17 research outputs found

    Kinesitherapy in Health Promotion and Management of the Disease

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    The functioning of the human in norm and pathology is without any doubt carried out in two qualitatively different states – health and disease. The delimitation between health and illness is variable and it is difficult to determine subjectively whether the person is healthy or ill. Prevention is an opportunity to make this delimitation clearly visible, preventing the onset of disease through its various options – medication or non-medication influence, including treatment by movement (kinesitherapy). The purpose of this article is to explore and present the possibilities of preventive kinesitherapy in disease management. Kinesitherapy is considered as a system of activities for recovery (fully or partially) of physical and intellectual abilities, improvement of the functional state of the organism, improvement of physical qualities, psycho-emotional stability and mobilization of adaptation mechanisms through active and passive kinesitherapy, natural and preformed physical factors, balneo treatment and therapy etc. The methods and the means of kinesitherapy are targeted/aimed at prevention and recovery of the functions of organs and systems in the body, improving its physical, mental, professional and economic completeness, which manages the disease and improves the quality of life of the individual

    Kinesitherapy Management of Overweight in the Child’s Age

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    Various studies in recent years have identified an epidemiological increase in the number of overweight and obese children, which necessitates a collaboration of a team of different specialists and the development of more effective prevention and control programs. The study was conducted at „Prostor“ – Varna in the period 2016-2017, where 85 overweight and obese children were examined. The participants were allocated to an experimental group of 44 children who were subjected to the „Advanced Fit Ball“ methodology and a control group of 41 children to whom the „Classical Fit Ball“ methodology was applied. The purpose of this article is to investigate and present the effectiveness of the Advanced Fit Ball kinesitherapy program for overweight children. The methods and means of our proposed methodology are aimed at the prevention and restoration of the functions of organs and systems in the child’s body, improving the physical, mental and emotional state, thereby improving the quality of life and managing overweight in childhood. The results of the study show a significant reduction in body weight, percentage of body fat, waist circumference, both immediately after the end of the program and one year later, which shows us the effectiveness and sustainability of the „Advanced Fit Ball“ methodology for overweight children

    Physical rehabilitation approach to temporomandibular disorders—a clinical case

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    Introduction: Temporomandibular disorders are an umbrella term covering pain and dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint, masticatory muscles and associated structures. These conditions can negatively affect body posture, daily activities, and quality of life. The challenges in the entire diagnostic process and the complex treatment indicate the need of a multidisciplinary approach to temporomandibular disorders.Aim: The aim of this article is to monitor the effectiveness of an individualized rehabilitation plan for temporomandibular dysfunction.Materials and Methods: A 58-year-old woman diagnosed with a severe temporomandibular joint dysfunction underwent a 10-day rehabilitation course, including laser puncture, ultrasound, interference current therapy, manual lymphatic drainage, muscle relaxing techniques, and fitball.Results: We founded a significant improvement in De Fonseca index, total Quality of Life score and range of motion as a result of the treatment.Conclusion: The personalized administration of physical and rehabilitation modalities acts not only as a focused therapy, but determines the long-term effectiveness of the treatment of temporomandibular disorders

    Anmo: traditional Chinese massage

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    Anmo is one of the oldest methods of treatment and is a combination of different approaches for achieving optimum health. It has a thousand-year history and traces its origins to ancient China. Acupuncture and Anmo (acupressure) are two major healing techniques that originated there. Anmo is widely used in Eastern medicine and is currently gaining popularity around the world since it is predominantly applied as a disease prevention treatment that can also achieve a healing effect, if necessary. The purpose of this article is to present traditional Chinese medicine's understanding of Anmo's effect, its history and origin, its benefits, principles, performance techniques, indications, and contraindications

