302 research outputs found

    An R Package for Assessing Drug Synergism/Antagonism

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    Synergistic and antagonistic drug interactions are important to consider when developing mixtures of anticancer or other types of drugs. Boik, Newman, and Boik (2008) proposed the MixLow method as an alternative to the Median-Effect method of Chou and Talalay (1984) for estimating drug interaction indices. One advantage of the MixLow method is that the nonlinear mixed-effects model used to estimate parameters of concentration-response curves can provide more accurate parameter estimates than the log linearization and least-squares analysis used in the Median-Effect method. This paper introduces the mixlow package in R, an implementation of the MixLow method. Results are reported for a small simulation study.

    MFit weight management program: Effects on anthropometric and cardiovascular measures

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    Objective: Traditional approaches to address obesity typically entail severe caloric restriction and drastic alterations in activity pattern. The MFit Weight Management Program, a derivative of the University of Michigan Health System, takes a different approach to weight loss. The goal of the program is to stress the development of longterm lifestyle changes and it places less emphasis on rapid weight loss. It was the purpose of this study to determine whether the MFit Weight Management Program, a behavioral modification program, is successful for decreasing anthropometric and cardiovascular measurements of obesity. Research Methods and Procedures: This is an ongoing study with revolving subject recruitment; therefore, some data analysis is completed, while some is ongoing. The dataset will grow as additional MFit Programs are completed. To date, 72 subjects have completed the 12 week program and 21 subjects have completed the 6 month follow up. At the pre, mid, post, and 6 month follow up fractions of the weight management program, cardiovascular and anthropometric measurements of obesity were assessed. Data analysis was performed by running an analysis of variance. The ANOVA was run twice, first by comparing the data of the completed subjects over time by pre, mid, and post fractions. Secondly, by comparing the 6 month completed subject data by pre, mid, post, and 6 month fractions. All statistical procedures were performed using SPSS 12.0 for Windows. Statistical significance was defined by a probability of less than or equal to 0.05. Results: During the 12 week program significant results were obtained in total cholesterol (P = 0.000), NHDL cholesterol (P = 0.001), RHR (P = 0.030), percent initial body weight lost (P = 0.000), pounds lost (P = 0.000), neck circumference (P = 0.000), and waist circumference (P = 0.005). Significant results in the 6 month follow up participants included percent weight lost (P = 0.010), pounds lost (P = 0.016), neck circumference (P = 0.018), and BMI (P = 0.002). Discussion: Preliminary results of the study indicate significant change in anthropometric and cardiovascular measures over a course of 12 weeks and a 6 month time period. Therefore, the results provide support for the notion that a behavior modification program can decrease cardiovascular and anthropometric measures that are indicators of obesity and its associated health risks over both a short and long term time period

    Derivatives of the Incomplete Beta Function

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    The incomplete beta function is defined as where Beta(p, q) is the beta function. Dutka (1981) gave a history of the development and numerical evaluation of this function. In this article, an algorithm for computing first and second derivatives of Ix,p,q with respect to p and q is described. The algorithm is useful, for example, when fitting parameters to a censored beta, truncated beta, or a truncated beta-binomial model.

    Psychosocial Support for Pediatric Patients at Proton Therapy Institutions

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    Purpose: Pediatric patients with cancer benefit significantly from psychosocial support during and after treatment, but to date, limited data exist regarding the patterns of psychosocial support provided to patients in radiation oncology departments. The purpose of this study was to assess the supportive care services provided at proton therapy institutions in the United States with a specific focus on education, parental involvement, and coping techniques. Materials and methods: Physicians, nurses, and child life specialists at 29 operational proton therapy facilities in the United States were sent an online questionnaire regarding pediatric treatment support. The survey consisted of 10 questions exploring strategies employed to educate and support pediatric patients before and during radiotherapy. Results: Staff members from 23 of 29 operational proton centers (79%) in the United States completed the survey. Three centers (10%) declined to participate, and three (10%) did not complete the questionnaire. Respondents permitted parental presence for body positioning on the first day of treatment and every day of treatment if needed at 95.6% (22 of 23) and 73.9% (17 of 23) of the centers, respectively. Primary education methods included a facility tour (91.3%; 21 of 23) and psychological preparation (78.3%; 17 of 23). Physicians (82.6%; 19 of 23), nurses (73.9%; 17 of 23), and child life specialists (69.6%; 16 of 23) most commonly provided education to pediatric patients and their families. Only 21.7% (5 of 23) of the facilities reported documentation of a psychosocial support policy. Common coping techniques included music (87.0%; 20 of 23), parental presence for positioning (73.9%; 17 of 23), listening to audio recordings (73.9%; 17 of 23), aromatherapy on or near the patient (73.9%; 17 of 23), and use of a stress ball (65.2%; 15 of 23). Conclusion: Proton therapy institutions frequently offered psychologic preparation before treatment and employed various coping strategies. Based on this survey, we propose several recommendations to raise awareness and improve the experience of pediatric patients at radiation oncology centers. Keywords: coping; patient education; patient experience; psychosocial support; stress

    Second-Order Accurate Inference on Simple, Partial, and Multiple Correlations

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    This article develops confidence interval procedures for functions of simple, partial, and squared multiple correlation coefficients. It is assumed that the observed multivariate data represent a random sample from a distribution that possesses infinite moments, but there is no requirement that the distribution be normal. The coverage error of conventional one-sided large sample intervals decreases at rate 1√n as n increases, where n is an index of sample size. The coverage error of the proposed intervals decreases at rate 1/n as n increases. The results of a simulation study that evaluates the performance of the proposed intervals is reported and the intervals are illustrated on a real data set

