59 research outputs found


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    U radu se iznosi važnost ribe kao živežne namirnice u pogledu bjelančevina, vitamina, mikroelemenata i makroelemenata te se ona uspoređuje s visokovrijednim namirnicama toplokrvnih životinja (meso, mlijeko i jaja). Najviše literaturnih informacija odnosi se na kemijski sastav mesa, nutritivnu i biološku vrijednost. Više radova upućuje na sastav masnih kiselina u mastima najznačajnijih slatkovodnih i morskih riba. Prema sadržaju EPA (eicosapentaenska masna kiselina, 20:5(03) i DHA (docosaheksaenska masna kiselina, 22:6ω3), meso bijelog glavaša (Hypophthalmichtis molitrix) može se uspoređivati s mesom najkvalitetnijih morskih riba. U zadnjih 20 godina velik broj autora navodi protektivnu ulogu omega-3 masnih kiselina u prevenciji srčanog i moždanog udara, ateroskleroze, visokoga krvnog tlaka, psorijaze, tromboze i artritisa.This work presents the importance of fish as a life necessity in view of proteins, vitamins, micro and macro elements and in comparison with high valued necessities of warm-blooded animals (meat, milk and eggs). Most literature information is related to the chemical components of meat, nutritional and biological values. Numerous papers have shown the components of fatty acids in fats of the most important freshwater and sea fish. According the contents of FPA (eicosapentaen fatty acids, 20:5 3) and DHA (docosaheksacn fatty acids, 22:6 3) the meat of the silver carp (Hypophthalmichtis molitrix) can be compared to that of the highest quality sea fish. In the last 20 years many authors mentioned the protective role of omega-3 fatty acids in the prevention of heart attack, stroke, artherosclerosis, high blood pressure, psoriasis, thrombosis and arthritis

    Biotičke razlike u submerznom i emerznom sedimentu eulitorala Sakadaškog jezera (Park prirode Kopački rit, Hrvatska)

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    Sediment granulometry, organic matter and moisture content in sediment were measured in an attempt to assess their importance for the structure of sediment biota (bacteria, protozoa, and especially, meiofauna) in the period between February and December 1998 at three eulittoral sites (submerged, at the land-water interface and emergent) of Lake Sakadaš in the Kopački rit Nature Park, Croatia. Ten groups of meiofauna were recorded in total: Nematoda, Copepoda (incl. nauplii), Rotatoria, Oligochaeta, Gastrotricha, Cladocera, Tardigrada, Turbellaria, Acari and Insecta larvae. The relatively high number of meiofauna groups with a low abundance was the consequence of the physical and chemical characteristics of the study area, primarily of the sandy structure of sediment. Nematodes were the dominant group of meiofauna at all study sites. At the submerged site a significant correlation existed between the organic matter in the sediment and the water level of Lake Sakadaš, between the organic matter and the moisture content in the sediment, and between the number of total bacteria and protozoa. At the land-water interface a significant correlation existed between the sediment moisture content and the total meiofauna and nematode abundance. At the same site, as well as at the emergent site, a correlation existed between the protozoa and meiofauna and between the protozoa and nematode abundances.Granulometrijska svojstva sedimenta, količina organske tvari i sadržaj vlage u sedimentu mjereni su radi utvrđivanja njihove važnosti u određivanju biotičke strukture sedimenta (bakterija, praživotinja, i posebno, meiofaune) u razdoblju od veljače do prosinca 1998. godine na tri postaje (submerznoj, na kontaktu vode i kopna te emerznoj) u eulitoralu Sakadaškog jezera u Parku prirode Kopački rit u Hrvatskoj. Ukupno je zabilježeno 10 skupina meiofaune: oblići, veslonošci (uključujući nauplije), kolnjaci, maločetinaši, trbodlaci, rašljoticalci, dugoživci, virnjaci, grinje i ličinke kukaca. Utvrđen relativno velik broj skupina meiofaune, ali s malom gustoćom, posljedica je fizičkih i kemijskih čimbenika istraživanog područja, prvenstveno pjeskovite strukture sedimenta. Oblići su bili dominantna skupina meiofaune na svim istraživanim postajama. Na submerznoj postaji statistički značajna korelacija utvrđena je između količine organske tvari u sedimentu i vodostaja Sakadaškog jezera, između količine organske tvari i sadržaja vlage u sedimentu te između broja ukupnih bakterija i praživotinja. Na kontaktu vode i kopna statistički značajna korelacija utvrđena je između sadržaja vlage u sedimentu i gustoće ukupne meiofaune i oblića. Za istu postaju, kao i za emerznu, utvrđena je statistički značajna korelacija između brojnosti praživotinja i gustoće meiofaune te između brojnosti praživotinja i oblića