    Kinesitherapeutic Approach towards Pectus Carinatum Deformity: A Clinical Case

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    Introduction: A protruding chest is an overgrowth of the rib cartilage that causes protrusion of the sternum due to rapid growth during puberty, vitamin D deficiency, hereditary transmission, and others. The deformity "pectus carinatum" can be classified as chondrogladiolar or chondromanubrial, depending on the place of greatest protrusion, and lateral deformations are possible. Treatment is usually performed conservatively by corset reinforcement, but in very rare cases, surgery is required. Kinesitherapy is widely used in pectus carinatum; it combines a variety of exercises and techniques that further enhance the effect of treatment.The aim of the article is to observe the effectiveness of an individually appointed kinesitherapy program for a patient with pectus carinatum.Material and Methods: A case of a 13-year-old girl with complaints of chest and back pain is being considered. After consultation with an orthopedist, a deformity of the sternum was found, with a stronger protrusion of the right thoracic half against the background of mild S-shaped thoracolumbar scoliosis. Conservative treatment was prescribed, including exercise therapy for the spine, swimming, a dorsal corset, and a compression corset. The patient was referred to the University Center of Oriental Medicine of MU-Varna (UCOM) for the implementation of an individual rehabilitation treatment plan. A set of exercises was applied every other day for 1 month, after which the patient continued to perform them independently. After the treatment, she was recommended a visit to UCOM twice a month in order to monitor the results achieved and adapt the program to her specific condition.Results: Based on the applied plan, the following results have been achieved: an improvement in posture, muscle strengthening, and overcoming muscle imbalance.Conclusion: The selection of the right methods and materials, their proper application, and implementation, together with constancy and the desire for improvement, lead not only to visible results but also support the overall functioning of the individual

    The fitball as a multifunctional kinesitherapeutical instrument - specificity when choosing

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    Голямата гимнастическа топка „Fitball` (ГГТ) в последните години придоби популярност в световен мащаб. В наши дни освен като гимнастически и фитнес уред ГГТ се е наложила като ценен и широко прилаган метод в кинезитерапевтичната практика. Характеристиките на ГГТ изискват спазването на определени правила при избора й с оглед постигането на максимално лечебно въздействие и безопасност за пациента. Подборът на точния размер, цвят и разновидност са от съществено значение за прецизното изпълнение и ефективността на методиката. Познаването на технологичните характеристики и условията за съхранение и експлоатация на ГГТ гарантират безопасността при нейното използване.The big gymnastic ball `Fitball` has gained popularity worldwide in the last few years. Nowadays, except as gym and fitness equipment, Fitball has established itself as a valuable and widely used method in the kinesitherapeutic practice. The characteristics of Fitball require compliance with certain rules in selecting it to achieve maximum therapeutic effect and safety for the patient. The selection of the exact size, color and type are essential for precise execution and effectiveness of the methodology. Knowing the technological characteristics and conditions for storage and operation of Fitball ensure the safety of its use

    Physiotherapy for IT Specialists with Pain in the Cervical and Thoracic Spine

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    The aim of the present study is to propose a kinesitherapeutic program designed to alleviate cervicothoracic pain and enhance the quality of life among IT professionals.Methods and materials: Due to the nature of their profession, IT specialists spend prolonged periods sitting in front of a computer, which leads to frequent complaints of pain in the cervical and thoracic parts of the spine. This negatively affects their health, work productivity, and quality of life, with the most common cause of the pain being the upper crossed syndrome, which is a muscle imbalance affecting the upper part of the spine. The primary objective of the current study is to assess the effectiveness of physiotherapy in reducing pain and improving the quality of life for IT specialists experiencing discomfort in the cervical-thoracic region. The study enrolled 9 IT specialists who reported pain and restricted range of motion in the neck and upper back. These participants underwent an eight-week physiotherapy treatment program, which included specialized exercises tailored to their needs.Results: Functional assessments of the affected area and the quality of life of all participants were assessed before and after the physiotherapy treatment. The results showed a significant improvement in pain intensity and functional status. Participants reported reduced pain levels and an enhanced ability to engage in daily activities without discomfort.Conclusion: The results demonstrate that physiotherapy is an effective method for maintaining good muscle tone, eliminating pain symptoms, and improving work performance and the overall quality of life among IT specialists

