3 research outputs found
Health Promotion And Leadership Networks [promoção Da Saúde E Redes De Lideranças]
The study of social networks has been gaining importance in health promotion because of the horizontality and synergy created by aggregating groups seeking improved living conditions. Some results of the investigation "Capela in Action and the integrated and participative management of public policies", which assessed an administrative model of the Capela do Socorro subprefecture, in southern São Paulo city, are presented. The analysis of the data addressed the relationships between local leaders, their integration into networks and how far these relationships facilitate actions seeking improved living conditions. The universe of leaders and entities was not defined a priori, but empirically from references collected in the field by the snowball technique. Semi-structured interviews identified groups, movements and entities and their relationships with local government. The data identified 247 leadership positions, 342 associations and complexities of the administrative model studied, within the perspective of the construction of social and political networks as instruments of popular participation. Analyses showed that in inter-group relationships, presented as a sociogram, diffuse connections characterized an extensive, sparse network. Changes are underway in civil society, both in organization and social transformation. Some facts pointed here provide local administration with information to create new opportunities for participation and facilitate local leaders' involvement in the implementation of public policies.231209226Biernacky, P., Walford, D., Snowball sampling: Problems and techniques of chaim referral sampling (1981) Sociol Methods Research, (2), pp. 141-163Borgatti, S.P., Everett, M.G., Freeman, L.C., (2002) Ucinet for Windows: Software for Social Network Analysis, , Harvard: Analytic TechnologiesBuss, P.M., Pellegrini Filho, A., A saúde e seus determinantes (2007) PHYSIS: Rev. Saúde Coletiva, 17 (1), pp. 77-93. , Rio de JaneiroCastells, M., (1999) A sociedade em rede, , São Paulo: Paz e TerraCastells, M., O poder da identidade (2006) Era da Informação, Sociedade e Cultura, , In: CASTELLS, M. A, V.2. São Paulo: Paz e TerraCzeresnia, D., O conceito de saúde e a diferença entre prevenção e promoção (2003) Promoção da Saúde: Conceitos, reflexões, tendências, pp. 39-53. , In: CZERESNIA, D.FREITAS, C.M. (Org.), Rio de Janeiro: FiocruzFernandez, J.C.A., Autonomia e promoção da saúde (2012) Educação e promoção da saúde: Teoria e prática, pp. 499-512. , In: PELICIONI M.C.F.MIALHE, F.L. (Ed.)., São Paulo: SantosGohn, M.G., (2005) Protagonismo da sociedade civil: Movimentos sociais, ONG's e redes solidárias, , São Paulo: Cortez, (Coleção Questões da Nossa Época, v.123)Gurza-Lavalle, A.G., Castello, G., Bichir, R.M., Quando novos atores saem de cena-continuidades e mudanças na centralidade dos movimentos sociais (2004) Política & Sociedade, 5 (2), pp. 35-54. , FlorianópolisGurza-Lavalle, A.G., Castello, G., Bichir, R.M., Protagonistas na sociedade civil: Redes e centralidades de organizações civis em São Paulo (2007) Dados, 50 (3), pp. 465-498. , Rio de JaneiroGurza-Lavalle, A.G., Castello, G., Bichir, R.M., Atores periféricos na sociedade civil: Redes, centralidades e organizações civis em São Paulo (2008) Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais, 23 (68), pp. 73-96Lopes, C.S., Rodrigues, L.C., Sichieri, R., The lack of selection bias in a snowball sampled case-control study on drug abuse (1996) International Journal of Epidemiology, 25 (6), pp. 1267-1270Marques, E.C., Redes sociais e institucionais na construção do Estado e da sua permeabilidade (1999) Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais, 14 (41), pp. 45-67. , São PauloMarteleto, R.M., Ribeiro, B., Guimarães, C., Informação em movimento: Produção e organização do conhecimento nos espaços sociais (2002) Civitas, 2 (1), pp. 69-80. , Porto AlegreConferência Mundial sobre os Determinantes Sociais da Saúde (2012) Diminuindo as diferenças: A prática das políticas sobre os determinantes sociais de saúde, , http://www.who.int/sdhconference/discussion_paper/Discussion_Paper_PT.pdf, ORGANIZAÇÃO MUNDIAL DA SAÚDE, Documento para discussão. Rio de Janeiro, out 2011. Disponível em:. Acesso em: 16 novScherer-Warren, I., (1996) Redes de movimentos sociais, , 2a ed. São Paulo: LoyolaScherer-Warren, I., Redes de movimentos sociais na América Latina (2008) Caderno CRH, 21 (54), pp. 505-517. , set-dezStoz, E.N., Redes sociais e saúde (2009) Informação, saúde e redes sociais: Diálogos de conhecimentos nas comunidades da Maré, pp. 27-42. , In: MARTELETO, R.M. (Org)., Rio de Janeiro: FiocruzWestphal, M.F., (2008) Capela em ação e a gestão integrada e participativa de políticas públicas, p. 205. , Relatório Técnico. São Paulo: FapespWhitaker, F., Rede: Uma estrutura alternativa de organização (2002) Revista Mutações sociais, (3). , Rio de Janeiro, s/
Democratization of Brazilian Health Councils: The Paradox of Bringing the Other Side into the Tent
Contemporary discussions of 'democratic innovation experiences' have evolved into a heated debate about how effective these 'new spaces' are in including ordinary citizens, particularly those traditionally marginalized and excluded. This article focuses on the Brazilian experience with Health Councils and begins by discussing the conditions that have been pointed out by previous studies as favouring the inclusion of these groups in these 'new spaces'. On the basis of these studies, one question that remains is about the democratic legitimacy of these experiences, as it seems that there is a bias towards the inclusion of those that already have political ties with the traditional political system. The local Health Councils in 31 "subprefeituras"(new administrative subdivisions) of the city of São Paulo were researched and a continuum was observed: ranging from a small number of one or two sectors that have historical ties with political parties included in the council to a far more diversified composition, including up to seven sectors with autonomous representatives and various types of association. Using these results as their starting-point, the analyses conclude with a discussion of the relative significance of the factors previously identified as central in establishing the democratic legitimacy of these 'new democratic spaces'. Copyright (c) 2006 The Author. Journal Compilation (c) 2006 Joint Editors and Blackwell Publishing Ltd..