    An R Package for Assessing Drug Synergism/Antagonism

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    Synergistic and antagonistic drug interactions are important to consider when developing mixtures of anticancer or other types of drugs. Boik, Newman, and Boik (2008) proposed the MixLow method as an alternative to the Median-Effect method of Chou and Talalay (1984) for estimating drug interaction indices. One advantage of the MixLow method is that the nonlinear mixed-effects model used to estimate parameters of concentration-response curves can provide more accurate parameter estimates than the log linearization and least-squares analysis used in the Median-Effect method. This paper introduces the mixlow package in R, an implementation of the MixLow method. Results are reported for a small simulation study

    Derivatives of the Incomplete Beta Function

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    The incomplete beta function is defined as where Beta(p, q) is the beta function. Dutka (1981) gave a history of the development and numerical evaluation of this function. In this article, an algorithm for computing first and second derivatives of Ix,p,q with respect to p and q is described. The algorithm is useful, for example, when fitting parameters to a censored beta, truncated beta, or a truncated beta-binomial model


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    Pada masa kanak-kanak berlangsung pertumbuhan dan perkembangan dengan pesat. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak adalah status gizi. Masalah status gizi mengakibatkan perkembangan anak yang lambat, dimana menandakan jumlah asupan gizi yang didapat tidak memenuhi kebutuhan zat-zat gizi yang diterima oleh tubuh terutama oleh otak, akibatnya akan mengganggu perkembangan anak. Tujuan dari penilitian adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan status gizi dengan perkembangan anak balita usia 1- 5 tahun di puskesmas oepoi kota kupang. Metode penenelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 113 balita. Uji analisis yang digunakan adalah uji chi- square, didapatkan nilai p value=0,022 Hasil penilitian menunjukan bahwa ada hubungan antara status gizi dengan perkembangan anak pada balita usia 1-5 tahun di Puskesmas Oepoi Kota Kupang. Dengan adanya penelitian ini di harapkan petugas kesehatan dapat meningkatkan pelayanan khususnya pemantauan dan pengukuran perkembangan anak secara rutin dan orang tua dapat memperhatikan pemenuhan gizi serta memberikan stimulasi pada anak dini seusia anak

    Moral Drama : The Rhetorical Style of Geraldine Ferraro

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    Just as the events of the Seneca Falls Convention changed the lives of women in America, Geraldine Ferraro\u27s vice-presidential nomination has provided new opportunities for a new generation. It is the purpose of this study to examine the rhetoric of Ferraro and determine the motivation for the method of style used in her speeches. In rhetorical terms style refers to word choice and usage. The motivating factors and specific style developed by Ferraro were determined by answering the following questions: 1. What historical, economical, and social factors influenced Ferraro\u27s career choices? 2. How are the recurring themes in Ferraro \u27s rhetoric related to major events in her life? 3. What, if any, parallels can be drawn between the rhetoric of Ferraro and the elements of moral drama? These questions will be expanded in later chapters. 1. To determine if other scholarly studies have been made of the rhetoric of Ferraro, a review of Master\u27s Thesis Abstracts through 1984-85 and a computer search of doctoral dissertations and ERIC revealed that, at this time, no other studies have been made. 2. A total of five speeches were selected that were given between 1982 and 1985. Transcripts of these speeches were obtained from various sources. 3. It will be noted that the book, Ferraro, My Story served as a primary source for the study. When I contacted Ferraro\u27s office to request that she complete a questionnaire for me, her personal aide, Barbara Leahy, told me that Ferraro had attempted to answer any questions that might be asked of her in the book. I found the book to be thorough and in it I was able to locate information considered to be pertinent to this study. 4. The next step in this process was the establishment of a critical tool with which to analyze the rhetoric of Geraldine Ferraro. The use of moral drama as a stylistic tool was developed and applied to Ferraro\u27s discourse. 5. The completion of this study was achieved by examining Ferraro\u27s life and career, determining the rhetorical style of morality plays, analyzing the rhetoric of Ferraro and establishing the presence of moral drama, and then drawing conclusions concerning the development of Ferraro\u27s rhetorical style

    Perancangan Pusat Kebudayaan Timor Tengah Utara di Kefamenanu dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Neo-Vernakular

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    Timor Tengah Utara merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang berada di propinsi Nusa TenggaraTimur. Kabupate ini terletak di pulau Timor, dan berbatasan langsung dengan negara Timor Leste. Kebudayaan yang ada di Timor Tengah Utara ini sangat beragam namun kurangnya tempat atau wadah untuk melestarikan kebudayaan tersebut merupakan salah satu kekurangan yang harus diperbaiki. Sehingga dengan perancangan pusat kebudayaan ini bisa menjadi wadah untuk menjaga, melestarikan dan mempelajari kebudayaan yang beragan tersebut. Penerapan arsitektur Neo Vernakular pada pusat kebudayaan ini juga diharapkan bisa menjadi representasi dari kebudayaan yang ditampilkan pada visual bangunan yang nantinya akan menjadi icon baru bagi daerah Timor Tengah Utara. Kata Kunci: Pusat Kebudayaan, Timor Tengah Utara, Arsitektur Neo Vernakular. / North Central Timor is one of the districts in the province of East Nusa Tenggara. This regency is located on the island of Timor, and is directly adjacent to the state of Timor Leste. The culture in North Central Timor is very diverse, but the lack of a place or forum to preserve this culture is one of the shortcomings that must be corrected. So that with the design of this cultural center, it can be a place to maintain, preserve and learn about these diverse cultures. The application of Neo Vernacular architecture at the cultural center is alsoexpected to be a representation of the culture displayed in the visual of the building whichwill later become a new icon for the North Central Timor region. Keyword: Cultural Center, North Central Timor, Neo Vernacular Architectur
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