    Meridian massage and post-isometric relaxation in treatment of tension headache

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    Tензионното главоболие е едно от най-честите оплаквания при различни възрастови групи и е значителен проблем, който има голямо социално-икономическо влияние. Този здравен проблем се отразява върху обществото, като едновременно представлява голям разход, свързан с използването на здравната система, и нетру-доспособност, която довежда до продължително отсъствие от работното място. Симптоматичното медикаментозно лечение на тензионното главоболие води до временно потискане и облекчаване на това оплакване, но не и до отстраняване на проблема. Неглижирането на това състояние поражда търсенето на по-ефикасни и успешни средства за борба, включващи правилна диагностика, неконвенционални и конвенционални методи на лечение. Задължително условие за изграждане на цялостен модел на лечение на тензионното главоболие е кооперативната връзка между лекар-физиотерапевт и кинезитерапевт, насочена към индивидуалните оп-лаквания на пациента.Tension headache is one of the most common complaints in different-age groups and it is a significant problem which has a big socio-economic influence. This health problem reflects on society and at the same time is a big cost related to healthcare system and disability which leads to prolonged absence from work. Symptomatically medical treatment of tension headache leads to temporary suppression and relief of this complaint but does not solve the problem. The negligence of this state, generates a search for more efficient and successful measures for struggle, including correct diagnostic, unconventional and conventional methods of treatment. A mandatory condition for building up a whole model for treatment of tension headache is the cooperative relationship between a doctor-physio-therapist and kinesitherapist, focused on the individual complaints of the patient

    Advantages and opportunities of Fitball for prevention and treatment in kinesitherapy

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    Fitball or Swiss Ball is a large inflatable ball, used to perform gymnastic exercises. It was first introduced in Switzerland for the treatment of children with cerebral palsy. Today Fitball finds large application in kinesitherapy, fitness and sport .The aim of this review is to present the possibilities of using Fitball for prevention and treatment in kinesitherapy.As purpose of the present study, a brief historical overview, analysis of scientific publications and sociological research have been done.The exercises with fitball have complex effects on the whole organism. They contribute to improving the functions of the respiratory and cardiovascular system, to normalize blood pressure. The work of the digestive system, kidneys and liver is affected too. It increases muscle strength, improves coordination, balance, posture, reduces weight. Fitball has a beneficial effect during pregnancy and the postnatal period. And last but not least, fitball affects the psycho-emotional tone of the patient by reducing tension and stress.The fitball exercises quickly found popularity throughout the world. This method of exercising has a number of advantages. It is suitable for people of all ages - can be applied in both children and adults over 70 years. Fitball can be practiced in healthcare facilities, gyms, at home, outdoors. Classes can be conducted both individually and in a group

    Obesity, cellulite and esthetic kinesitherapy in menopause - presentation of a clinical case

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    Наднорменото телесно тегло, целулита и задръжката на течности са често срещани оплаквания при менопаузалните жени, които все по-често търсят помощ от кинезитерапията, като алтернатива на хормонозаместителната терапия. Експериментът е проведен в Университетския център по Източна медицина на Медицински университет-Варна през месец юли - август 2017 г., като ръст, тегло, индекс телесна маса и съотношение мускулна маса/мастна тъкан са измервани с апарат „TANITA` в МЦРСМ „Простор`-Варна. Обект на изследването е естетичната кинезитерапия и нейните ефекти върху наднорменото тегло и целулита при менопаузалната пациентка Г. Ш. на 54 г. Предмет на изследването е влиянието на средствата на естетичната кинезитерапия. Целта на изследването е да се създаде програма за подобряване на холистичното здраве при менопаузалните жени със средствата на естетичната кинезитерапия. Подобряването на холистичното здраве при тази голяма и застрашена група от населението чрез подобни програми би имало и допълнителен ефект посредством намаляване на появата на злокачествени заболявания, свързани с продължителния прием на синтетични и растителни хормони.Постигнатите резултати разкриват неизползвани досега възможности за приложение на естетичната кинезитерапия при пациентки в менопауза.Obesity, cellulite, and fluid retention are common complaints in menopausal women who are increasingly looking for physical therapy as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy. The experiment was conducted at the University Center of Eastern Medicine of the Medical University of Varna in July - August 2017, as height, weight, a body mass index and ratio of muscle mass/fat were measured with apparatus `TANITA` in MCRSM `Prostor` -Varna. Object of the study was the aesthetic kinesitherapy and its effects on excess weight and cellulite in a menopausal female patient G. S., 54 years old. The subject of the study was the influence of the means of the aesthetic physical therapy. The aim of the study was to create a program for improving the holistic health in menopausal women by means of the aesthetic kinesitherapy. Improving the holistic health of this large and endangered group of the population through such programs would also have an additional effect by reducing the occurrence of malignancies associated with prolonged intake of synthetic and plant hormones. The achieved results revealed unused possibilities for application the aesthetic physical therapy in menopausal patients