    Hranidbeni tipovi oblića u eulitoralu Sakadaškog jezera (Park prirode Kopački rit, Hrvatska)

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    A total of 45 nematode species was found at the investigated sites of the eulittoral of Lake Sakadaš during 1998: 12 deposit-feeders (bacterial feeders), six epistrate-feeders (algal feeders), eight chewers (predators/omnivorous), and 19 suction-feeders (plant feeders/omnivorous). Chewers were the major group of nematofauna at the eulittoral of Lake Sakadaš – they comprised 68.28% of total nematofauna at submerged site A, 70.13% at site B (at the land-water interface), and 54.16% at emerged site C. The highest relative abundance within the chewers group was found in Brevitobrilus stefanskii, Mononchus aquaticus and Tobrilus gracilis at sites A and B, and B. stefanskii, M. aquaticus and Paramononchus sp. at site C. Suction-feeders were the next important nematofauna group: 19.98% at site A, 23.60% at site B, and 36.97% at the site C, followed by deposit-feeders (5.98–11.78%), whereas epistrate-feeders had the lowest abundance (<2%). Irregularities in the water level and the quantity of food available had the major influence on changes in the distribution of nematode feeding-types.Na istraživanim postajama u eulitoralu Sakadaškog jezera tijekom 1998. godine ukupno je utvrđeno 45 vrsta oblića: 12 »gutača« (bakteriofagnih vrsta), šest »kidača-gutača« (algivornih vrsta), osam »žvakača« (predatora/omnivora) i 19 »isisavača« (fitofaga/omnivora). »Žvakači« su bili osnovna skupina koja je obilježavala faunu oblića u eulitoralu Sakadaškog jezera – činili su 67.28% ukupne nematofaune na submerznoj postaji A, 70.13% na postaji B (na kontaktu vode i kopna) te 54.16% na emerznoj postaji C. Najveća relativna gustoća utvrđena je za »žvakače«: Brevitobrilus stefanskii, Mononchus aquaticus i Tobrilus gracilis na postajama A i B, a na postaji C za B. stefanskii, M. aquaticus i Paramononchus sp. Iduća po značajnosti bila je skupina »isisavača«: 19.98% na postaji A, 23.60% na postaji B te 36.97% na postaji C. Manje su bili zastupljeni »gutači« (5.98–11.78%) i najmanje »kidači-gutači« (<2%). Na promjene u trofičkoj strukturi oblića najveći su utjecaj imali fluktuacije nivoa vode i količina raspoložive hrane u sedimentu


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    Prema potrebama za esencijalnim masnim kiselinama ribe se mogu svrstati u tri skupine. Za ribe iz porodice Salrrwnidae (Oncorhynhcus kisutch, O. keta, O. nerka i O. tshawytscha) esencijalna je 18 : 3 ω u količini od 1 %. Isti učinak glede prirasta i hranidbenog koeficijenta postiže se dodatkom VNMK (visokonezasićenih masnih kiselina) ω 3 reda u količini od 9,5 %. Zahtjevnija od ostalih riba za 20 : 5 ω 3 i 22 : 6 ω 3 jest kalifornijska pastrva (Oncorhynhcus mykiss) čije potrebe iznose 1 %. Za ribe iz porodice Coregonidae (Coregonus lavaretus, C. peled i C. nasus) esencijalna je 18:3 ω 3 u količini od 1 % ili kombinacija 20 : ω 3 (0,25 %) i 22 : 6 ω 3 (0,25 %). Toplovodne ribe iz porodice Anguillidae (Anguilla anguilla i A. japonicat, Cyprinidae (Cyprinus carpio), Ictaluridae (letalurus punctatus) imaju potrebe za 18 : 2 ω 6 i 18 : 3 ω 3 u količini od 1 - 2 % ili VNMK 0,5 - 1 %. Masne kiseline ω 6 reda (18 : 2 ω 6 ili 20 : 4 ω 6) bitne su za ribe iz porodice Cichlidae (Tilapia zillii i Orechromis nilaticus) u iznosu od 1 %. Morske ribe Rhombus maximus i Pagnus major postižu najbolji prirast kada s hranom dobiavju VNMK ω 3 reda do 2 %. Ranketljive masti, eruka-kiselina iz repičinog ulja, gosipol i ciklopropenoidna kiselina iz ulja sjemenki pamuka dodani u riblju hranu uzrokuju zaostajanje u porastu i patološke promjene na jetri, bubrezima, srcu i škrgama riba.According to the needs for the essential fatty acids, the fish can be classified in three groups: For the fish from Salrrwnidae family (Oncorhynhcus kisutch, O. keta, O. nerka and O. tshawytscha) the essential is 18: 3 in the quantity of 1%. The same effect in regard to growth and nutrition coefficient can be achieved with the addition of highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUF A) ω 3 rows in the quantity of 9. 5%. The Californian trout (Oncorhynhcus mykiss) is needier than the other fish for 20: 5 ω 3 and 22: 6 ω 3. Its needs is 1%. For the fish from Coregonidae family (Coregonus lavaretus, C. peled and C. nasus) the essential is 18: 3 ω 3 in the quantity of 1% or the combination 20: 5 ω 3 (o. 25%) and 22: 6 ω 3 (O. 25%). Fresh-water fish from the Anguillidae family (Anguilla anguilla and A. japonicai, Cyprinidae family (Cyprinus carpio), Ictaluridae family (lctalurus punctatus) have needs for 18: 2 ω 3 in the quantity of 1-2% or RUFA O. 5-1%. The fatty acids ω 6 row (18: 2 ω) 6 or 20: 4 ω 6) are important for the fish from Cichlidae family (Tilapia zillii and Orechromis nilaticus) in the quantity of 1%. Te sea fish Rhombus maximus and Pagnus major achieve the best growth when they receive HUFA ω 3 row up to 2% together with the food. Rancid ointment, eruk-acid from the rape oil, gosipol and cyclophrophenoid acid from the cotton seeds oil if added to fish food cause the reduced growth and pathologic changes on fish liver, kidneys, heart and gills


