9 research outputs found

    Methodological principles of the professional training of future specialists at higher education institutions

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    The level of the cadets’ of higher military educational institutions (HMEI), who are future officers, methodical competence in physical training is investigated in the article. 609 cadets participated in the study. Two groups were formed: EG (n=38), which included the cadets who were 3 engaged in various sports and CG (n=65), which included the cadets who were training according to the traditional physical training program. The methodical competence was assessed by the level of mastering the theoretical bases of physical training and the quality of implementation of practical actions of physical training. It was determined that EG cadets had a higher level of methodical competence in physical training than CG cadets at the end of the study at HMEI

    Condition of fetures and newborns from women with infertility treated with assisted reproductive technologies and with concomitant intrahepatic cholestasis

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    The aim: Improving the effects of pregnancy on the fetus and newborn through early diagnosis and timely comprehensive therapy of pregnant women with intrahepatic cholestasis. Materials and methods: We have conducted a complex examination of 60 women who got pregnant owing to assisted reproductive technologies, with concomitant intrahepatic cholestasis, and 20 practically healthy women with a physiological course of pregnancy and labor (reference group), aged between 18 and 42. The research did not involve pregnant women with chronic liver diseases, viral hepatitis, skin diseases. Womens who underwent the suggested complex drug therapy with Ursofalc, L-arginine and Omega 3, with peroral administration for 14 days according to the following scheme: Ursofalc – 250 mg once a day, L-arginine – 5 ml 3 times a day, Omega 3 – 1 capsule a day. The complex examination of pregnant women with IHC was conducted before and after treatment. We analyzed the data of anamnesis, carried out anthropometric measurements, clinical biochemical examinations of the women with IHC, including the measurement of the levels of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, total and direct bilirubin, total and placental alkaline phosphatase, leucine aminopeptidase, 5’-nucleotidase, cholic, deoxycholic and chenodeoxycholic acids as wells as their total level. Results: Almost 40 % of women with intrahepatic cholestasis gave birth to babies with asphyxia, including severe one in 11.1 % of cases, 1/3 of the newborns were premature, 40% had signs of hypotrophy, and 66.7 % experienced a disturbed course of early neonatal adaptation. There was also a higher level of perinatal mortality. The newborns from women who had undergone the suggested complex therapy presented no cases of hypotrophy, prenatal infection or cerebral circulation disorder. Conclusions: Thus, functional hepatic disorders in women with infertility play a certain role in the carrying of pregnancy after ART, in the development of pregnancy complications and adverse consequences for women and their newborns. The conducted research shows that early diagnosis and timely complex therapy of pregnant women with intrahepatic cholestasis makes it possible to influence the pathogenesis of perinatal complications and improve the consequences of pregnancy for the fetus and the newborn

    Professional skills and competencies of the future police officers

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    The article examines the level of professional skills and competencies of the future police officers during training according to experimental methodology. The methodology implies using specially developed situational tasks aimed at the formation of professional skills and competencies of future patrol police officers. The police officers of the National Academy of Internal Affairs (Kyiv, Ukraine) who attended the course of the initial professional training participated in the study. An experimental (EG) and control (CG) groups were formed. The research determined the EG officers to have a significantly better level of professional skills in comparison to the CG officers. A high level of professional skills will contribute to the improvement of the efficiency of the activity of future patrol police officers

    Emotional Intelligence in the Context of Linguodidactics and Linguocultural Studies

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    In the article, for the first time in Eastern European linguodidactics, an original method of using students' emotional intelligence data and their personal linguoculture for a new structuring of didactic material in the study of foreign languages (on the example of Ukrainian as a foreign language) is offered.The authors aimed to make theoretical generalizations and conclusions about the main subject of the research, to determine the types of emotional-intellectual relation of students to a foreign language in the classes of the higher educational institutions and to model the general methodological scheme on the basis of sociological and functional-semantic data.The used methods can be clearly divided into theoretical, sociological and modeling, which made it possible to demonstrate a new approach to the thematic presentation of didactic material on the example of the concept HAPPY and determine the degree of flexibility of students' emotional intelligence in foreign language classes.First of all, the international significance of the article lies in the first attempt of the synthesis of the theory of emotional intelligence and linguoculturology (theory of concepts) in the optimization of the foreign language didactics; secondly, the authors, with the help of associative experiment and functional-field thematic structuring, offered a new model of presenting the lexical material of foreign language teaching for the first time.</p

    Ukraine – Canada: Modern Scientific Studios

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    У міжнародній колективній монографії вміщено найновіші українсько-канадські суспільно-політичні, історичні, соціально-економічні, філологічні, культурно-освітні та педагогічні дослідження в галузі сучасного канадознавства. Видання складається з трьох книг: перші дві – українською мовою,третя – англійською. Подібне видання виходить в Україні вперше. Для науковців, аспірантів і докторантів, студентів, магістрів і викладачів факультетів міжнародних відносин, іноземної філології, історії, політології та національної безпеки, філології й журналістики, економіки та управління, педагогічної освіти й соціальної роботи, для осередків канадознавста в Україні, українських студій у Канаді, а також усіх, хто цікавиться дослідженнями україно-канадської співпраці в різних сферах

