201 research outputs found

    A nonlinear Ramsey interferometer operating beyond the Heisenberg limit

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    We show that a dynamically evolving two-mode Bose-Einstein condensate (TBEC) with an adiabatic, time-varying Raman coupling maps exactly onto a nonlinear Ramsey interferometer that includes a nonlinear medium. Assuming a realistic quantum state for the TBEC, namely the SU(2) coherent spin state, we find that the measurement uncertainty of the ``path-difference'' phase shift scales as the standard quantum limit (1/N^{1/2}) where N is the number of atoms, while that for the interatomic scattering strength scales as 1/N^{7/5}, overcoming the Heisenberg limit of 1/N.Comment: 4 figures. Submitted for publicatio

    Clock synchronization using maximal multipartite entanglement

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    We propose a multi party quantum clock synchronization protocol that makes optimal use of the maximal multipartite entanglement of GHZ-type states. To realize the protocol, different versions of maximally entangled eigenstates of collective energy are generated by local transformations that distinguish between different groupings of the parties. The maximal sensitivity of the entangled states to time differences between the local clocks can then be accessed if all parties share the results of their local time dependent measurements. The efficiency of the protocol is evaluated in terms of the statistical errors in the estimation of time differences and the performance of the protocol is compared to alternative protocols previously proposed

    Necessary Condition for the Quantum Adiabatic Approximation

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    A gapped quantum system that is adiabatically perturbed remains approximately in its eigenstate after the evolution. We prove that, for constant gap, general quantum processes that approximately prepare the final eigenstate require a minimum time proportional to the ratio of the length of the eigenstate path to the gap. Thus, no rigorous adiabatic condition can yield a smaller cost. We also give a necessary condition for the adiabatic approximation that depends on local properties of the path, which is appropriate when the gap varies.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Spectral Gap Amplification

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    A large number of problems in science can be solved by preparing a specific eigenstate of some Hamiltonian H. The generic cost of quantum algorithms for these problems is determined by the inverse spectral gap of H for that eigenstate and the cost of evolving with H for some fixed time. The goal of spectral gap amplification is to construct a Hamiltonian H' with the same eigenstate as H but a bigger spectral gap, requiring that constant-time evolutions with H' and H are implemented with nearly the same cost. We show that a quadratic spectral gap amplification is possible when H satisfies a frustration-free property and give H' for these cases. This results in quantum speedups for optimization problems. It also yields improved constructions for adiabatic simulations of quantum circuits and for the preparation of projected entangled pair states (PEPS), which play an important role in quantum many-body physics. Defining a suitable black-box model, we establish that the quadratic amplification is optimal for frustration-free Hamiltonians and that no spectral gap amplification is possible, in general, if the frustration-free property is removed. A corollary is that finding a similarity transformation between a stoquastic Hamiltonian and the corresponding stochastic matrix is hard in the black-box model, setting limits to the power of some classical methods that simulate quantum adiabatic evolutions.Comment: 14 pages. New version has an improved section on adiabatic simulations of quantum circuit

    Generalized Coherent States as Preferred States of Open Quantum Systems

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    We investigate the connection between quasi-classical (pointer) states and generalized coherent states (GCSs) within an algebraic approach to Markovian quantum systems (including bosons, spins, and fermions). We establish conditions for the GCS set to become most robust by relating the rate of purity loss to an invariant measure of uncertainty derived from quantum Fisher information. We find that, for damped bosonic modes, the stability of canonical coherent states is confirmed in a variety of scenarios, while for systems described by (compact) Lie algebras, stringent symmetry constraints must be obeyed for the GCS set to be preferred. The relationship between GCSs, minimum-uncertainty states, and decoherence-free subspaces is also elucidated

    Quantum Adiabatic Markovian Master Equations

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    We develop from first principles Markovian master equations suited for studying the time evolution of a system evolving adiabatically while coupled weakly to a thermal bath. We derive two sets of equations in the adiabatic limit, one using the rotating wave (secular) approximation that results in a master equation in Lindblad form, the other without the rotating wave approximation but not in Lindblad form. The two equations make markedly different predictions depending on whether or not the Lamb shift is included. Our analysis keeps track of the various time- and energy-scales associated with the various approximations we make, and thus allows for a systematic inclusion of higher order corrections, in particular beyond the adiabatic limit. We use our formalism to study the evolution of an Ising spin chain in a transverse field and coupled to a thermal bosonic bath, for which we identify four distinct evolution phases. While we do not expect this to be a generic feature, in one of these phases dissipation acts to increase the fidelity of the system state relative to the adiabatic ground state.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figures. v2: Generalized Markov approximation bound. Included a section on thermal equilibration. v3: Added text that appears in NJP version. Generalized Lindblad ME to include degenerate subspaces. v3. Corrections made to Appendix E and F. We thank Kabuki Takada and Hidetoshi Nishimori for pointing out the errors. v4: Corrected a typo in Eqt. B

    Interaction-based quantum metrology showing scaling beyond the Heisenberg limit

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    Quantum metrology studies the use of entanglement and other quantum resources to improve precision measurement. An interferometer using N independent particles to measure a parameter X can achieve at best the "standard quantum limit" (SQL) of sensitivity {\delta}X \propto N^{-1/2}. The same interferometer using N entangled particles can achieve in principle the "Heisenberg limit" {\delta}X \propto N^{-1}, using exotic states. Recent theoretical work argues that interactions among particles may be a valuable resource for quantum metrology, allowing scaling beyond the Heisenberg limit. Specifically, a k-particle interaction will produce sensitivity {\delta}X \propto N^{-k} with appropriate entangled states and {\delta}X \propto N^{-(k-1/2)} even without entanglement. Here we demonstrate this "super-Heisenberg" scaling in a nonlinear, non-destructive measurement of the magnetisation of an atomic ensemble. We use fast optical nonlinearities to generate a pairwise photon-photon interaction (k = 2) while preserving quantum-noise-limited performance, to produce {\delta}X \propto N^{-3/2}. We observe super-Heisenberg scaling over two orders of magnitude in N, limited at large N by higher-order nonlinear effects, in good agreement with theory. For a measurement of limited duration, super-Heisenberg scaling allows the nonlinear measurement to overtake in sensitivity a comparable linear measurement with the same number of photons. In other scenarios, however, higher-order nonlinearities prevent this crossover from occurring, reflecting the subtle relationship of scaling to sensitivity in nonlinear systems. This work shows that inter-particle interactions can improve sensitivity in a quantum-limited measurement, and introduces a fundamentally new resource for quantum metrology

    Generalized Coherent States as Preferred States of Open Quantum Systems

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    We investigate the connection between quasi-classical (pointer) states and generalized coherent states (GCSs) within an algebraic approach to Markovian quantum systems (including bosons, spins, and fermions). We establish conditions for the GCS set to become most robust by relating the rate of purity loss to an invariant measure of uncertainty derived from quantum Fisher information. We find that, for damped bosonic modes, the stability of canonical coherent states is confirmed in a variety of scenarios, while for systems described by (compact) Lie algebras stringent symmetry constraints must be obeyed for the GCS set to be preferred. The relationship between GCSs, minimum-uncertainty states, and decoherence-free subspaces is also elucidated.Comment: 5 pages, no figures; Significantly improved presentation, new derivation of invariant uncertainty measure via quantum Fisher information added
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