12 research outputs found

    Factors determining working people’s participation in professional development and their impact on professional career in the light of the author’s own research

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    The article outlines the motives of undertaking professional development and its impact on shaping the professional career of people working in Nowa Sól County. It presents the problems of employees in building their professional career path in the local environment, by acquiring, completing or improving their qualifications and professional skills through courses and trainings undertaken on their own initiative.Artykuł nakreśla motywy podejmowania doskonalenia zawodowego i jego wpływ na kształtowanie kariery zawodowej osób pracujących z powiatu nowosolskiego. Przedstawia problemy pracowników w budowaniu ścieżki kariery zawodowej w środowisku lokalnym, poprzez nabywanie nowych, uzupełnianie lub podwyższanie swoich kwalifikacji i umiejętności zawodowych poprzez kursy i szkolenia podejmowane z własnej inicjatyw


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    Aim of his article is to present the Project “New qualifications – more certain future of Nowa Sól district residents” co-financed from European Union funds from European Social Fund of Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007 -2013, Priority VIII – regional economy personnel, that was implemented as an answer to the needs of Nowa Sól disctrict residents regarding acquiring new, completing or improving qualifications and professional skills through courses and trainings undertaken on their own initiative by working adults.Celem niniejszego artykułu będzie przedstawienie projektu „Nowe kwalifikacje – pewniejsza przyszłość mieszkańców Powiatu Nowosolskiego” współfinansowanego ze środków Unii Europejskiej z Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki 2007-2013, Priorytet VIII – Regionalne kadry gospodarki, który był realizowany w odpowiedzi na zapotrzebowanie mieszkańców Powiatu Nowosolskiego odnośnie nabywania nowych, uzupełniania lub podwyższania swoich kwalifikacji i umiejętności zawodowych poprzez kursy i szkolenia podejmowane z własnej inicjatywy przez pracujące osoby dorosłe

    Economic assessment of the effectiveness of cultivation of edible, purple-flesh potato cv. Blue Congo

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    The article presents results of a field experiment involving Blue Congo, an edible potato cultivar with purple-flesh tubers, which is not very common on the Polish market but which may become an alternative to ordinary potatoes owing to its aesthetic and healthful properties. The experiment has proved that more intensive nitrogen fertilisation favours more efficient production and desirable economic output, with a dose of 120 kg N ha-1 being an optimal one, at which the technological effectiveness index equals 20.41. Regarding potassium fertilization, it is not justifiable, neither for production nor for economic results, to exceed a dose of 120 kg K ha-1. Any dose higher than that leads to severe deterioration of the effectiveness indicators. The economic parameters can be improved if market prices are higher, which seems possible when potato tubers are of other colours than the ordinary one

    The Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization on Yield and Macronutrient Concentrations in Three Cultivars of Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.)

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    In many countries, Jerusalem artichoke (JA) is a source of biomass for renewable energy production and alternative biofuel feedstock, and it is used for feed and food production. The species also has medicinal properties, and it is used in soil reclamation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of N fertilization on the yield and macronutrient concentrations in JA tubers. The effect of N fertilization (control plot, unfertilized, 80 and 120 kg ha−1) on aerial biomass yield, tuber yield, and the mineral composition of tubers in three JA cultivars (“cv.”) (Rubik, Albik, and Gute Gelbe) was investigated in a field experiment. Tuber yield (40.99 Mg ha−1) and aerial biomass yield (62.76 Mg ha−1) were highest in cv. Gute Gelbe fertilized with 120 kg N ha−1 in the warm and moderately wet growing season of 2018. Agronomic N-use efficiency (AE) was highest in cv. Gute Gelbe. In the treatment supplied with 80 kg N ha−1, the fresh matter yield (FMY) of tubers was determined at 66.4 kg kg−1 N, whereas in the treatment fertilized with 120 kg N ha−1, the FMY of tubers reached 101.8 kg kg−1 N. The evaluated JA cultivars differed in their responses to an increase in the N fertilizer (marginal efficiency—ME) rate from 80 to 120 kg ha−1. The strongest response was observed in cv. Gute Gelbe, where the tuber yield increased by 172.6 kg kg−1 N. The tubers of cv. Gute Gelbe were characterized by significantly higher concentrations of N, K, Mg, and S compared with the other cultivars. The concentrations of macronutrients in the tubers (without Mg) were higher in spring. Nitrogen fertilization did not cause differences in the concentrations of P, K, Ca, Mg, and S, but it increased the N concentration in tubers