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    The research on effects of different oils on the profile of fatty acids in egg yolks was performed on 80 ISA Brown laying hens (40 in control and 40 in experimental group). Hens were 50 weeks old. The control group of hens was fed diets supplemented with sunflower oil (6%), and the experimental group was given a combination of rapeseed oil (4%) and fish oil (2%). Hens’ diets contained 16.8% of crude protein and 11.57 MJ ME. The research lasted for 28 days. Content of fatty acids in yolk lipids was determined on 10 samples taken from each group. Supplemented oils (sunflower, rapeseed and fish oil) in hens’ diets had significant effect on the profile of fatty acids in yolk lipids. Compared to the control group, yolk lipids of eggs produced by hens in the experimental group contained significantly higher (P<0.001) portion of favorable fatty acids (linolenic, C18:3n-3; eicosapentaenoic, C20:5n-3 and docosahexaenoic, C22:6n-3). Moreover, the experimental group of hens laid eggs that contained less unfavorable saturated fatty acids (P<0.001) and less linoleic (C18:2n-6) and arachidonic acid (C20:4n-6) in their lipids. Content of oleic acid (C18:1) and total monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) was significantly higher (P<0.001) in yolk lipids of the experimental group. The experimental group contained less unfavorable polyunsaturated fatty acids of the n-6 type (n-6 PUFA, P<0.001), more favorable fatty acids of the n-3 type (n-3 PUFA, P<0.001) and more favorable n-6 / n-3 PUFA ratio (P<0.001) in yolk lipids than the control group.Istraživanje utjecaja različitih ulja na profil masnih kiselina u žumanjcima jaja obavljeno je na 80 ISA Brown nesilica (40 u kontrolnoj i 40 u pokusnoj skupini) starih 50 tjedana. Kontrolna skupina nesilica dobivala je u hrani suncokretovo ulje (6%), a pokusna skupina kombinaciju repičinog (4%) i ribljeg (2%) ulja. Smjese za nesilice sadržavale su 16,8% sirovih bjelančevina i 11,57 MJ ME. Istraživanje je trajalo 28 dana. Sadržaj masnih kiselina u mastima žumanjka određen je na 10 uzoraka iz svake skupine. Korištena ulja (suncokretovo, repičino i riblje) u hrani za nesilice imala su značajan utjecaj na profil masnih kiselina u mastima žumanjaka jaja. U mastima žumanjaka kod pokusne skupine nesilica utvrđen je značajno veći (P<0,001) sadržaj poželjnih masnih kiselina (linolenske, C18:3n-3; eikozapentaenske, C20:5n-3 i dokozaheksaenske, C22:6n-3) u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Osim toga, pokusna skupina nesilica imala je manji sadržaj (P<0,001) nepoželjnih zasićenih masnih kiselina te linolne (C18:2n-6) i arahidonske kiseline (C20:4n-6) u mastima žumanjaka. Sadržaj oleinske kiseline (C18:1) i ukupnih mononezasićenih masnih kiselina (MUFA) bio je značajno veći (P<0,001) u mastima žumanjaka pokusne skupine. Pokusna skupina nesilica imala je manji sadržaj nepoželjnih polinezasićenih masnih kiselina n-6 tipa (n-6 PUFA, P<0,001), veći sadržaj poželjnih masnih kiselina n-3 tipa (n-3 PUFA, P<0,001) i povoljniji omjer n-6 / n-3 PUFA (P<0,001) u mastima žumanjaka jaja odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu