15 research outputs found
New SERS-active junction based on cerium dioxide facet dielectric films for biosensing
Further enhance of the Raman scattering is the priority for the development of the modern molecular diagnostic methods. Expected increasing in detection sensitivity of the biological and chemical agents provides substantial progress in such areas as: proteomics (discovery of new disease markers), pharmacokinetics of drugs, analysis of toxins and infections agents, drug analysis, food safety, and environmental safety.
In this paper we investigated the possibility of the facet structures, based on cerium dioxide to further enhance the SERS signal. During the studies a new metamaterial was developed. The metamaterial is based on the facet cerium dioxide films and plasmonic nanoparticles that are immobilized on its surface. The new metamaterial provides additional SERS signal amplification factor of 211. Thus developed material offers the prospect of increasing the sensitivity and selectivity of biochemical and immunological analysis
Предварительная оценка сортов картофеля отечественной и зарубежной селекции на устойчивость к картофельной двадцативосьмиточечной коровке Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata Motch. (Fabricius, 1775) в Приморском крае
Relevance. Potato ladybug is a polyphagous pest. Its distributed throughout the Far East, in India, Korea, Japan and the countries of South America. Most affected by it are potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, peppers, cucumbers, pumpkin, melon, beans. Leaving the veins intact pest eats the soft tissue of the leaf. Such leaves die quickly. Potato ladybug is a carrier of some diseases of potato and it also causes damage to plants. But insecticides pollute products and sustainable insect populations. The use of varieties with high resistance to pest damage eliminates the need for mass application of insecticides.Methods. The data on a preliminary assessment of potato varieties of domestic and foreign selection for resistance to a twenty-eight-point potato ladybug Henosepilachna vigintiomaculata Motch. (Fabricius, 1775) in the Primorye Territory. This work aim work was a preliminary assessment of the traditional potato breeding resistance factors to pest damage. The experiment out using generally accepted methods for the study and evaluation of potato varieties for pests with minor modifications was carried.Results. As a study result it was found that Belmonda, Labella, Red Lady, Queen Anna, Lilly, Sante varieties were the least suitable for passing the stages of ontogenesis and nutritional nutrition of the pest. The most tolerant to the pest – varieties Smak, Casachok, Yantar. The maximum mortality of potato ladybug larvae was observed in varieties Belmonda, Dachny, Augustin, Yubilyar, Labella, Sante, Koroleva Anna, Laperla in laboratory experiment. Minimum on varieties Smak, Casachok, Yantar, Red Lady. The data indicate the manifestation of an antibiotic barrier in potatoes, which must be confirmed by a field experiment. Актуальность. Картофельная коровка – многоядный вредитель, распространенный по всей территории Дальнего Востока, в Индии, Корее, Японии и странах Южной Америки. Наиболее сильно страдают от нее картофель, томаты, баклажаны, кабачки, перец, огурцы, тыква, дыня, фасоль. В любой стадии своего развития вредитель поедает мягкую ткань листа, оставляя нетронутыми жилки. Такие листья быстро погибают. В результате урожаи картофеля сильно снижаются. Кроме того, картофельная коровка является переносчиком некоторых болезней картофеля и этим также наносит урон растениям. Использование сортов с высокой устойчивостью к поражению вредителем снимает необходимость массового применения инсектицидов. Целью данной работы была предварительная оценка факторов устойчивости картофеля традиционной селекции к повреждению вредителями.Методика. Приводятся данные по предварительной оценке сортов картофеля отечественной и зарубежной селекции на устойчивость к картофельной двадцативосьмиточечной коровке Henosepilachna vigintiomaculata Motch. (Fabricius, 1775) в Приморском крае. Опыт проводили с использованием общепринятых методик по изучению и оценке устойчивости сортов картофеля к вредителям с незначительными модификациями.Результаты. Установлено, что наименее подходящими для прохождения стадий онтогенеза и нажировочного питания вредителя оказались сорта Бельмонда, Лабелла, Ред Леди, Королева Анна, Лилли, Сантэ. Наиболее толерантными к вредителю – сорта Смак, Казачок, Янтарь. В лабораторном эксперименте максимальная смертность личинок картофельной коровки наблюдалась на сортах Бельмонда, Дачный, Августин, Юбиляр, Лабелла, Сантэ, Королева Анна, Лаперла. Минимальная – на сортах Смак, Казачок, Янтарь, Ред Леди. Данные свидетельствуют о проявлении у картофеля антибиотического барьера, что необходимо подтвердить полевым экспериментом.
