355 research outputs found

    Hall Viscosity and Angular Momentum in Gapless Holographic Models

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    We use the holographic approach to compare the Hall viscosity Ī·H\eta_H and the angular momentum density J{\cal J} in gapless systems in 2+12+1 dimensions at finite temperature. We start with a conformal fixed point and turn on a perturbation which breaks the parity and time reversal symmetries via gauge and gravitational Chern-Simons couplings in the bulk. While the ratio of Ī·H\eta_H and J{\cal J} shows some universal properties when the perturbation is slightly relevant, we find that the two quantities behave differently in general. In particular, Ī·H\eta_H depends only on infrared physics, while J{\cal J} receives contributions from degrees of freedom at all scales.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    Standards and Costs for Quality Management of E-Learning Services

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    The proportions of the technological development in the field of communications and information represent an irrefutable premise for significant changes in all the spheres of human life. Corroborated with the advance of the Internet recorded in the last decade, these changes form the perfect recipe for the emergence (ever since the '90s), functioning and development of flexible forms of labour at distance, using the technology of information and communication. Among the first domains where the impact of technology is very strong may be named education, marketing, advertising and commerce; the forms of manifestation are materialized in e-learning, cyber-marketing, online advertising and electronic commerce. But the simple use of technology does not automatically assure the success of the new forms of activity. These transformations of the traditional into digital, of the classic into virtual must be accompanied by the adequate support with respect to the quality of services, standards, platforms and the hardware and software technologies. If we are referring to the educational domain, we have to analyze the e-learning phenomenon or tele-education in its spectacular evolution in such a recent history. Quality represents a landmark of major importance in all the fields of modern society based on knowledge. From the perspective of tele-education, quality assurance must be focalized on three main directions: the quality of the actual educational process (class/course support, platform, technology, etc.); the quality of the instructor (professional training, qualification, specialization, pedagogic ability, teaching method, etc.); the quality of the person undergoing the course/class (training, knowledge thesaurus, involvement, accumulation wish, etc.). Also, like in any activity, quality standard reporting means an economic approach by quality costs. Theat means that the good product or quality services in e-learning are very strongly linked with educational multimedia production and good costs.quality, standards, e-learning, technology, cost

    Angular Momentum Generation by Parity Violation

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    We generalize our holographic derivation of spontaneous angular momentum generation in 2 + 1 dimensions in several directions. We consider cases when a parity violating perturbation responsible for the angular momentum generation can be non-marginal (while in our previous paper we restricted to a marginal perturbation), including all possible two-derivative interactions, with parity violations triggered both by gauge and gravitational Chern-Simons terms in the bulk. We make only a minimal assumption about the bulk geometry that it is asymptotically AdS, respects the Poincar\'e symmetry in 2 + 1 dimensions, and has a horizon. In this generic setup, we find a remarkably concise and universal formula for the expectation value of the angular momentum density, to all orders in the parity violating perturbation.Comment: 9+2 pages, 5 figure

    The Audit of Business Intelligence Solutions

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    Although in this period humanity passes through a relative economic crisis, we all agree that our environment is that of a society of information and knowledge, based on communication and teleactivity, one that is also called information society. Every new form of activity in the information society has an associated informational component consisting in a software program, an application, a system, etc. It is a certainty that in the new economic environment it is necessary to adjust quickly to the opportunities of the market, through Business Process Reengineering, adoption of Business Intelligence solutions, implementation of complex automation applications like Enterprise Resource Planning. But, more than this, in, the digital economy the stress is put on the Ć¢ā‚¬Å“labelĆ¢ā‚¬, the Ć¢ā‚¬Å“imageĆ¢ā‚¬, the Ć¢ā‚¬Å“brandĆ¢ā‚¬, and these features that are associated to organizations may be obtained by the information audit processes. The present study is focusing on the problem of information audit developed in one of the upper forms of manifestation of the information society in the field of changing the ways of doing business: Business Intelligence.Audit, Business Intelligence, Information and Communication Technology, Data & Metadata, Value Chain, Performance

    SOA, SoBI & EDA - Paradigms for Integration Capabilities of BI Platform

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    A Business Intelligence (BI) provider may offer a basic solution, a packed application or a comprising BI platform which integrates components from individual technologies in a synergic system. The providersā€™ tendency is to standardize the instruments offered on a single server platform. The article analyzes the integration capabilities and problems of BI platforms, emphasizes the differences between emergent technologies and suggests integration solutions. The analysis is useful both to the providers of BI solutions - in order to develop some agile platforms, as well as to their users - representing an important factor in selecting the solution. In addition, the conclusions to be drawn will emphasize the tendencies from the BI market and will represent the support in creating some agile platforms.Business Intelligence, agile platform, integration, metadata management, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Event Driven Architecture (EDA)

    Knowledge based economy ā€“technological perspective: implications and solutions for agility improvement and innovation achievement in higher education

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    Nowadays, the universities, as driving forces of innovative economy and as components of modern society, based on knowledge and collaboration, face a number of challenges and difficulties. In order to overcome them and to create/ensure the bases of eScience education and research activities, universities have to change culturally, strategically, and operationally. The paper highlights the need for ICT (Information and Communications Technology) use and its implications for higher education. In addition, the study places the theoretical aspects into a specific context, combining technologies through interfunctionality in order to ensure academic education agility and innovation. This involves the use of knowledge, process management, service oriented architectures, and Cloud solutions, exemplifying on the Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest case. The integrated approach is extended using the SharePoint 2010 platform to improve academic management and achieve harmonization of teaching and research and development content and methods with European Union standards. The platform has been implemented and tested within two AES departments and the Masterā€™s Degree Studies in Computer Economics. The results have encouraged the integration of the proposed solution within the institution. The study was based on the authors' competences in the areas addressed and was joined with a rigorous analysis of technology trends and various EU countries (Italy, Germany France, Belgium, Netherlands etc.) universities outputs regarding knowledge economy implications for economic higher education studies.knowledge-based economy, information and communications technology, university studies in economics, university management, agility, innovation, SharePoint 2010

    Informational trends for organizations in information society

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    Companies have always been very carefully managed money, raw materials, machines and human resources. Today, they recognize the growing importance of the fifth big resource: information. They have finally understood that the within the global market with increased competition, using modern methods for planning, coordination and control, a company can-not function without acknowledging information and communications technology progress.Information and communication technology, information society, e-commerce, telework
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