530 research outputs found

    Reaction Dynamics for the Systems 7Be,8B + 208Pb at Coulomb Barrier Energies

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    In this contribution we describe the first results obtained for the investigation of the elastic scattering process in the reactions induced by the Radioactive Ion Beams 7Be and 8B on a 208Pb target at Coulomb barrier energies. The experimental data were analyzed within the framework of the optical model in order to extract the total reaction cross section. The comparison with data available in literature for reactions induced on 208Pb by light ions in the mass range A = 6-8 shows that the loosely-bound 8B has the largest reactivity

    Reaction dynamics induced by the radioactive ion beam 7Be on medium-mass and heavy targets

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    We studied the reaction dynamics induced at Coulomb barrier energies by the weakly-bound Radioactive Ion Beam 7Be (Sα = 1.586 MeV) on medium-mass (58Ni) and heavy (208Pb) targets. The experiments were performed at INFN-LNL (Italy), where a 2-3×105 pps 7Be secondary beam was produced with the RIB in-flight facility EXOTIC. Charged reaction products were detected by means of high-granularity silicon detectors in rather wide angular ranges. The contribution presents an up-to-date status of the data analysis and theoretical interpretation for both systems.European Commission, Seventh Framework Programme 60037

    15O+α resonant elastic scattering to study cluster states in19Ne

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    Clustering phenomena are well known in nuclear physics for stable nuclei, both α-conjugate (N=Z, A=2N), like8Be,16O,20Ne, and non-α-conjugate, like6Li and7Li. In general, it is expected that light exotic nuclei may also exhibit cluster behavior. Moving out of the valley of stability configurations can be found where at least one of the clusters is unbound or weakly bound, thus not satisfying the strong internal correlation requirement of classical clusters. This is so-called exotic clustering. The study of such systems presents many difficulties, due, mainly, to the low intensities typical of radioactive ion beams. Therefore, few significant experimental studies have been performed so far. In this work we searched for α-cluster states in19Ne above its α-decay threshold measuring, for the first time, the15O(4He,4He) elastic scattering excitation function. Moreover, this study classified low-energy states in Ne in the astrophysically important region in this HCNO-break-out nucleus.European Unions Horizon 2020 65974

    Elastic scattering of O-17+Pb-208 at energies near the Coulomb barrier

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    Within the frame of the commissioning of a new experimental apparatus EXPADES we undertook the measurement of the elastic scattering angular distribution for the system O-17+Pb-208 at energy around the Coulomb barrier. The reaction dynamics induced by loosely bound Radioactive Ion Beams is currently being extensively studied [4]. In particular the study of the elastic scattering process allows to obtain direct information on the total reaction cross section of the exotic nuclei. In order to understand the effect of the low binding energy on the reaction mechanism it is important to compare radioactive weakly bound nuclei with stable strongly-bound nuclei. In this framework the study of the O-17+Pb-208 elastic scattering can be considered to be complementary to a previous measurement of the total reaction cross section for the system F-17+Pb-208 at energies of 86, 90.4 MeV [5, 6]. The data will be compared with those obtained for the neighboring systems O-16,O-18+Pb-208 and others available in literature

    Oxygen-15+ resonant elastic scattering to study cluster states in 19Ne

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    The elastic scattering excitation function for 15O on 4He was measured - for the first time - by using the Inverse Kinematic Thick Target scattering method. The obtained spectrum was analysed in an R-matrix framework providing spectroscopic information for several states in the excitation energy of the nucleus 19Ne from 4.8 to 9 MeV. Eight of them are newly observed states. The set-up and the experimental technique will be described in detail and the results will be shown and discussed.European Unions Horizon 2020 65974

    The analog signal processing board for the HEAT telescopes

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    Abstract The aim of the Pierre Auger Observatory is to measure with high statistics the flux, the arrival directions and the mass composition of cosmic rays at the highest energies. Since 2009, the Auger Collaboration has added three new High Elevation Auger Telescopes (HEAT) along with a new 25 km 2 infill array in the field of view of the new telescopes. These enhancements have lowered the energy threshold of the Observatory by about an order of magnitude. In combination with the existing telescopes in Coihueco the vertical field of view is extended to about 60°, allowing the measurement of nearby air showers arising from primaries with energies as low as 2×10 17 eV. In this paper we describe the new front-end analog board developed to process the signals generated by the photomultipliers of the HEAT telescopes. Eighty analog boards have been produced, fully characterized and tested. The main characteristics of the electronic circuits and the circuit parameters are illustrated

    Characterization of Large Volume 3.5 x 8 inches LaBr3:Ce Detectors

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    The properties of large volume cylindrical 3.5 x 8 inches (89 mm x 203 mm) LaBr3:Ce scintillation detectors coupled to the Hamamatsu R10233-100SEL photo-multiplier tube were investigated. These crystals are among the largest ones ever produced and still need to be fully characterized to determine how these detectors can be utilized and in which applications. We tested the detectors using monochromatic gamma-ray sources and in-beam reactions producing gamma rays up to 22.6 MeV; we acquired PMT signal pulses and calculated detector energy resolution and response linearity as a function of gamma-ray energy. Two different voltage dividers were coupled to the Hamamatsu R10233-100SEL PMT: the Hamamatsu E1198-26, based on straightforward resistive network design, and the LABRVD, specifically designed for our large volume LaBr3:Ce scintillation detectors, which also includes active semiconductor devices. Because of the extremely high light yield of LaBr3:Ce crystals we observed that, depending on the choice of PMT, voltage divider and applied voltage, some significant deviation from the ideally proportional response of the detector and some pulse shape deformation appear. In addition, crystal non-homogeneities and PMT gain drifts affect the (measured) energy resolution especially in case of high-energy gamma rays. We also measured the time resolution of detectors with different sizes (from 1x1 inches up to 3.5x8 inches), correlating the results with both the intrinsic properties of PMTs and GEANT simulations of the scintillation light collection process. The detector absolute full energy efficiency was measured and simulated up to gamma-rays of 30 Me

    Past and future detector arrays for complete event reconstruction in heavy-ion reactions

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    Complex and more and more complete detector arrays have been developed in the last two decades, or are in advanced design stage, in different laboratories. Such arrays are necessary to fully characterize nuclear reactions induced by stable and exotic beams. The need for contemporary detection of charged particles, and/or γ-rays, and/or neutrons, has been stressed in many fields of nuclear structure and reaction dynamics, with particular attention to the improvement of both high angular and energy resolution. Some examples of detection systems adapted to various energy ranges is discussed. Emphasis is given to the possible update of relatively old 4π detectors with new electronics and new detection methods

    Towards the development of a SiPM-based module for the camera of the Schwarzschild-Couder Telescope prototype of CTA

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    In recent years, Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) proved to be very performing devices for those applications where high sensitivity to low-intensity light and fast responses are required. The Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) is currently involved in the development of a prototype for a camera based on SiPMs for the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), a new generation of telescopes for ground-based gamma-ray astronomy. Here we present the progress made during the last year in the development and testing of SiPMs suitable for Cherenkov light detection in the Near Ultraviolet (NUV SiPMs). The developed device is a High-Density (HD) NUV SiPM based on a micro cell of 30μm×30μm and 6mm×6mm area produced by the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK). We present the characterization of the NUV-HD SiPMs arranged in a matrix of 4×4 single units, which will be part of the focal plane of the mid-size Schwarzschild-Couder Telescope prototype (pSCT) for CTA. An update on recent tests on the front-end electronics will be given