2 research outputs found

    Quality of life of patients with asthma which has been well and poorly controlled

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    Wstęp: Celem niniejszej pracy była ocena jakości życia chorych na astmę oskrzelową, dobrze i źle kontrolowaną, w zależności od stopnia kontroli choroby i jej zaawansowania. Materiał i metody: Do badania włączono 70 chorych z rozpoznaną astmą, w wieku 18-40 lat. Badanie trwało od listopada 2005 do lutego 2006 roku w Szpitalu Specjalistycznym w Chojnicach i w Przyklinicznej Poradni Alergologicznej Kliniki Alergologii Akademii Medycznej w Gdańsku. Rozpoznanie, zaawansowanie oraz stopień kontroli astmy były określane przez lekarza. Jakość życia chorych oceniono na podstawie kwestionariusza Szpitala Świętego Jerzego (SGRQ). Analiza statystyczna przeprowadzona była przy użyciu komputerowego programu Statistica. Badanie uzyskało akceptację lokalnej Komisji Etycznej. Wyniki: Zgodnie z zaleceniami GINA u 26 chorych rozpoznano łagodną astmę, u 31 - umiarkowaną, a u 13 - ciężką. U 41 pacjentów kontrola objawów była dobra, a u 29 - zła. Starszy wiek chorych oraz czas trwania schorzenia były istotnie związane z ciężką postacią choroby, odpowiednio: p = 0,01 i p = 0,003. W grupie chorych z dobrą kontrolą objawów całkowita suma punktów testu SGRQ wyniosła 38,77 i była znamiennie niższa niż w grupie chorych ze złą kontrolą objawów - 54,2; p = 0,0001. Podobnie istotne różnice stwierdzono we wszystkich domenach testu (objawy, aktywność i wpływ choroby na życie pacjentów) - odpowiednio: p = 0,014; p = 0,035; p = 0,003. Wnioski: Jakość życia pacjentów w istotnym stopniu zależy od kontroli objawów choroby.Introduction: The aim of the study was to assess the quality of life of patients with asthma who were well and poorly controlled. Material and methods: 70 patients with diagnosed asthma, aged from 18 to 40, were included into the study between November 2005 and February 2006 at the Specialist Hospital in Chojnice and Allergy out-patient Clinic of Medical University of Gdańsk. The diagnosis and stage of asthma, as well as the assessment of the control of disease was performed by the physician. Quality of life was assessed with the use of St. George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ). Statistical analysis was made with the use of computer statistical program Statistica. Results: According to GINA in 26 patients mild asthma was diagnosed, in 31 - moderated and in 13 - severe disease. 41 patients were assessed as well controlled and 29 - as poorly controlled. Older age and longer duration of the disease were related to severe asthma, p = 0.01 and p = 0.003, respectively. In well controlled patients overall score for SGRQ was 48.86, whereas in poorly controlled was - 74.4. There was a significant difference between the overall quality of life in well and poorly controlled patients with asthma, p = 0.0001. This difference was found in all three domains: for symptoms, activity and impact on life, p = 0.014, p = 0.035 and p = 0.003, respectively. Conclusions: Quality of life is strongly dependent on the control of symptoms in asthmatic patients

    Quality of Life of Patients with Asthma Which Has Been Well and Poorly Controlled

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    Introduction: The aim of the study was to assess the quality of life of patients with asthma who were well and poorly controlled. Material and methods: 70 patients with diagnosed asthma, aged from 18 to 40, were included into the study between November 2005 and February 2006 at the Specialist Hospital in Chojnice and Allergy out-patient Clinic of Medical University of Gdańsk. The diagnosis and stage of asthma, as well as the assessment of the control of disease was performed by the physician. Quality of life was assessed with the use of St. George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ). Statistical analysis was made with the use of computer statistical program Statistica. Results: According to GINA in 26 patients mild asthma was diagnosed, in 31—moderated and in 13—severe disease. 41 patients were assessed as well controlled and 29—as poorly controlled. Older age and longer duration of the disease were related to severe asthma, p = 0.01 and p = 0.003, respectively. In well controlled patients overall score for SGRQ was 48.86, whereas in poorly controlled was—74.4. There was a significant difference between the overall quality of life in well and poorly controlled patients with asthma, p = 0.0001. This difference was found in all three domains: for symptoms, activity and impact on life, p = 0.014, p = 0.035 and p = 0.003, respectively. Conclusions: Quality of life is strongly dependent on the control of symptoms in asthmatic patients