45 research outputs found

    La carta de nupcias en el derecho civil valenciano

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    La Ley 10/2007, de 20 de marzo, de la Generalitat, de Régimen Económico Matrimonial Valenciano, constituye el hecho más relevante, acontecido durante los últimos trescientos años, respecto de la recuperación del Derecho civil histórico valenciano. En nuestra opinión, la Ley 10/2007, de la Generalitat, es especialmente escrupulosa en cuanto al cumplimiento de tales exigencias al tiempo que sirve de puente entre el Derecho civil común, que hasta hace muy poco era de único aplicable a los españoles con vecindad civil valenciana, y el nuevo Derecho civil propio, que a partir de ahora comienza a existir como tal.The Law 10/2007 of 20th March, approved by the Valencian Regional Government (the Generalitat), concerning the Valencian Matrimonial Resum: Economic Regime, is the most important event to have taken place in the last three hundred years, as far as the regaining of Valencian historical civil law is concerned. In our opinion, Law 10/2007, approved by the Generalitat, is especially meticulous regarding compliance with these requirements, while at the same time serving as a bridge between Common civil law, which up until very recently was the only one applicable to Spaniards living in the Valencian region, and the new Autonomic civil law, which from this moment on now exists as such

    La intelectualidad comunista y los debates ideológicos del campo socialista: fragmentos de una larga crisis (1956-1989)

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    El objetivo fundamental de este estudio ha sido comprender las crisis y los debates del movimiento comunista internacional a través de la figura del intelectual marxista ligado o cercano al partido comunista. Se ha pretendido demostrar así el valor del papel de los intelectuales militantes para analizar el desarrollo del comunismo y su debacle final durante los años ochenta del siglo XX. En esta tesis doctoral se analiza la interpretación política e ideológica que, de una serie de momentos históricos trascendentales para la corriente comunista internacional, fundamentalmente en la segunda mitad del siglo XX, realizaron los citados intelectuales, en contraposición con otros actores políticos como la dirección de los partidos comunistas nacionales y su militancia. Los intelectuales, además del interés intrínseco que pueden despertar, representan o anticipan contradicciones políticas e ideológicas delos partidos comunistas en los momentos estudiados por su condición de teóricos y/o críticos en los que se apoyaba la construcción de buena parte delos discursos comunistas. Los episodios que se analizan aquí son momentos críticos para el poderoso movimiento político y social que representaba el comunismo, y que se sitúan en etapas de transición en la trayectoria de este. Los ejemplos de estas coyunturas que hemos elegido son el año 1956 y la invasión soviética de Budapest, 1968 y la intervención soviética en Checoslovaquia y el colapso del bloque socialista en la década de los ochenta. Considero que se trata de puntos focales en la definición del movimiento comunista, crisis que se saldaron con expulsiones, alejamientos, disidencias y replanteamientos. Por ello, los intelectuales afines o interesados por el movimiento comunista se vieron obligados a definir su postura con respecto a estos momentos..

    Principio de igualdad y cooperativismo en el ámbito de la responsabilidad social corporativa

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    Mediante la Ley Orgánica 3/2007, de 22 de marzo', de · Igualdad Efectiva entre Mujeres y Hombres (en adelante LOI) se aprobó la normativa tendente a alcanzar la igualdad efectiva de hombres y mujeres en España mediante un enfoque transversal, gracias a una perspectiva integral e integrada de la aplicación del principio de igualdad, que incide sobre múltiples esferas: políticas, sociales, económicas y culturales con una abundante carga de materias y reformas de todo tipo. De la Exposición de Motivos de dicha norma, y al hilo de sus planteamientos, cabe destacar determinadas cuestiones de interés, sobre todo en lo que se refiere al ámbito empresarial

    Band selection in spectral imaging for non-invasive melanoma diagnosis

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    A method consisting of the combination of the Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling TEchnique (SMOTE) and the Sequential Forward Floating Selection (SFFS) technique is used to do band selection in a highly imbalanced, small size, two-class multispectral dataset of melanoma and non-melanoma lesions. The aim is to improve classification rate and help to identify those spectral bands that have a more important role in melanoma detection. All the processing steps were designed taking into account the low number of samples in the dataset, situation that is quite common in medical cases. The training/test sets are built using a Leave-One-Out strategy. SMOTE is applied in order to deal with the imbalance problem, together with the Qualified Majority Voting scheme (QMV). Support Vector Machines (SVM) is the classification method applied over each balanced set. Results indicate that all melanoma lesions are correctly classified, using a low number of bands, reaching 100% sensitivity and 72% specificity when considering nine (out of a total of 55) spectral bands


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    Implementation of an intraoperative electron radiotherapy in vivo dosimetry program

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    Background: Intraoperative electron radiotherapy (IOERT) is a highly selective radiotherapy technique which aims to treat restricted anatomic volumes during oncological surgery and is now the subject of intense re-evaluation. In vivo dosimetry has been recommended for IOERT and has been identified as a risk-reduction intervention in the context of an IOERT risk analysis. Despite reports of fruitful experiences, information about in vivo dosimetry in intraoperative radiotherapy is somewhat scarce. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to report our experience in developing a program of in vivo dosimetry for IOERT, from both multidisciplinary and practical approaches, in a consistent patient series. We also report several current weaknesses. Methods: Reinforced TN-502RDM-H mobile metal oxide semico nductor field effect tran sistors (MOSFETs) and Gafchromic MD-55-2 films were used as a redundant in vivo treatment verification system with an Elekta Precise fixed linear accelerator for calibrations and tre atments. In vivo dosimetry was performed in 45 patients in cases involving primary tumors or relapses. The m ost frequent primary tumors were breast (37 %) and colorectal (29 %), and local recurrences among relapses was 83 %. We made 50 attempts to measure with MOSFETs and 48 attempts to measure with films in th e treatment zones. The surgical team placed both detectors with supervision from the radiation oncologist and following their instructions. Results: The program was considered an overall success by the different professionals involved. The absorbed doses measured with MOSFETs and films were 93.8 ± 6.7 % and 97.9 ± 9.0 % (mean ± SD ) respectively using a scale in which 90 % is the prescribed dose and 100 % is the maximum absorbed dose delivered by the beam. However, in 10 % of cases we experienced dosimetric problems due to detector misalignment, a situation which might be avoided with additional checks. The useful MOSFET lifetime length and the film sterilization procedure should also be controlled. Conclusions: It is feasible to establish an in vivo dosimetry program for a wide set of locations treated with IOERT using a multidisciplinary approach according to the skills of the professionals present and the detectors used; oncological surgeons ’ commitment is key to success in this context. Films are more unstable and show higher uncertainty than MOSFETs but are cheaper and are useful and convenient if real-time treatment monitoring is not necessary.This work was supported by grants IPT-300000-2010-3 and PI11/01659 from the Spanish Government and ERDF funds


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