26 research outputs found

    Scientific cooperation in the South China Sea: another lever for China?

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    Overview Security issues in the South China Sea are often studied, whereas analysis of scientific cooperation in those waters is rare, thinly spread and short. This paper looks at shared priorities, China\u27s leading role in launching scientific programs, implications for the environment, and the use of scientific cooperation as a power vector. The research space is increasingly well controlled, but that control isn’t the product of scientific cooperation. It’s the result of China leading research programs. Scientific cooperation hasn’t reduced mistrust, and common interests don’t prevail. In relations between Southeast Asia and China, the fulcrum is asymmetry. The differences in scientific cooperation noted in this paper demonstrate that asymmetry and its serious long-term consequences for neighbouring countries

    Entre Asie orientale et Asie-Pacifique : la centralitĂ© de l’ASEAN Ă  l’épreuve de la puissance ?

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    Longtemps cantonnĂ©e Ă  l’ASEAN, l’organisation de l’Asie orientale est aujourd’hui le thĂ©Ăątre d’une potentielle rivalitĂ© normative entre les États-Unis d’une part (Ă  travers le PTP) et la Chine d’autre part (notamment Ă  travers le PERG). Au-delĂ  de la mouvance gĂ©ographique, ces deux projets poursuivent des objectifs diffĂ©rents et s’appuient sur des modalitĂ©s distinctes. Chacun de ces projets transformera Ă  sa façon la gĂ©o-Ă©conomie de l’Asie orientale. De son cĂŽtĂ©, l’ASEAN a lancĂ© sa CommunautĂ© le 31 dĂ©cembre 2015 afin de conforter voire d’optimiser son positionnement et son rĂŽle. Cet article s’interroge sur la capacitĂ© de l’Association Ă  maintenir sa centralitĂ© au-delĂ  des enjeux de puissance reflĂ©tĂ©s par les initiatives de ses grands partenaires.The organization of the East Asian region, long dominated by ASEAN, has now become a theater in which the United States and China compete over norms creation and rule setting: the former through the TPP and the latter through the RCEP. The projects supported by the two superpowers differ in their geographical scope as well as in their objectives and in their instruments, but each of them is set to change East Asia’s geo-economic landscape. In this moving context, the ASEAN Community was launched on 31 December 2015 with a view to strengthening or optimizing the association’s role. The objective of this paper is to assess ASEAN’s ability to maintain its centrality and to respond to the power game between its two major partners.  

    Giri (Jacques) : Les Philippines, un dragon assoupi ?

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    Boisseau du Rocher. Giri (Jacques) : Les Philippines, un dragon assoupi ?. In: Revue française d'histoire d'outre-mer, tome 85, n°319, 2e trimestre 1998. pp. 167-168

    Tarling (Nicholas), Nations and States in Southeast Asia

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    Boisseau du Rocher. Tarling (Nicholas), Nations and States in Southeast Asia. In: Revue française d'histoire d'outre-mer, tome 87, n°326-327, 1er semestre 2000. Les Juifs et la mer, sous la direction de Richard Ayoun. pp. 366-367

    Robert E. Harkavy. Bases Abroad. The Global Foreign Military Presence

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    Boisseau du Rocher. Robert E. Harkavy. Bases Abroad. The Global Foreign Military Presence. In: Politique Ă©trangĂšre, n°4 - 1989 - 54ᔉannĂ©e. pp. 771-772

    Morris (Stephen), Why Vietnam invaded Cambodia ? : Political Culture and the causes of War

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    Boisseau du Rocher. Morris (Stephen), Why Vietnam invaded Cambodia ? : Political Culture and the causes of War. In: Outre-mers, tome 88, n°330-331, 1er semestre 2001. Outre-mers économiques : de l'Histoire à l'actualité du XXIe siÚcle. pp. 378-379

    The ASEAN Conundrum: Facing Competing Regional Constructs: State of the Art & Theoretical Framework, Working Paper WP5 “The Region”

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    State of the Art & Theoretical Framework, Working Paper WP5 “The Region”Boisseau du Rocher, Sophie. “The ASEAN Conundrum: Facing Competing Regional Constructs”. State of the Art & Theoretical Framework, Working Paper WP5 “The Region”. http://crisea.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/wp5.pd

    “Going Beyond Asean’s Integration Narrative”: Empirical Research, Case Studies Results, Working Paper WP6 “The Region”

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    Boisseau du Rocher, Sophie. “Going Beyond Asean’s Integration Narrative”. Empirical Research, Case Studies Results, Working Paper WP6 “The Region”, December 2019. http://crisea.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Del-6.2WP6.pd

    Crise économique et régionalisation en Asie orientale

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    Sophie Boisseau du Rocher — Economic crisis and rĂ©gionalisation in Eastern Asia. The Asian economic crisis certainly served as boosting drive on the spur of novel views to the constitution of East-Asian community. But two main trigger- factors seem responsible for reversing the dominant current. Such are the initiatives taken prior to 1997 and the Chinese development, which serves as a powerful regional impetus.Boisseau du Rocher Sophie. Crise Ă©conomique et rĂ©gionalisation en Asie orientale. In: Tiers-Monde, tome 43, n°169, 2002. Les chemins de l'intĂ©gration rĂ©gionale. pp. 27-45

    Giri (Jacques) : Les Philippines, un dragon assoupi ?

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    Boisseau du Rocher. Giri (Jacques) : Les Philippines, un dragon assoupi ?. In: Revue française d'histoire d'outre-mer, tome 85, n°319, 2e trimestre 1998. pp. 167-168