Изучение изолятов Phytophthora infestans Mont. de Bary в посадках картофеля
Relevance. One of the most common diseases of potatoes and other nightshade family species is late blight caused by a pathogenic oomycete of the Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary. At least 100 species of phytophthora have been described in nature, affecting a wide range of plant species. The phytophthora population is heterogeneous and is represented by races, as well as different types of mating. This leads to a rapid adaptation of the pathogen and the emergence of new, more aggressive, and resistant races. Phytophthora is a parasite, the damage from which cannot be avoided within the organic farming framework. Therefore, it is particularly important to know the pathogenesis and racial composition of phytophthora in each individual region of Solanaceae cultivation.Research methodology. Differentiation and collection of material from the natural population were carried out using potato varieties with known R-genes in the genome. Isolation and introduction into the culture were carried out from leaves with the dampening chambers method, followed by cultivation on nutrient media. The pathogen was identified by microscopic analysis. Culture filtrates were obtained on the liquid nutritious medium, followed by liquid filtration and autoclaving. Phytotoxic activity was determined by the effect on the seedlings of the nightshade, grass, and pea families by the standard method. Molecular genetic analysis of the isolates was carried out by ISSR analysis; the primer, amplification mixture, and temperature profile of the reaction were selected according to the literature data; the calculation of genetic characteristics was carried out using POPGENE software packages.Results. Samples of seven Phytophthora infestans isolates were collected and introduced into culture. As a result of in vitro cultivation, morphological differences were revealed, expressed in the structure and color of the mycelium, the shape of the colonies, the nature of sporulation, the color of the reverse, and the medium under the colonies. The genetic differences of the natural phytophthora material introduced into the culture, collected from potato varieties with single resistance genes (R1, R3, R4), were revealed. Differences in the phytotoxic activity of the studied isolates' cultural filtrates were revealed. The isolated isolates demonstrate differentiation at the phenotypic, genetic and physiological levels, which allows us to speak about their belonging to races.Актуальность. Одной из самых распространенных болезней картофеля и других пасленовых является фитофтороз, вызываемый патогенным оомицетом вида Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary. В природе описано не менее 100 видов фитофторы, поражающих широкий круг видов растений. Популяция фитофторы гетерогенна и представлена расами, а также разными типами спаривания. Это приводит к быстрой адаптации патогена и появлению новых, более агрессивных и устойчивых рас. Фитофтора является паразитом, урон от которого невозможно избежать в рамках органического земледелия. Поэтому особенно важно знать особенности патогенеза и расового состава фитофторы в каждом отдельно взятом регионе выращивания пасленовых.Методика исследований. Дифференцировкк и сбор материала из природной популяции осуществляли с использованием сортов картофеля, имеющих в геноме известные R-гены. Изоляцию и введение в культуру проводили с листьев методом влажных камер с последую- щим культивированием на питательных средах. Идентифицировали патоген с помощью микроскопического анализа. Культуральные фильтраты получали на жидкой среде Хелла с последующим фильтрованием и автоклавированием жидкости. Фитотоксическую активность определяли по влиянию на проростки пасленовых, злаковых и бобовых культур стандартным методом. Молекулярно-генетический анализ изолятов проводили методом ISSR-анализа; праймер, амплификационная смесь и температурный профиль реакции были выбраны по литературным данным; расчет генетических характеристик проводили с использованием пакетов программ TFPGA.Результаты. Собраны и введены в культуру образцы семи изолятов Phytophthora infestans. В результате культивирования in vitro выявлены морфологические отличия, выражавшиеся в структуре и окраске мицелия, форме колоний, характере спороношения, цвета реверса и среды под колониями. Выявлены генетические отличия введенного в культуру природного материала фитофторы, собранного с сортов картофеля, имеющие единичные гены устойчивости (R1, R3, R4). Выявлены отличия в фитотоксической активности культуральных фильтратов исследуемых изолятов. Выделенные изоляты демонстрируют дифференциацию на фенотипическом, генетическом и физиологическом уровнях, что позволяет говорить об их принадлежности к расам
