3 research outputs found

    fr8hub WP3 Deliverable 3.1 State-of-the-art and specification of innovations, demonstrations and simulations (Shift2Rail)

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    ### The deliverable is available online here: ### Link 1: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/777402 ### Link 2: https://projects.shift2rail.org/s2r_ip5_n.aspx?p=FR8HUB ### Abstract: The main aspects of the Shift2Rail project fr8hub are to increase efficiency at the nodes, hubs and terminals in the freight railway system. In addition, the impact of increasing freight train speeds on line capacity will be investigated. Furthermore, the development of freight locomotives of the future will be continued. WP3 delivers a demonstrator showcasing the effects of 1) improved traffic management through better interaction between line and yard, and 2) increased freight speed and its effects on overall increased capacity, punctuality and reduced travel time for both passenger and freight trains. To evaluate and validate the effects, two important lines on the Scandinavian-Mediterranean Corridor in the TEN-T network (Malmö - Hallsberg and Karlsruhe - Basel) in Sweden and Germany are used as case studies. ### fr8hub, Real-time information applications and energy efficient solutions for rail freight; project funded from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (IP5 - freight

    fr8hub WP3 Deliverable 3.3 Results of traffic simulation of defined scenarios and evaluation (Shift2Rail)

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    ### The deliverable is available online here: ### Link 1: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/777402 ### Link 2: https://projects.shift2rail.org/s2r_ip5_n.aspx?p=FR8HUB ### Abstract: The main aspects of the Shift2Rail project fr8hub are to increase efficiency at the nodes, hubs and terminals in the freight railway system. In addition, the impact of increasing freight train speeds on line capacity will be investigated. Furthermore, the development of freight locomotives of the future will be continued. WP3 delivers a demonstrator showcasing the effects of 1) improved traffic management through better interaction between line and yard, and 2) increased freight speed and its effects on overall increased capacity, punctuality and reduced travel time for both passenger and freight trains. To evaluate and validate the effects, two important lines on the Scandinavian-Mediterranean Corridor in the TEN-T network (Malmö - Hallsberg and Karlsruhe - Basel) in Sweden and Germany are used as case studies. ### fr8hub, Real-time information applications and energy efficient solutions for rail freight; project funded from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (IP5 - freight

    fr8hub WP3 Deliverable 3.2 Demonstration of FR8HUB Network Management Concept (Shift2Rail)

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    ### The deliverable is available online here: ### Link 1: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/777402 ### Link 2: https://projects.shift2rail.org/s2r_ip5_n.aspx?p=FR8HUB ### Abstract: The main aspects of the Shift2Rail project fr8hub are to increase efficiency at the nodes, hubs and terminals in the freight railway system. In addition, the impact of increasing freight train speeds on line capacity will be investigated. Furthermore, the development of freight locomotives of the future will be continued. WP3 delivers a demonstrator showcasing the effects of 1) improved traffic management through better interaction between line and yard, and 2) increased freight speed and its effects on overall increased capacity, punctuality and reduced travel time for both passenger and freight trains. To evaluate and validate the effects, two important lines on the Scandinavian-Mediterranean Corridor in the TEN-T network (Malmö - Hallsberg and Karlsruhe - Basel) in Sweden and Germany are used as case studies. ### fr8hub, Real-time information applications and energy efficient solutions for rail freight; project funded from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (IP5 - freight