13 research outputs found

    Two main skeletal muscle molecular phenotypes of mouse dm1 models: a comparative transcriptomic analysis

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    Introduction:Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) is a rare, incurable multisystemic disease, with the main symptoms being skeletal muscle weakness, atrophy, and myotonia. It is caused by CTG expansion in the 3' UTR of the DMPK gene whose RNA acquires toxic functions and sequesters MBNL proteins, resulting in globally altered RNA metabolism. To better understand the DM1 transcriptome, we systematically analyzed gene expression in the skeletal muscles of various mouse DM1 models. Methods:We retrieved 13 publicly available RNA-seq datasets from mouse models expressing expanded CTG repeats (HSALR, CTG480KI, TREDT960I) and Mbnl knockout models (SKO, DKO, TKO). Our bioinformatic pipeline with unified parameters consisted of preprocessing, differential expression (DESeq2), gene network analysis (WGCNA), comparison of gene network interactions with the STRING database, and network node enrichment analysis (Cytoscape). Results: In models expressing CTG repeats, the average number of up-regulated genes was 787, compared to 676 in Mbnl knockout models, while there was 642 and 380 down-regulated genes, respectively (log2FC>1, padj>0.05). Both model groups had network modules whose nodes were enriched for muscle and secretory functions (FDR<0.05). There were modules related to immune response, lipid transfer, and insulin in models expressing repeats and modules related to immunoglobulins and extracellular matrix in knockout models. Conclusion: Gene expression patterns separated Mbnl knockouts from models expressing CTG repeats that had a greater number of smaller functionally distinct network modules. Our results revealed novel pathway changes in DM1 skeletal muscles, among which immunological and secretory are particularly interesting as molecular targets for further investigation

    Some experiences in organization and establishing of the medical unit of a battalion in a brigade of the Croatian army

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    Sanitetsko odjeljenje (Sn.O) bataljuna u jednoj od brigada Hrvatske vojske (HV) ustrojeno je tijekom srpnja 1991. godine, postavljanjem referenta Sn.O. Osnovni zadatak bio je kontinuirano izvrÅ”avanje zbrinjavanja vojaka u postrojbi bataljuna. S tim u svezi organiziran je rad ambulante opće prakse, stomatoloÅ”ke i ambulante za fizikalnu terapiju. Organiziranje i rad sanitetskih ekipa koje prate vojake na položaju, kao i interventne ekipe pri ambulanti opće prakse. Osim izvrÅ”avanja navedenoga Sn.O. bataljuna upućuje ranjene vojake na postoperativnu rehabilitaciju u toplice, kako u Republiku Hrvatsku, tako i u inozemstvo. Ovo Sn.O. pokrenulo je inicijativu glede obeÅ”tećenja ranjenih i poginulih vojaka na razini bataljuna. U ambulantama koje pokriva ovo Sn.O. (ambulanta opće prakse, stomatoloÅ”ka i ambulanta za fizikalnu terapiju), vodi se protokol bolesnika i kompjutorska obrada relevantnih pokazatelja zbrinutih vojaka. U Sn.O. bataljuna djeluju: referent sanitetskog odjeljenja, dva liječnika, jedna interventna ekipa sa sanitetskim vozilom pri ambulanti, tri sanitetske ekipe koje prate postrojbu na položaju (ekipe sačinjava: vozač, bolničar, medicinski tehničar i sanitetsko vozilo), jedan liječnik stomatolog i asistent u stomatoloÅ”koj ambulanti, jedan fizioterapeut i bolničar u ambulanti za fizikalnu terapiju. Ovdje je, međutim, važno pripomenuti da postrojba o kojoj je riječ po broju vojaka dvostruko premaÅ”uje postrojbu normalnog bataljuna, pa je organizacija Sn.O. ove postrojbe neÅ”to drukčija od uobičajene sheme organizacije sanitetske službe (odjeljenja) na razini bataljuna. I, konačno, sanitetsko odjeljenje organiziralo je rad bolničara i medicinskih tehničara od razine voda do satnije, čime je u cijelosti zaokružena organizacija sanitetske službe ovoga bataljuna.Medical unit of a battalion in one of the brigades of the Croatian Army has been founded in July 1991 by the appointment of the medical officer. The main task was to perform continously the health care of the members of the battalion. At first, the work of a GPā€™s surgery has been organized as well as that of a dentistā€™s surgery and a surgery for physical therapy. The work of medical teams accompanying soldiers on their positions has also been organized as well as that of an emergency team in the GPā€™s surgery. Besides of these tasks the medical officer of the battalion does also referrals of wounded soldiers to postoperative rehabilitation in rehabilitation institutes or spas both within the Republic of Croatia and abroad. This medical unit has also taken initiative concerning compensations to wounded soldiers or to families of dead soldiers at the level of the batt alion. In surgeries which are parts of this medical unit (GP, dentist, physical therapy) the patientsā€™ records are kept as well as the computer analysis of all relevant data about treated soldiers. The members of the medical unit are: the medical officer, two physicians, one emergency team with an ambulance which is a part of the surgery, 3 medical teams who accompany soldiers on their positions (a team consists of a driver, an aidman and a male nurse equipped with an ambulance), a dentist, a dentistā€™s assistant, a physiotherapist and a aidman in the surgery for physical therapy. It is, however, important to remark that the military unit in question has twice inore soldiers than a normal battalion, so that its medical unit differs to some extent from the usual organizational scheme of medical units at the level of a battalion. And finally, the medical unit has organized the activity of aidmen and male nurses at the level of platoons up to the level of companies. In this way the organization of the medical service of this battalion has been rounded off completely