Электронные состояния в металло-полимерном композите полипараксилилен - серебро
Cathodoluminescence spectra of polyparaxylylene - silver metallopolymeric composite were measured and analyzed. The band structure of the composite was investigated. The density of states and band gap were calculated. A model of energy transfer in the polymer matrix was suggested.Измерены и проанализированы спектры катодолюминесценции металлополимерного композита полипараксилилен-серебро, исследована зонная структура композита, рассчитана плотность состояний и ширина запрещенной зоны, предложена модель переноса энергии в полимерной матрице
Establishing the <i>in vitro</i> culture of and micropropagating edible honeysuckle
Edible honeysuckle is a popular fruit crop. Its therapeutic and health-promoting effects are attributed to a high content of bioactive compounds in the fruits. Unlike the traditional plant multiplication methods, the in vitro propagation allows scientists to obtain high-quality planting material of honeysuckle in a great quantity and within a short time. The research was carried out at the Laboratory of Breeding and Genetic Research on Field Crops of the Federal Scientific Center of Agricultural Biotechnology of the Far East named after A.K. Chaiki. Honeysuckle variety Podarok amurchanam created by the Far Eastern State Agrarian University was used as the research object. The research materials were sterilized according to the methodology of N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources with some modifications. Several products were used as chemical agents for sterilization in the following sequence: a 5% solution of surfactants, fungicide Fundazol, EC (1 g/l), the bleaching agent ACE freshly diluted with distilled water in the proportion 1:9 (0.50% of NaOCl in the working solution), and 70% ethanol. The primary explants were cultured on an MS containing 20 g/l sucrose and 6 g/l agar (hereafter – MS) and supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) at a concentration of 0.5 mg/l. The pH of the medium was adjusted to 5.7-5.8 using 1N КОН. The explants (microcuttings with one-two internodes) were subcultured on an MS supplemented with BA (0.5 mg/l). The morphometric parameters of the plants were measured on the 35th day of cultivation. The sterilization of the explants with Fundazol (1 g/l) and the ACE diluted with distilled water in the proportion 1:9 allowed us to obtain a high number of viable microclones (50%). The elimination of leaves from the honeysuckle microcuttings drastically decreased the survival rate and led to the death of the microclones in most cases (the mortality rate was 98.7 %). Subculturing the microcuttings on the MS supplemented with BA at a concentration of 0.5 mg/l facilitated the normal growth and development of the regenerated honeysuckle plants (the average reproduction rate was 4.65)
Preliminary study of traditional selection potato varieties resistance for potatoes ladybug Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata Motch. (Fabricius, 1775) in the Primorsky territory
Relevance. Potato ladybug is a polyphagous pest. Its distributed throughout the Far East, in India, Korea, Japan and the countries of South America. Most affected by it are potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, peppers, cucumbers, pumpkin, melon, beans. Leaving the veins intact pest eats the soft tissue of the leaf. Such leaves die quickly. Potato ladybug is a carrier of some diseases of potato and it also causes damage to plants. But insecticides pollute products and sustainable insect populations. The use of varieties with high resistance to pest damage eliminates the need for mass application of insecticides.Methods. The data on a preliminary assessment of potato varieties of domestic and foreign selection for resistance to a twenty-eight-point potato ladybug Henosepilachna vigintiomaculata Motch. (Fabricius, 1775) in the Primorye Territory. This work aim work was a preliminary assessment of the traditional potato breeding resistance factors to pest damage. The experiment out using generally accepted methods for the study and evaluation of potato varieties for pests with minor modifications was carried.Results. As a study result it was found that Belmonda, Labella, Red Lady, Queen Anna, Lilly, Sante varieties were the least suitable for passing the stages of ontogenesis and nutritional nutrition of the pest. The most tolerant to the pest – varieties Smak, Casachok, Yantar. The maximum mortality of potato ladybug larvae was observed in varieties Belmonda, Dachny, Augustin, Yubilyar, Labella, Sante, Koroleva Anna, Laperla in laboratory experiment. Minimum on varieties Smak, Casachok, Yantar, Red Lady. The data indicate the manifestation of an antibiotic barrier in potatoes, which must be confirmed by a field experiment
