4 research outputs found

    Metode aktivnog učenja u sistemu visokog obrazovanja

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    Entrepreneurship is a synergistic effect of the following characteristics: creativity, innovation, self-confidence and assertiveness. Accordingly, didactic-methodical instrument of realization of content develop entrepreneurial competence must be interactive, stimulating and meaningful to the system of higher education acquired and develop entrepreneurial skills. The paper put emphasis on education and training of teaching assistants and professors of higher education in order to implement this form of teaching process successfully. Through analysis of case studies of successful companies, and by organizing lectures in which guest speakers present their practical experience, students become more interested in the subject and get ideas that later on as entrepreneurs to apply in practice. Aim: To determine what are the important methods of active teaching that enable students to gain entrepreneurialkompetencije. Za Unlike traditional methods for teaching staff only transfers knowledge and students passive listeners, modern teaching methods provide active involvement of students in classes, which comes into play their creativity, which is a prerequisite for the continued success of entrepreneurship. The modern approach to teaching will be presented through active methods of teaching such as: dialogical methods, research methods, learning through problem solving, simulation, game, etc..PreduzetniÅ”tvo predstavlja sinergijsko delovanje sledećih karakteristika: kreativnosti, inovativnosti, samouverenosti i upornosti. Shodno tome didaktičko-metodički instrument realizacije nastavnih sadržaja koji razvija preduzetničke kompetencije mora biti interaktivan, podsticajan i svrsishodan kako bi se u sistemu visokog obrazovanju sticale i razvijale preduzetničke sposobnosti. U radu je stavljen akcenat i na obrazovanje i osposobljavanje asistenata i profesora u sistemu visokog obrazovanja kako bi se sprovođenje takvog oblika nastavnog procesa uspeÅ”no realizovalo. Kroz analizu studija slučaja uspeÅ”nih kompanija, kao i organizovanjem predavanja na kojima gostujući predavači prezentuju svoje iskustvo iz prakse, studenti postaju viÅ”e zainteresovani za predmet i dobijaju ideje koje će kasnije kao preduzetnici primeniti u praksi. Cilj rada jeste da se ustanovi koje su to značajne metode aktivnog podučavanja koje omogućavaju studentima da steknu preduzetničke kompetencije. Za razliku od tradicionalnih metoda kojima nastavno osoblje isključivo prenosi znanje, dok su studenti samo pasivni sluÅ”aoci, savremene nastavne metode omogućuju aktivno uključivanje studenata u nastavu, čime dolazi do izražaja njihova kreativnost, a Å”to je preduslov za dalje uspeÅ”no bavljenje preduzetniÅ”tvom. Savremeni pristup nastavi će biti predstavljen kroz metode aktivnog podučavanja kao Å”to su: dijaloÅ”ka metoda, istraživačka metoda, učenje putem reÅ”avanja problema, simuliranje,igra i sl

    Utjecaj ljudskog kapitala na učinkovitost ekoloŔke proizvodnje mlijeka

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    Over the past decade, a growing interest of consumers in the consumption of organic milk has been recognized, mostly because of its positive effect on human health, besides other various positive effects. The main goal of organic milk production is to bring agricultural production in close alignment with the requirements of a sustainable system. Human capital in organic farming is an important factor as it significantly influences production and financial results. As an important factor in the production, socio-economic characteristics of producers considerably determine possibilities of the future development of this system of production in a certain country. Focusing on the aspect of human capital, this paper examines the possibilities of the development of organic agricultural production in the Republic of Serbia. The research has been conducted on the territory of Serbia on individual farms which are certified for organic farming. Following the findings, the authors conclude that human capital in organic milk production of the Republic of Serbia does not represent a limiting factor in the future development of this system and that human capital in terms of learning and education, experience and expertise, innovation and creativity, and sources of knowledge has a positive relationship with the business performance.U posljednjem desetljeću raste interes potroÅ”ača za konzumaciju ekoloÅ”ki proizvedenog mlijeka, zbog njegovog pozitivnog učinka na zdravlje ljudi, ali i brojnih drugih pozitivnih učinaka. Glavni cilj ekoloÅ”ke proizvodnje mlijeka je uskladiti poljoprivrednu proizvodnju sa zahtjevima održivog sustava. Ljudski kapital u ekoloÅ”koj poljoprivredi važan je čimbenik jer značajno utječe na proizvodne i financijske rezultate. Kao važan čimbenik u proizvodnji, socio-ekonomske karakteristike proizvođača uvelike određuju mogućnosti budućeg razvoja ovog sustava proizvodnje u određenoj zemlji. Fokusirajući se na aspekt ljudskog kapitala, ovo istraživanje ispituje mogućnosti razvoja ekoloÅ”ke poljoprivredne proizvodnje u Republici Srbiji. Istraživanje je provedeno na području Republike Srbije na individualnim gospodarstvima koja su certificirana za ekoloÅ”ku poljoprivredu. Slijedom dobivenih rezultata, autori zaključuju da ljudski kapital u ekoloÅ”koj proizvodnji mlijeka Republike Srbije nije ograničavajući faktor u budućem razvoju ovog sustava, te da ljudski kapital u smislu učenja i obrazovanja, iskustva i stručnosti, inovativnosti i kreativnosti i izvorima znanja imaju pozitivan odnos s poslovnim učinkom

    The impact of price on export performance indicators of companies

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    From the perspective of creating an optimized international marketing mix for internationally oriented domestic companies, it is of great imporĀ­tance to apply the market-oriented pricing strategy. Beside production costs, it is also important to take into consideration environmental factors because they facilitate the selection of the appropriate pricing methods. For achieving success in international business it is also relevant to observe the changes in competitors' perception and their impact on business operations. That is why it is considered as important to collect and analyze information about competitors, in this case-particularly related to the price. The intensity of competition and competitive relations are of great importance for making decisions regarding prices. The aim of this research was to determine the impact level of price on export performance indicators for the chosen sample of 50 companies on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, which export various kinds of products. In more specific terms, export performance indicators imply market share, sales volume and profitability. The correlation between price and the mentioned export performance indicators has also been determined. Despite various theoretical approaches that emphasize the relevance of price in international business, our research results show that the role and importance of price indicators on export performance is not crucial

    Agro-Environmental Practices and Business Performance in the Wine Sector

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    Wine production is directly related to the environmentally responsible production. In recent years, due to demands for an environmentally responsible wine production in the Republic of Serbia, wine producers have become aware of the environmental responsibilities and are taking measures to prevent environmental problems. The objective of this research was to investigate attitudes of winery owners/managers on business performance of the wineries concerning the environmental behavior and its disclosure. The research has been conducted in the period from July to the end of October 2021 on a sample of 330 small wineries in the Republic of Serbia. The data were processed in the Smart PLS software v.3.2.7. The findings show a positive connection between of both service and financial performance with an ethical environmental behavior and environmental disclosure. However, no positive connection between innovative performance and ethical environmental behavior or ethical environmental disclosure has been determined. The positive attitudes of managers on the environment influence the business performance of wineries and indirectly on environmental behavior and disclosure. The current study should contribute to the relevant literature, as it investigates not only firm behavior in the wine sector, but also the impact of firm performance on the environment