2 research outputs found

    Student rating of distance learning platforms in a medical university against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, as an important component of the "customization" of distance education as part of the digitalization of the university as a whole

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    The COVID - 19 pandemic has posed a challenge for universities: choosing the optimal space for distance teaching. In this work, the students chose the optimal platform from their point of view. The opinion of 4-5 year students of the Faculty of Pediatrics, studying at the Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology in 2019-2020, was investigated using a survey created by the authors. Three platforms were included in the survey: ZOOM, Mirapolis Mail, MS Teams. The most convenient, in the opinion of USMU students, was the Zoom platformПандемия COVID – 19 поставила перед ВУЗами сложную задачу: выбрать оптимальное пространство для дистанционного преподавания. В данной работе студенты выбирали оптимальную платформу со своей точки зрения. Исследовалось мнение студентов 4-5 курсов Педиатрического факультета обучающиеся на кафедре Психиатрии и медицинской психологии в 2019 – 2020 годах, с помощью созданного авторами опроса. В опрос были включены три платформы: ZOOM, MirapolisMail, MS Teams. Самой удобной, по мнению студентов УГМУ, оказалась платформа Zoom