Study of Phytophthora infestans Mont. de Bary isolates in the planting of potatoes
Relevance. One of the most common diseases of potatoes and other nightshade family species is late blight caused by a pathogenic oomycete of the Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary. At least 100 species of phytophthora have been described in nature, affecting a wide range of plant species. The phytophthora population is heterogeneous and is represented by races, as well as different types of mating. This leads to a rapid adaptation of the pathogen and the emergence of new, more aggressive, and resistant races. Phytophthora is a parasite, the damage from which cannot be avoided within the organic farming framework. Therefore, it is particularly important to know the pathogenesis and racial composition of phytophthora in each individual region of Solanaceae cultivation.Research methodology. Differentiation and collection of material from the natural population were carried out using potato varieties with known R-genes in the genome. Isolation and introduction into the culture were carried out from leaves with the dampening chambers method, followed by cultivation on nutrient media. The pathogen was identified by microscopic analysis. Culture filtrates were obtained on the liquid nutritious medium, followed by liquid filtration and autoclaving. Phytotoxic activity was determined by the effect on the seedlings of the nightshade, grass, and pea families by the standard method. Molecular genetic analysis of the isolates was carried out by ISSR analysis; the primer, amplification mixture, and temperature profile of the reaction were selected according to the literature data; the calculation of genetic characteristics was carried out using POPGENE software packages.Results. Samples of seven Phytophthora infestans isolates were collected and introduced into culture. As a result of in vitro cultivation, morphological differences were revealed, expressed in the structure and color of the mycelium, the shape of the colonies, the nature of sporulation, the color of the reverse, and the medium under the colonies. The genetic differences of the natural phytophthora material introduced into the culture, collected from potato varieties with single resistance genes (R1, R3, R4), were revealed. Differences in the phytotoxic activity of the studied isolates' cultural filtrates were revealed. The isolated isolates demonstrate differentiation at the phenotypic, genetic and physiological levels, which allows us to speak about their belonging to races
The field enhancement and optical sensing in the periodic and quasi-periodic structures.
New class of the dielectric metamaterials is proposed. We consider both periodic and quasi-periodic structures consisting of the arrays of the almost adjoining dielectric nanorods and the arrays of the dielectric bars at the metal substrate. We obtain a multiple internal resonances, exited by the incident wave, at optical and microwave frequencies. The interaction of such resonances results in giant electric and magnetic field fluctuations
Epitaxial Silver Films Morphology and Optical Properties Evolution over Two Years
Silver and gold are the most commonly used materials in optics and plasmonics. Silver has the lowest optical losses in the visible and near-infrared wavelength range, but it faces a serious problem—degradation over time. It has been repeatedly reported that the optical properties of silver thin films rapidly degrade when exposed to the atmosphere. This phenomenon was described by various mechanisms: rapid silver oxidation, sorption of sulfur or oxygen, formation of silver compounds with chlorine, sulfur, and oxygen. In this work, we systematically studied single-crystalline silver films from 25 to 70 nm thicknesses for almost two years. The surface morphology, crystalline structure and optical characteristics of the silver films were measured using spectroscopic ellipsometry, ultra-high-resolution scanning electron microscopy, and stylus profilometry under standard laboratory conditions. After 19 months, bulk structures appeared on the surface of thin films. These structures are associated with relaxation of internal stresses combined with dewetting. Single-crystalline silver films deposited using the single-crystalline continuous ultra-smooth, low-loss, low-cost (SCULL) technology with a thickness of 35–50 nm demonstrated the best stability in terms of degradation. We have shown that the number of defects (grain boundaries and joints of terraces) is one of the key factors that influence the degradation intensity of silver films