    The importance of autochthonous breeds in sustainable production

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    Autochthonous breeds are the pillar of sustainable animal production worldwide. From a total of 8719 livestock breeds, 26 percent are classified as at risk of extinction, 13 percent as not at risk, 6 percent as extinct and 55 percent as being of unknown risk status. Therefore, conservation is of high priority. The Podolian cattle is one of the most endangered breed from the list of native breeds of livestock in Serbia. In 2021 only 338 breeding animals were registered. The breed is known as a precious resource of the local landscape enrichment, national heritage and history. According to the population size of the Podolian cattle, a slight increasing tendency can be evidented. The population size is variable (154 breeding animals in 2009, 252 in 2010, 270 in 2011, 260 in 2012, 264 in 2013, 306 in 2014, 258 in 2015, 263 in 2016, 338 in 2017, 317 in 2018, 357 in 2019, 416 in 2020 and 338 in 2021). The Podolian cattle population in Serbia belongs to the I group (critically endangered). Over the time the governmental subsidies influenced the overall slight increase of the number of breeding animals, but the population size is not stabile. Improved conservation program should be applied to save the autochthonous endangered breed suitable for heritage oriented sustainable production in an authentic environment

    Importance of clinical assessment of the genital tract in breeding rams in the process of selection and improvement of autochthonous sheep breeds

