203 research outputs found

    Does the act of surgery provoke activation of "latent" metastases in early breast cancer?

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    This paper is written in support of the challenging article by Retsky and colleagues in this issue of Breast Cancer Research, and develops on the idea that the act of surgery can provoke the outgrowth of dormant micrometastases, which often leads to the failure of screening to deliver its promise. The therapeutic consequence of this idea involves the use of antiangiogenic drugs before surgery

    Management of chemotherapy-associated febrile neutropenia

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    The development of febrile neutropenia during a course of chemotherapy is not only a life-threatening complication, it can also lead to a decision to reduce chemotherapy intensity in subsequent treatment cycles, thus putting patient outcomes at risk. Although there are strategies available for the primary prevention of febrile neutropenia, these are not widely used in the UK management of breast cancer. It is, therefore, paramount to have a well thought out and rigorously implemented care protocol for febrile neutropenia, involving patients, family/carers and health-care professionals in both primary and secondary care, to ensure early detection and effective management

    Survivin expression in in situ and invasive breast cancer relates to COX-2 expression and DCIS recurrence

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    In lung cancer cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression has been reported to stabilise survivin, an inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) which prevents cell death by blocking activated caspases. COX-2 expression limits the ubiquitination of survivin, protecting it from degradation. To determine if COX-2 expression in breast cancer showed an association with survivin expression, we assessed the levels of each protein in ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and invasive breast cancer (IBC); relating expression patterns to recurrence of DCIS after surgery. Patterns of COX-2 and survivin expression were determined by intensity-graded immunohistochemistry of the primary tumours. Patients with DCIS (n=161) which had either recurred (n=47) or shown no evidence of recurrence (n=114) 5 years following primary surgery were studied. These were compared to 58 cases of IBC. Survivin was expressed in the cytoplasm of 59% of DCIS and 17% of IBC. High levels of both cytoplasmic survivin and COX-2 expression significantly correlated to DCIS recurrence. COX-2 expression was present in 72% of DCIS, and levels of expression positively correlated with cytoplasmic survivin expression in DCIS and invasive disease. The majority of DCIS that recurred expressed both proteins (69%) vs 39% nonrecurrent. Recurrence was not seen in DCIS lacking both proteins at 5 years (P=0.001). Expression of the IAP survivin is increased in DCIS and correlates closely with COX-2 expression. Increased expression of IAP, (leading to reduced apoptosis) may explain the effect of COX-2 in increasing recurrence of DCIS after surgical treatment

    Model parameterization to simulate and compare the PAR absorption potential of two competing plant species

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    Mountain pastures dominated by the pasture grass Setaria sphacelata in the Andes of southern Ecuador are heavily infested by southern bracken (Pteridium arachnoideum), a major problem for pasture management. Field observations suggest that bracken might outcompete the grass due to its competitive strength with regard to the absorption of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). To understand the PAR absorption potential of both species, the aims of the current paper are to (1) parameterize a radiation scheme of a two-big-leaf model by deriving structural (LAI, leaf angle parameter) and optical (leaf albedo, transmittance) plant traits for average individuals from field surveys, (2) to initialize the properly parameterized radiation scheme with realistic global irradiation conditions of the Rio San Francisco Valley in the Andes of southern Ecuador, and (3) to compare the PAR absorption capabilities of both species under typical local weather conditions. Field data show that bracken reveals a slightly higher average leaf area index (LAI) and more horizontally oriented leaves in comparison to Setaria. Spectrometer measurements reveal that bracken and Setaria are characterized by a similar average leaf absorptance. Simulations with the average diurnal course of incoming solar radiation (1998–2005) and the mean leaf–sun geometry reveal that PAR absorption is fairly equal for both species. However, the comparison of typical clear and overcast days show that two parameters, (1) the relation of incoming diffuse and direct irradiance, and (2) the leaf–sun geometry play a major role for PAR absorption in the two-big-leaf approach: Under cloudy sky conditions (mainly diffuse irradiance), PAR absorption is slightly higher for Setaria while under clear sky conditions (mainly direct irradiance), the average bracken individual is characterized by a higher PAR absorption potential. (∼74 MJ m−2 year−1). The latter situation which occurs if the maximum daily irradiance exceeds 615 W m−2 is mainly due to the nearly orthogonal incidence of the direct solar beam onto the horizontally oriented frond area which implies a high amount of direct PAR absorption during the noon maximum of direct irradiance. Such situations of solar irradiance favoring a higher PAR absorptance of bracken occur in ∼36% of the observation period (1998–2005). By considering the annual course of PAR irradiance in the San Francisco Valley, the clear advantage of bracken on clear days (36% of all days) is completely compensated by the slight but more frequent advantage of Setaria under overcast conditions (64% of all days). This means that neither bracken nor Setaria show a distinct advantage in PAR absorption capability under the current climatic conditions of the study area

    Potential use of COX-2–aromatase inhibitor combinations in breast cancer

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    Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is overexpressed in several epithelial tumours, including breast cancer. Cyclooxygenase-2-positive tumours tend to be larger, higher grade, node-positive and HER-2/neu-positive. High COX-2 expression is associated with poor prognosis. Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibition reduces the incidence of tumours in animal models, inhibits the development of invasive cancer in colorectal cancer and reduces the frequency of polyps in familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP). These effects may be as a result of increased apoptosis, reduced angiogenesis and/or proliferation. Studies of COX-2 inhibitors in breast cancer are underway both alone and in combination with other agents. There is evidence to suggest that combining COX-2 inhibitors with aromatase inhibitors, growth factor receptor blockers, or chemo- or radiotherapy may be particularly effective. Preliminary results from combination therapy with celecoxib and exemestane in postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer showed that the combination increased the time to recurrence. Up to 80% of ductal carcinomas in situ (DCISs) express COX-2, therefore COX-2 inhibition may be of particular use in this situation. Cyclooxygenase-2 expression correlates strongly with expression of HER-2/neu. As aromatase inhibitors appear particularly effective in patients with HER-2/neu-positive tumours, the combination of aromatase inhibitors and COX-2 inhibitors may be particularly useful in both DCIS and invasive cancer

    COX inhibitors and breast cancer

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    There is considerable evidence to suggest that prostaglandins play an important role in the development and growth of cancer. The enzyme cyclo-oxygenase (COX) catalyses the conversion of arachidonic acid to prostaglandins. In recent years, there has been interest in a possible role for COX inhibitors in the prevention and treatment of malignancy. Cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2) is overexpressed in several epithelial tumours, including breast cancer. Preclinical evidence favours an antitumour role for COX inhibitors in breast cancer. However, the epidemiological evidence for an association is conflicting. Trials are being conducted to study the use of COX inhibitors alone and in combination with other agents in the chemoprevention of breast cancer, and in the neo-adjuvant, adjuvant, and metastatic treatment settings. In evaluating the potential use of these agents particularly in cancer chemoprophylaxis, the safety profile is as important as their efficacy. Concern over the cardiovascular safety of both selective and nonselective COX-inhibitors has recently been highlighted
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