    Jerusalem Artichoke: Quality Response to Potassium Fertilization and Irrigation in Poland

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effects of soil potassium fertilization (150, 250 and 350 kg K2O ha−1) and irrigation on the tuber quality (content of ά-tocopherol, β-carotene, essential and endogenous amino acids) of three Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) cultivars (Topstar, Violette de Rennes, Waldspindel). Jerusalem artichokes were grown during a field experiment in the Agricultural Experiment Station in Tomaszkowo (53°42′ N, 20°26′ E, north-eastern Poland). The content of ά-tocopherol and β-carotene was determined at 1.60–2.65 and 0.75–1.00 mg kg−1 DM, respectively, in all Jerusalem artichoke cultivars produced in north-eastern Poland. High rates of potassium fertilizer (250 and 350 kg K ha−1) increased the content of ά-tocopherol in tubers by 47% and 66% on average, respectively. The stimulatory effects of high potassium rates on the content of ά-tocopherol (2.5-fold increase) were observed only in response to irrigation. High rates of potassium fertilizer induced a particularly high increase (3.2-fold) in ά-tocopherol concentrations in Jerusalem artichokes cv. Waldspindel. Irrigation increased ά-tocopherol levels (by 40%) and decreased the concentrations of β-carotene (by 25%) and most essential and endogenous amino acids (isoleucine, leucine, lysine, phenylalanine, valine, alanine, glycine, histidine, serine, threonine). The Topstar cultivar accumulated the highest quantities of essential and endogenous amino acids. Leucine, methionine + cysteine were the limiting amino acids in Jerusalem artichoke tubers. The analyzed tubers were characterized by very high nutritional quality of dietary protein (Essential Amino-Acid Index, 66–78)

    Plonowanie pszenżyta ozimego (x Triticosecale Wittm. ex A. Camus) odmiany Alekto w zależności od intensywności technologii produkcji

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    Background. New production systems have to be designed to fully harness the potential of new triticale varieties. This requires determination of their responses to the major agricultural inputs such as nitrogen fertilization and pesticide use. Material and methods. A three-year field experiment was conducted in 2008–2011 in the Production and Experimental Station in Bałcyny (53°40ʼ N; 19°50ʼ E) owned by the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of different levels of nitrogen fertilization and fungicide protection on the productivity of winter triticale cv. Alekto, and on the severity of foliar and ear diseases. The response of the semi-dwarf morphotype of winter triticale cv. Alekto to different rates of nitrogen fertilizer (90, 90 (60 + 30), 120 (60 + 60) and 150 (90 + 60) kgNha(1)kg N·ha^(-1)) applied at different stages, and to different fungicide treatments was tested in the study. Results. The average grain yield determined for three years was significantly higher in the second highest input production system (120 kgNha(1)kg N·ha^(-1), applied at stages BBCH 27 (50%) and BBCH 32 (50%) with seed dressing and two foliar fungicide treatments at stages BBCH 31 and 39). The second highest input system was characterized by the most desirable yield components and the highest disease resistance. The lowest yield (decrease by 9–19%, three-year average) was noted in the low-input system with a single rate of nitrogen fertilizer (90 kgNha(1)kg N·ha^(-1)) and only antifungal seed dressing. Conclusion. A nitrogen fertilizer rate of 120 kgNha(1)kg N·ha^(-1) combined with two foliar fungicide treatments exerted the most beneficial influence on the yield and disease resistance of semi-dwarf winter triticale.Wykorzystanie potencjału nowych odmian pszenżyta ozimego jest możliwe tylko w warunkach ustalenia odpowiedniej technologii produkcji, dlatego istnieje konieczność określenia ich reakcji na intensywność zastosowania podstawowych czynników agrotechnicznych, do których należy nawożenie azotem i ochrona przed chorobami. Celem badań było określenie produkcyjności oraz nasilenia występowania chorób liści i kłosa pszenżyta ozimego odmiany Alekto w zależności od poziomu nawożenia azotem, w warunkach zróżnicowanej ochrony fungicydowej. Trzyletnie ścisłe badania polowe prowadzono w latach 2008–2011 na polach Zakładu Produkcyjno-Doświadczalnego w Bałcynach (NE Polska, 53°40ʼ N; 19°50ʼ E), należącego do Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie. W badaniach testowano reakcję półkarłowego morfotypu pszenżyta ozimego odmiany Alekto na wielkość dawki nawożenia azotem (90; 90 (60 + 30); 120 (60 + 60) i 150 (90 + 60) kgNha(1)kg N·ha^(-1)) i sposobu jej aplikacji (w stadium BBCH 27 i BBCH 32) przy różnej ochronie fungicydowej (w stadium BBCH 31 i BBCH 39). Półkarłowy morfotyp pszenżyta ozimego reagował istotną zwyżką plonu ziarna pod wpływem intensyfikacji technologii produkcji (120 kgNha(1)kg N·ha^(-1), z podziałem 50% (BBCH 27) i 50% (BBCH 32) i ochrony z użyciem zaprawy nasiennej + dwa zabiegi fungicydowe nalistne (BBCH 31 i 39). Taka technologia sprzyjała uzyskaniu najkorzystniejszych wartości elementów struktury plonu i największej odporności pszenżyta ozimego na choroby. Najmniej korzystna dla plonowania była niskonakładowa technologia produkcji, w której zastosowano nawożenie azotem jednorazowo w dawce 90 kgNha(1)kg N·ha^(-1) i ograniczano nasilenie grzybów patogenicznych zaprawą nasienną (spadek plonu o 9–19%). Korzystny wpływ azotu aplikowanego w dawce 120 kgNha(1)kg N·ha^(-1) z podziałem 60 kg N w stadium BBCH 27 i 60 kg N w stadium BBCH 32, przy dwukrotnej nalistnej ochronie fungicydowej w stadium BBCH 31 i BBCH 39, uzasadnia ich stosowanie w uprawie półkarłowej formy pszenżyta ozimego

