimately leading to the improvement of the living standards. In our empirical analysis we use data on Romania covering the time period 2000-2007.regional development, competitiveness, human resource, unemployment


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    In order to cope with the challenges of globalization Europe will have tofocus on its creative and innovative capacity, creativity and innovation being crucial inmeeting global challenges, this being the more evident given the current economic crisis.Our paper analyzes the EU cohesion policy (as a tool for addressing challenges in thelong run) on regional development, as well as the regions’ role in the economicdevelopment with regard to research and innovation, in order to lead towards astrengthening of competitiveness. We also question to what extent is encouragingresearch-development-innovation a priority for Romania, given the European standpoint.Our study is mainly based on data provided by various communications from theEuropean Commission, EUROSTAT, and the Statistical Yearbook of Romania.economic development, regional policy, R&D, competitiveness, innovation


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    Now more than ever, corporations the world over are scrambling to redefine the processes, techniques, and strategies they need to survive in an age of uncertainty. Businesses today seek an effective corporate performance measurement system to maximize the bottom line. With the advent of the Internet, ongoing globalization, and standardization in management systems, business leaders must focus on how to measure performance to monitor their continued viability and success. Many existing performance measurement systems were designed to support business practices and to monitor progress. With shrinking margins and competitive pressures, however, corporate performance measurement systems must do more than monitor. They must identify opportunities for optimizing profitability and growth, without pitting one against the other. The idea is to use performance measures to add value, instead of simply measuring for a formality. The Six Sigma method is not only a trendy "new solution", it is not a business whim linked to a single method or strategy - the study trying to draw attention to the fact that Six Sigma is a flexible system to improve the management and the performance of companies. The research paper seeks to demonstrate that the Six Sigma method refers to both the passion for customer service and a drive for new ideas, and to statistics and processing numbers, finding application in the fields of marketing, services, human resources, finance and sales, as well as in production and engineering.Six Sigma method, quality, performance measurement, profitability, growth


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    The regional development should aim to correlate and integrate tourism among the other integrative parts of the regional and local development, taking into account the fact that a regionâ€(tm)s prosperity as effect of tourism development may be shown clearly in several stages: on the spot (as a result of direct consumption of the tourist product), on short term (through continuous absorption of the work-force and encouraging the welcoming commerce) and in the long run (concentrating capital for investment in the general infrastructure and the one of tourism, in structures of reception for tourism and in the development of urban services). The analysis of intra-regional disparities as part of the economic growth at the level of Region West starts off with the idea that each component county has a different landscape, which favored or inhibited their economic growth; in the same time, each component county has its own specific, which can be promoted through tourism, inducing in time a regional income, and respectively, a social-economic and cultural growth of less developed areas.tourism, regional development, intra-regional disparities, economic growth


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    Each day presents a new set of challenges and risks to companies operating in this age ofboth a global economy and of multiculturalism, i.e. a fast-changing marketplace. Globalcompetition and escalating economic pressures make the business environment bothdynamic and difficult, especially given the workforce diversity which has to be managed soas to achieve the highest levels of task performance and job satisfaction; managers must beprepared to respect alternative cultures and value diversity. Based on this background ourpaper has as starting point the consideration that organizations are seeking out methods torefine their operations in order to navigate often-difficult economic terrain effectively,analyzing the organizations’ ability to being responsive to changing market conditions,competitive threats, and new market opportunities, therefore focusing on an organization’screative and innovative ability, highlighting the people component of a business process, aswith so much emphasis on automation, it’s easy to overlook the human element, anoversight which – in most cases – hinders efficient business process management.Considering that processes don’t do work, but people do, our research highlights the factthat a “want to motivate” attitude by the employee can be encouraged, even if pastmanagerial efforts have rather concentrated on “how to motivate” the employee, trying toshed some light on how BPM with a hint of the Six Sigma method offers a clearer path toan increasing number of organizations hoping to best the challenges they have to face, thisoften translating into workforce motivation and retention, by creating positive workenvironments in which the cultural and demographic diversity of members helps to createcompetitive advantage


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    The present world has become small and manageable, in the era of modern means of transport and communication. The modern mass tourism brings millions of people each year to other countries. The economy, trade and transport are internationally intertwined, and mergers of large organizations do not represent any longer a rarity at the present time. More and more supranational organizations arise. States unite to form larger groups, such as the European Union. The word of the moment seems to be integration. Therefore, at least in the united Europe, a common language is necessary and the idea of multilingualism is becoming more and more important. In Europe today it is no longer enough to only master one language but someone must be able to at least speak one or two foreign languages fluently. The role of this common language seems to be inhered by the English language, because it is estimated that nearly two billion people routinely use English and the USA currently enjoy a dominant position in the world, politically, militarily, and economically. The Paper presents the influence of English words and the English Business vocabulary on the German Business environment.Business English, Lingua Franca, Semantics, International Business Context, German Business Environment

    Clusters – Romania’s real developement alternative?

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    Among the well-known factors which influence the national economic growth at area level other aggregate measures are taken on, adopted and encouraged by national and international authorities, measures through which the enhancing of a region’s competitive character is pursued. According to the theory of polarized development, most concepts that support spontaneous reduction of disparities in regional economic development - as the process becomes more and more generalized - tend to base their theoretical support in the various formulations of this theory. Thus, a special place is allocated to clustering („cluster development” or „cluster initiative”). Their followers aptly consider registering specific economies of scale, known as economies of agglomerations. However, they must be carefully regulated and coordinated; otherwise they may cause even the deepening of the intraregional economic and social disparities.location theories, cluster, disparities, innovation capacity, development

    Search for single production of vector-like quarks decaying into Wb in pp collisions at s=8\sqrt{s} = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    Measurement of the charge asymmetry in top-quark pair production in the lepton-plus-jets final state in pp collision data at s=8TeV\sqrt{s}=8\,\mathrm TeV{} with the ATLAS detector

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    ATLAS Run 1 searches for direct pair production of third-generation squarks at the Large Hadron Collider

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