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    Poljoprivredna proizvodnja u Republici Srbiji predstavlja značajnu privrede. Stočarstvo pre svega karakteriÅ”u usitnjena porodična gazdinstva, koja se tradicionalno bave ovom delatnoŔću. Ovčarstvo predstavlja važnu granu stočarstva u Republici Srbiji, gde se na preko 155 000 poljoprivrednih gazdinstava gaji ukupno preko 1,7 miliona ovaca. Najveći deo populacije ovaca čine autohtone rase, u prvom redu različiti sojevi pramenke, zatim, u značajno manjem broju cigaja, koje se najčeŔće gaje u poluekstenzivnim sistemima. Mnogi sojevi autohtonih rasas imaju ugrožen status i neophodno je unaprediti mere očuvanja i zaÅ”tite ovih dragocenih autohotnih genetskih resursa, koji imaju značajan potencijal u održivoj poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji. Posebna pažnja treba da se posveti odabiru priplodnih ovnova, zbog toga Å”to je njihov uticaj na populaciju najveći, s obzirom na činjenicu da jedan kvalitetan ovan, u sezoni parenja, upari preko 40 ovaca i ostavlja svoje brojne potomke. Iz tog razloga, prilikom izrade selekcijskih programa za određenu rasu, posebnu pažnju treba posvetiti priplodnim ovnovima i njihovim proizvodnim i reproduktivnim karakteristikama. Pored ostalih selekcijskih kriterijuma, kliničkim pregledom genitalnih organa i morfometrijskom analizom testisa pri odabiru kvalitetnih priplodnih ovnova u značajnoj meri se može poboljÅ”ati, ne samo zdravlje zapata, već i kvalitetne rasne odlike i brojnost populacije. Poznato je da je pored zdravstvenog statusa genitalnih organa, kapacitet testisa za proizvodnju sperme u srazmerom sa obimom testisa (veličina testisa). Ustanovljeno je da ovnovi sa većim obimom testisa ostavljaju veći uticaj na populaciju i mogu da se pare sa većim brojem ovaca. Oni ostavljaju veći broj potomaka, te svoje kvalitativne i kvantitativne rasne odlike mogu brže Å”iriti u populaciji u odnosu na priplodnjake koji imaju manje testise, koji stvaraju manje sperme. Na osnovu literaturnih podataka, koji su proistekli iz opsežnih ispitivanja zaključeno je da priplodni ovnovi starosti preko 1,5 godine, sa zdravim genitalnim organima, moraju imati obim testisa najmanje 33 cm. Idealno bi bilo da svaki priplodnjak ima obim testisa ā‰„ 35 cm zbog toga Å”to tada može uspeÅ”no da pari i preko 40 ovaca tokom sezone parenja. U zemljama sa razvijenim ovčarstvom, ova saznanja čine glavne selekcijske smernice i kriterijume, te je shodno tome, cilj da kvalitetni priplodnjaci imaju obim testisa ā‰„ 38 cm. Lipski soj pramenke predstavlja autohtonu rasu Republike Srbije, koji je prema klasifikaciji Pravilnika o genetičkim resursima do 2019. godine spadao u I kategoriju (kritično ugrožene rase), sa brojem priplodnih grla od oko 800 komada. Zahvaljujući subvencijama, brojnost populacije se povećala i u 2021. godini je postignuto 2 000 registrovanih priplodnih jedinki, tako da ona nije viÅ”e kritično ugrožena, već spada u kategoriju ā€žpotencijalno ugroženihā€œ. Ispitivanja populacija lipskog soja pramenke su dokazala da je zdravlje genitalnih organa priplodnih ovnova dobro, prosečan obim testisa je 38,35 cm, ali je opseg varijacija velik. Ova vrednost podrazumeva odličan prosek na nivou cele populacije, ali zbog toga Å”to je većina zapata mala (do 20 priplodnih jedinki) i često samo sa jednim ovnom u zapatu, ovnovi sa testisima nedovoljnog obima mogu imati nepovoljan uticaj, ne samo na zapat u kome se gaji, već i na celu populaciju lipske ovce. Sa aspekta očuvanja i unapređenja ovih dragocenih autohtonih genetičkih resursa, poželjno je osavremeniti i selekcijski pristup koji uključuje kriterijume vezane za genitalni trakt, sa ciljem da svaki zapat ima kvalitetnog ovna.The agriculture represents an important branch of economy in the Republic of Serbia. Animal production is mainly based on traditional small family households. Sheep production is an important branch of agriculture in the Republic of Serbia, where a total of 1.7 milion sheep are reared in over 155.000 households, mainly under semiextensive menagement. The majority of sheep are autochthonous breeds and local types adapted to the local enviornment. Because of the endangered status of the autochthonous sheep breeds, conservation and improvement of these precious population is needed, as they have a major potential in the sustainable agricultural production. The main focus should be given to the selection of breeding rams, as they have the biggest impact on the population quality. One high quality breeding ram can mate over 40 ewes over the matin season and leave offspring. Taking this in mind, when the selection criterias are defined for a breed, a special attention should be given to the ram, to its productive and reproductive traits. Among other selection criteria, the clinical assessment of the genital tract with a special attention on scrotal circumference could result in better health and quality of the population. It is well known that rams with bigger scrotal circumference (bigger testicles) can have a better reproductive capacity and can serve more ewes in the mating season, what makes a stronger impact of rams on the population quality. In countries with specialized sheep production these characteristics are included into the selection measures and breeding rams older than 1.5 years with healthy genitals should have scrotal circumference of minimum 33 cm, and the ideal score means that the ram should have ā‰„ 35 cm, and the elite ones ā‰„ 38 cm. The Lipe sheep is a local autochthonous breed of the Republic of Serbia, which has a breeding population size of 800 animals in 2019. According to the national legislation that time it had a status of a critically endangered breed. As a result of higher subsidies for the last few years, the population size rises and im 2021 reached 2000 breeding animals which means it got a status of potentially endangered breed. Assessment of the genital tract of breeding rams of the Lipe sheep showed good health of the genitalia, with an average scrotal circumference of 38.35 cm, but with evidence of big variations. The average scrotal circumference of 38.35 cm means an excellent result on a population level. Eventhough the overall scrotal circumference is excellent on the population level, because of the fact that most of the herds are small (up to 20 breeding animals) with only one breeding ram, the animals with insufficient values of scrotal circumference (ā‰„ 33 ) could have negative results not only at the herd level, but also at the population level of the endangered Lipe sheep. With the aim to improve and save the endangered autochthonous rare breed and ensure a high quality elite breeding rams in each flock, it is necessary to update the selective measures with a new criteria regarding the assessment of the male genital tract