    The Effects of Potassium Fertilization and Irrigation on the Yield and Health Status of Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.)

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    The objective of this study was to determine the effects of potassium fertilization (applied to soil at 150, 250, and 350 kg K2O ha−1) and irrigation on the yield (fresh matter yield and dry matter yield of above-ground biomass and tubers) and the health status of tubers and leaves of three Jerusalem artichoke—JA (Helianthus tuberosus L.) cultivars (Topstar, Violette de Rennes, Waldspindel). The Topstar cultivar was characterized by the highest total tuber yield (60.53 Mg FM ha−1) and the highest above-ground biomass yield (65.74 Mg FM ha−1). An increase in the rate of potassium fertilizer to 350 kg K2O ha−1 did not affect total tuber yields. The greatest increase in above-ground biomass yields was observed in response to the potassium fertilizer rate of 150 kg K2O ha −1 (64.40 Mg FM ha−1). Irrigation increased tuber yields by 59% and above-ground biomass yields by 42% on average. Phytopathological analyses revealed that JA leaves were most frequently colonized by fungi of the genera Alternaria, Fusarium, and Epicoccum. Alternaria and Fusarium fungi were more prevalent in non-irrigated than in irrigated plots. A higher number of fungal pathogens was isolated from the leaves of cv. Violette de Rennes grown in a non-irrigated plot fertilized with 250 kg K2O ha−1. Tubers were most heavily colonized by fungi of the genera Penicillium, Fusarium, Alternaria, Botrytis, and Rhizopus. Fungal species of the genus Fusarium were isolated from tubers in all irrigated treatments, and they were less frequently identified in non-irrigated plots. Only the tubers of cv. Topstar grown in non-irrigated plots and supplied with 150 kg K2O ha−1 were free of Fusarium fungi. The number of cultures of pathogenic species isolated from Jerusalem artichoke tubers had a minor negative impact on fresh and dry matter yield

    Moderation of Inulin and Polyphenolics Contents in Three Cultivars of Helianthus tuberosus L. by Potassium Fertilization

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    Jerusalem artichoke, a widely consumed edible, is an excellent source of inulin and selected phytochemicals. However, the improvement of its chemical composition by potassium fertilization has not yet been studied. Thus, the aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of different potassium (K) fertilization levels (K2O 150 kg ha−1, 250 kg ha−1, 350 kg ha−1) on the content of inulin; profile and changes in polyphenolic compounds; and the antioxidant capacity, including on-line ABTS antioxidant profiles of freeze-dried tubers originated from Violette de Rennes, Topstar, and Waldspindel cultivars. Inulin content was highest in the early maturing cv. Topstar. The application of 350 kg ha−1 of K fertilizer rates during the growth of cv. Topstar increased the inulin content of tubers by 13.2% relative to the lowest K fertilizer rate of 150 kg ha−1. In cv. Violette de Rennes, inulin accumulation increased in response to the fertilizer rate of 250 kg ha−1. A further increase in K fertilizer rates had no effect on inulin content. The inulin content of cv. Waldspindel was not modified by any of the tested K fertilizer rates. Thus, the accumulation of the inulin was cultivar-dependent. In the cultivars analyzed, 11 polyphenolic compounds were identified and polyphenolic compound content was affected by the applied rate of potassium fertilizer, which was dependent on the cultivar. Chlorogenic acid was the predominant phenolic acid in all cultivars, and it accounted for around 66.4% of the identified polyphenolic compounds in cv. Violette de Rennes and for around 77% of polyphenolic compounds in cv. Waldspindel and Topstar