    Ukraine – Canada: Modern Scientific Studios

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    У міжнародній колективній монографії вміщено найновіші українсько-канадські суспільно-політичні, історичні, соціально-економічні, філологічні, культурно-освітні та педагогічні дослідження в галузі сучасного канадознавства. Видання складається з трьох книг: перші дві – українською мовою,третя – англійською. Подібне видання виходить в Україні вперше. Для науковців, аспірантів і докторантів, студентів, магістрів і викладачів факультетів міжнародних відносин, іноземної філології, історії, політології та національної безпеки, філології й журналістики, економіки та управління, педагогічної освіти й соціальної роботи, для осередків канадознавста в Україні, українських студій у Канаді, а також усіх, хто цікавиться дослідженнями україно-канадської співпраці в різних сферах

    Implementation of Student-Centred Education as a Modern Paradigm of the Educational Process of Higher and Professional Higher Education Institutions

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    У статті висвітлено проблеми, основні кроки реалізації студентоцентрованого навчання в закладах освіти фармацевтичного профілю. Здійснено теоретичний аналіз науково-методичної літератури з поставленої проблеми. Визначено принципи реалізації та впровадження інноваційних змін в організації студентоцентрованого навчання, необхідності активної участі самого студента в організації та формуванні змісту навчання. Окреслено проблеми зміни ролі викладача у процесі студентоцентрованого навчання та рекомендації з їх вирішення, закцентовано увагу на труднощах і суперечностях реалізації студентоцентрованого навчання.The article highlights the problems, the main steps in the implementation of the studentcentred education among the education institutions of pharmaceutical profile. The need to introduce a new paradigm of student-centred learning which is focused on a competence-based approach as for educational programs creation, integration of the National Qualifications Framework, a new structure of higher pharmaceutical education, standards and curricula of the new generation is actualized. The theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the problem of study is carried out. The principles of realization and introduction of innovative changes in the organization of student-centred education, the need for active participation of the student in the organization and formation of the content of education are determined. The problems of changing the role of the teacher in the process of student-centred learning as well as the recommendations for solving these problems are outlined. It is noted that implementation of student-centric policy is due to socially responsible activities of the education institution and should be manifested in the process of expanding and strengthening educational, scientific and cultural ties with other higher education institutions in Ukraine and abroad, stimulating student mobility, creating competitive programs and popular areas of training. It was found that implementation and proper organization of the student-centred education can act as a guarantee of meeting the requirements of stakeholders, the quality of training of a competitive specialist. Therefore, student-centredness in pharmaceutical education should be understood as training of highly qualified speccialists, adapted to the dynamic changes in the global area of pharmaceutical services sought-after and high earner specialists of the pharmaceutical market of international standing

    Statistical Processing of Pedagogical Research Data by a Method of the Factor Analysis and Interpretation of the Received Results

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    У статті обґрунтовано сутність та прикладне значення в педагогічних дослідженнях багатовимірного методу обробки статистичних даних – факторного аналізу. Наведено коротку історичну довідку про впровадження цього методу в гуманітарні науки, зокрема, педагогіку, подано класифікацію за рівнями; розглянуто математичну сутність факторного аналізу; основні етапи та особливості його проведення. Детально описано приклад застосування факторного аналізу за визначеними етапами для виявлення педагогічних умов професійної підготовки майбутніх фармацевтів. Доведено ефективність використання факторного аналізу для визначення педагогічних умов професійного становлення майбутніх фармацевтів. Перспективи наших досліджень полигають у подальшому аналізі та використанні інших математичних методів для доведення ефективності під час побудови педагогічних моделей.The essence and applied value in pedagogical research of a multidimensional method of statistical data processing – factor analysis is substantiated in the article. The method is regarded as a set of methods for identifying hypothetical factors, the purpose of which is to explain the correlation matrix of quantitative variables that are obtained experimentally. A brief historical background on the introduction of this method in the humanities, in particular, pedagogy, and classification by levels are given, as well as the mathematical essence of factor analysis, main stages and features of its holding are considered. The main objectives of factor analysis such as reduction in the number of variables, determination of the type of relationship between these variables (functional, correlation, etc.), as well as indirect evaluation of those features that are not subject to direct measurement are outlined. Emphasis is placed on the need to apply the method during pedagogical research at the following stages: 1) formation of research goals; 2) the choice of a set of features and objects; 3) construction of the initial factor structure; 4) making adjustments to the original factor structure depending on the objectives of the study; 5) identification of second-order factors (more general and meaningful categories of the studied phenomenon); 6) interpretation and use of results. An example of the application of factor analysis at certain stages to identify the pedagogical conditions of professional training of future pharmacists is described in detail. The graphic criterion of detection of such conditions is illustrated. According to the results of the study, the most important conditions of professional training of future pharmacists are identified: motivation of educational activity, organization of educational process, material and technical support, staffing of educational process, educational and methodological support, psychological readiness for the chosen profession, creation of professional environment, value-based attitude to professionalism, social origin, value-based orientations of the teaching staff, subject-subject interaction “teacher-student”, individualization and differentiation of education