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    The success in volleyball certainly depends on the morphological characteristics of the formed volleyball players, of which the basic body height and weight, which can be valorized in view of the current age of volleyball players (Marelić et al, 2008). As in all sports activities, as well as volleyball, no technical element can not be performed without adequate motor abilities and fully manifested without rational techniques of performing motion. The aim of this research is to determine whether there is a statiĀ¬stiĀ¬caĀ¬lly significant correlation between certain anthropometric characteristics and motor abilities in relation to the agility of an isolated motor abilities that are the subject of this research. Methods: In a sample of 16 selected girls aged 14 to 16 years (cadet age) participating in the camp Becej 2006, were measured two anthropometric meaĀ¬suĀ¬res for evaluation of morphological characteristics, three tests for evaluation of motor abiĀ¬lities (both as predictor) and two tests for assessing agility (as criterion). The influĀ¬enĀ¬ce of some anthropometric characteristics and motor abilities on agility in young feĀ¬male volleyball players lities was performed by regression analysis. Results: It can be conĀ¬cluded that the system applied predictor variables showed no statistically sigĀ¬niĀ¬fiĀ¬cant association with variable Japan test, while the variable Jelka test a statistically sigĀ¬niĀ¬ficant correlation. Discussion: Based on the overall analysis of the obtained reĀ¬sults it was discovered that the explosive power (long jump from the place) and the speed of individual movements (hand tapping) have a high level of correlation with agiĀ¬lity were detected in female volleyball players, which is based on previous research (VuĀ¬kovic, 1989) was and expected. Similar results were also other researchers (Webb and Lander, 1983; Negrete and Brophy, 2000)