    Wpływ nawożenia mineralnego na składniki szkodliwe w bulwach ziemniaka o fioletowo-niebieskim miąższu

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    Background. There are few reports in the literature on the impact of agricultural technology on the content of mineral components in a type of potato, with purple-blue peel and flesh, that is not yet commonly grown in Poland. However, an increasing interest is being shown in these cultivars owing to their high content of healthy substances associated with the colour of the tuber flesh. The aim of this experiment was to determine optimal doses of soil fertilization with basic macronutrients used in potato cultivation and see how they affect the quality composition of potato tubers with purple-blue peel and flesh. Material and methods. In the first part of the experiment (I), nitrogen was applied as urea fertilizer (46% N) at doses of 40kgha(1)40 kg·ha^(-1), 80kgha(1)80 kg·ha^(-1) and 120kgha(1)120 kg·ha^(-1). In the second part of the experiment (II), potassium was applied as potassium sulphate (50% K) at doses of 120kgha(1)120 kg·ha^(-1), 150kgha(1)150 kg·ha^(-1) and 180kgha(1)180 kg·ha^(-1). Statistical analysis was performed using the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) (Statistica 10.0, StatSoft, USA). The Fisher’s LSD test was applied to assess significant differences (P < 0.05) between samples. Results. The following were determined in potato tubers: content of nitrates, content of total chlorophyll pigments and level of α solanine. The results suggest that optimal doses of fertilizers applied to soil for the cv. Blue Congo potato are: nitrogen 40kgha(1)40 kg·ha^(-1) and potassium 120kgha(1)120 kg·ha^(-1). Conclusion. At this level of mineral soil fertilization, the lowest content of nitrates was observed. Also, they were optimal doses with regard to total chlorophyll and toxic α solanine.Niewiele jest doniesień literatury na temat wpływu agrotechniki na zawartość składników mineralnych ziemniaka o fioletowo-niebieskiej skórce i miąższu, który w Polsce nie przyjął się jeszcze w powszechnej uprawie. Obserwuje się coraz większe zainteresowanie tymi odmianami ze względu na dużą zawartość substancji prozdrowotnych związanych z wybarwieniem miąższu. Celem przeprowadzonych badań było ustalenie optymalnych dawek nawożenia doglebowego podstawowymi makroelementami w uprawie ziemniaka, wpływającymi na skład jakościowy bulw ziemniaka o fioletowo-niebieskiej skórce i miąższu. Sadzeniak fioletowo-niebieskiej odmiany ziemniaka Blue Congo zakupiono w Finnish Seed Potato Centre Ltd. (Suomen Siemenperunakeskus, Finland). Eksperyment polowy zlokalizowano w Stacji Doświadczalno-Rolniczej w Tomaszkowie (53º42’ N; 20º26’ E, Polska). Dwa doświadczenia polowe przeprowadzono Niewiele jest doniesień literatury na temat wpływu agrotechniki na zawartość składników mineralnych ziemniaka o fioletowo-niebieskiej skórce i miąższu, który w Polsce nie przyjął się jeszcze w powszechnej uprawie. Obserwuje się coraz większe zainteresowanie tymi odmianami ze względu na dużą zawartość substancji prozdrowotnych związanych z wybarwieniem miąższu. Celem przeprowadzonych badań było ustalenie optymalnych dawek nawożenia doglebowego podstawowymi makroelementami w uprawie ziemniaka, wpływającymi na skład jakościowy bulw ziemniaka o fioletowo-niebieskiej skórce i miąższu. Sadzeniak fioletowo-niebieskiej odmiany ziemniaka Blue Congo zakupiono w Finnish Seed Potato Centre Ltd. (Suomen Siemenperunakeskus, Finland). Eksperyment polowy zlokalizowano w Stacji Doświadczalno-Rolniczej w Tomaszkowie (53º42’ N; 20º26’ E, Polska). Dwa doświadczenia polowe przeprowadzon