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    An interdisciplinary approach to solving the problem of dealing with top tennis is becoming increasingly a requirement for further development and planning of the sport, because without cooperation with other sciences, comparing results between groups and individuals, there is no possibility of achieving top results (Roetert, 2003). The aim of the research is to determine the difference between a tennis player Wawrinka and Nadal finalist of Australian Open in 2014 in the singlel competition. Methods: A sample of entities represented the seven matches and their statistics for the two tennis players, Wawrinka and Nadal with the last Australian Open is played open in tennis menā€™s single competition. As a sample of observed parameters given of the 12 statistical indicators. Statistically significant difference between the two tennis players was analyzed by t-test. Results: Based on the analyzed parameters can be concluded that statistically significant differences in parameter Number of achieved aces, where Wawrinka was on average better for a little over nine aces per game (9.27 aces), in parameter Number of winners in the match, he was better for an average of 22.5 winners, while Nadal average was better in the parameter Percent of the loaded first service for 11.67% compared to Wawrinka. Discussion: Results of the research are somewhat consistent with the results of research carried out where it was determined that the statistical differences between the winners and losers are reflected in the following variables: the number of total points won, the number of unforced errors, the number of won winners, and there was no statistically significant difference in the variable number of double faults (Klassen et al, 2001)


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    Plyometrics is a training method that uses an overload (Chu, 1983), and the main purpose of plyometric training is the development of greater reactive force (Allerheiligen & Rogers, 1995). Sports physiologists agree that plyometrics includes specific exercises that cause significant stretching of muscles located below the eccentric contraction, and followed by a strong concentric contraction, which is used for the development of a strong movement in a short period of time (LaChance, 1995). The aim of the research is to identify and analyze the transformative effects of plyometric exercise program on the manifest dimension of strength, agility and speed running experimental group of players. Methods: The sample consisted of 50 players were aged 17.5 years (Ā± 6 months), who were divided into two groups. One group consisted of 25 tennis players TK ā€œGemaksā€ from Belgrade who represented the experimental group, while the second group included 25 tennis players TK ā€œASā€ from Belgrade who represented the control group. For evaluation of motor abilities used 4 tests. In order to determine differences between groups of respondents in the initial and final measurement was applied univariate analysis of variance. In order to determine the effect of training programs between the two tests was applied univariate analysis of covariance. Results: This research has proven that plyometric training, which was applied to a group of tennis players from Belgrade for a period of three months, youth ages contributed to improving their motor abilities, primarily explosive strength and agility. Discussion: Practice plyometric program combined with regular training for the development and improvement of techniques tennis game showed excellent results in order to improve the explosive leg strength, agility tennis players eksperimenatlne groups, and proved to be positive in working with junior tennis players ages. Research have shown that the development of explosive energy efficient stimulus muscle strain in the so-called. ā€œPrimetimeā€ regime of strain that was applied through plyometric training tennis players experimental groups (Bacic et al, 2006)

    Značaj kliničkog pregleda genitalnih organa priplodnih ovnova kao selekcijski kriterijum u unapređenju autohtonih rasa ovaca

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    Poljoprivredna proizvodnja u Republici Srbiji predstavlja značajnu granu privrede. Stočarstvo pre svega karakteriÅ”u usitnjena porodična gazdinstva, koja se tradicionalno bave ovom delatnoŔću. Ovčarstvo predstavlja važnu granu stočarstva u Republici Srbiji, gde se na preko 155 000 poljoprivrednih gazdinstava gaji ukupno preko 1,7 miliona ovaca. Najveći deo populacije ovaca čine autohtone rase, u prvom redu različiti sojevi pramenke, zatim, u značajno manjem broju i cigaja, koje se najčeŔće gaje u poluekstenzivnim sistemima. Mnogi sojevi autohtonih rasa imaju ugrožen status i neophodno je unaprediti mere očuvanja i zaÅ”tite ovih dragocenih autohtonih genetičkih resursa, koji imaju značajan potencijal u održivoj poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji. Posebna pažnja treba da se posveti odabiru priplodnih ovnova, zbog toga Å”to je njihov uticaj na populaciju najveći, s obzirom na činjenicu da jedan kvalitetan ovan u sezoni parenja, upari preko 40 ovaca i ostavlja svoje brojne potomke. Iz tog razloga, prilikom izrade selekcijskih programa za određenu rasu, posebnu pažnju treba posvetiti priplodnim ovnovima i njihovim proizvodnim i reproduktivnim karakteristikama. Pored ostalih selekcijskih kriterijuma, kliničkim pregledom genitalnih organa i morfometrijskom analizom testisa pri odabiru priplodnih ovnova u značajnoj meri se može poboljÅ”ati, ne samo zdravlje zapata, već i kvalitetne rasne odlike i brojnost populacije. Poznato je da je pored zdravstvenog statusa genitalnih organa, kapacitet testisa za proizvodnju sperme u srazmeri sa obimom testisa (veličina testisa). Ustanovljeno je da ovnovi sa većim obimom testisa ostavljaju veći uticaj na populaciju i mogu da se pare sa većim brojem ovaca. Oni ostavljaju veći broj potomaka, te svoje kvalitativne i kvantitativne rasne odlike mogu brže Å”iriti u populaciji u odnosu na priplodnjake koji imaju manje testise, koji stvaraju manje sperme. Na osnovu literaturnih podataka, koji su proistekli iz opsežnih ispitivanja zaključeno je da priplodni ovnovi starosti preko 1,5 godine, sa zdravim genitalnim organima moraju imati obim testisa najmanje 33 cm. Idealno bi bilo da svaki priplodnjak ima obim testisa ā‰„ 35 cm zbog toga Å”to tada može uspeÅ”no da pari i preko 40 ovaca tokom sezone parenja. U zemljama sa razvijenim ovčarstvom, ova saznanja čine glavne selekcijske smernice i kriterijume, te je shodno tome, cilj da kvalitetni priplodnjaci imaju obim testisa ā‰„ 38 cm. Lipski soj pramenke predstavlja autohtonu rasu Republike Srbije, koji je prema klasifikaciji Pravilnika o genetičkim resursima do 2019. godine spadao u I kategoriju (kritično ugrožene rase), sa brojem priplodnih grla od oko 800 komada. Zahvaljujući subvencijama, brojnost populacije se povećala i u 2021. godini je postignuto 2 000 registrovanih priplodnih jedinki, tako da ona nije viÅ”e kritično ugrožena, već spada u kategoriju ā€œpotencijalno ugroženihā€. Ispitivanja populacija lipskog soja pramenke su dokazala da je zdravlje genitalnih organa priplodnih ovnova dobro, prosečan obim testisa je 38,35 cm, ali je opseg varijacija velik. Ova vrednost podrazumeva odličan prosek na nivou cele populacije, ali zbog toga Å”to je većina zapata mala (do 20 priplodnih jedinki) i često samo sa jednim priplodnim ovnom u zapatu, ovnovi sa testisima nedovoljnog obima mogu imati nepovoljan uticaj, ne samo na zapat u kome se gaji, već i na celu populaciju lipske ovce. Sa aspekta očuvanja i unapređenja ovih dragocenih autohtonih genetičkih resursa, poželjno je osavremeniti i selekcijski pristup koji uključuje kriterijume vezane za genitalni trakt, sa ciljem da svaki zapat ima kvalitetnog ovna.The agriculture represents an important branch of economy in the Republic of Serbia. Animal production is mainly based on traditional small family housholds. Sheep production is an important branch of agriculture in the Republic of Serbia, where a total of 1.7 million sheep are reared in over 155.000 households, mainly under semiextensive menagement. The majority of sheep are autochthonous breeds and local types adapted to the local environment. Because of the endangered status of the autochthonous sheep breeds, conservation and improvement of these precious populations is needed, as they have a major potential in the sustainable agricultural production. The main focus should be given to the selection of breeding rams, as they have the biggest impact on the population quality. One high quality breeding ram can mate over 40 ewes over the mating seasone and leave offspring. Taking this in mind, when the selection criterias are defined for a breed, a special attention should be given to the ram, to its productive and reproductive traits. Amongother selection criteria, the clinical assessment of the genital tract with a special attention on scrotal circumference could result in better health and quality of the population. It is well known that rams with bigger scrotal circumference (bigger testicles) can have a better reproductive capacity and can serve more ewes in the mating season, what makes a stronger impact of rams on the population quality. In countries with specialized sheep production these characteristics are inclusded into the selection measures and breeding rams older than 1.5 years with healthy genitals should have a scrotal circumference of minimum 33 cm, and the ideal score means that the ram should have isā‰„ 35 cm, and the elite ones ā‰„ 38 cm. The Lipe sheep is a local autochthonous breed of the Republic of Serbia, which has a breeding population size of 800 animals in 2019. According to the national legislation that time it had a status of a critically endangered breedwith. As a result of hogher subsidies for the last few years, the population size rises and in 2021 reached 2000 breeding animals which means it got a status of potentially endangered breed. Assessment of the genital tract ofbreeding rams of the Lipe sheep showed good health of the genitalia, with an average scrotal circumference of 38.35cm, but with evidence of big variations. The average scrotal circumference of 38.35cm means an excellent result on a population level. Eventhough the overall scrotal circumference is excellent on the population level, because of the fact that most of the herds are small (up to 20 breeding animals) with only one breeding ram, the animals with insufficient values of scrotal circumference (ā‰„ 33) could have negative results not only at the herd level, but also at the population level of the endangered Lipe sheep.With the aim to improve and save the endangered autochthonous rare breed and ensure a high quality elite breeding rams in each flock, it is necessary to update the selective measures with new criteria regarding the assessment of the male genital tract.Zbornik radova i kratkih sadržaj

    Past, present and future of the Tsigai sheep. Win or lose?

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    This overview highlights the significance of conserving the Tsigai sheep, an old native transboundary breed, and emphasizes the importance of conducting a longitudinal assessment of its population status. The analysis of the FAO statistical database and the national sheep yearbooks over a 15-year period reveals fluctuations in the population size of Tsigai sheep in the Republic of Serbia. Several factors, including bio-geographic, agro-economic, sociocultural and others, have influenced Tsigai sheep management. The observed population dynamics show a low point in 2009 with 1788 evidenced individuals, followed by a fluctuating increase, reaching its peak in 2023 with 5865 evidenced individuals in Serbia. It's noted that the breed has an endangered status if the total population size falls below 10,000 breeding ewes according to national and international regulations. Although the population has stabilized in recent years, this breed in the Republic of Serbia is still categorized as endangered and vulnerable. Challenges to the population include uncontrolled crossbreeding with more productive breeds like Ille de France, WĆ¼rtemberg and Suffolk. Economic and demographic reasons, contributing to this with erosion of the population, being a significant concern. Despite economic factors, the importance of conserving Tsigai sheep is underscored by cultural, historical and heritage considerations. Long-term supportive measures are deemed essential not only for economic reasons but primarily to ensure the survival of the breed, reflecting its cultural, historical and heritage valueProgramme and abstract

    Demographic and Clinical Factors Associated with Reactivity of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies in Serbian Convalescent Plasma Donors

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    Passive immunotherapy with convalescent COVID-19 plasma (CCP) is used as a therapeutic procedure in many countries, including Serbia. In this study, we analyzed the association between demographic factors, COVID-19 severity and the reactivity of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies (Abs) in Serbian CCP donors. Individuals (n = 468) recovered from confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, and who were willing to donate their plasma for passive immunization of COVID-19 patients were enrolled in the study. Plasma samples were tested for the presence of IgG reactive to SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein (S1) and nucleocapsid antigens. Individuals were characterized according to age, gender, comorbidities, COVID-19 severity, ABO blood type and RhD factor. Total of 420 candidates (420/468; 89.74%) reached the levels of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG that qualified them for inclusion in CCP donation program. Further statistical analysis showed that male individuals (p = 0.034), older age groups (p &lt; 0.001), existence of hypertension (p = 0.008), and severe COVID-19 (p = 0.000) are linked with higher levels of anti-SARS-CoV-2 Abs. These findings will guide the selection of CCP donors in Serbia. Further studies need to be conducted to assess the neutralization potency and clinical efficiency of CCP collected from Serbian donors with high anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG reactivity