26 research outputs found

    NOTIONES - iNteracting netwOrk of inTelligence and securIty practitiOners with iNdustry and acadEmia actorS

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    With cyberattacks becoming more and more dangerous in the current, connected digital landscape, it is necessary to develop methods and technologies to tackle them. The EU funded NOTIONES project will address the danger by building a network of practitioners from security and intelligence services. It will bring together 30 partners, practitioners from military, civil, financial, judiciary, local, national and international security and intelligence services from 9 EU Member States and 6 Associated Countries. Together they will monitor the results of academic research and industrial innovation and suggest actions. NOTIONES will organise and participate in workshops and conferences to present its findings to the broad intelligence community

    Computer gaming technology for military training – serious games

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    Information Age brings technologies that provide unparalleled opportunities for military and security force, including Army of the Republic of Macedonia, to develop and adopt new operational concepts for training and experimentation that may radically enhance their competitive edge. Serious games show to have positive impact on training results. Advantages of simulation games lay in the provision of a safe training environment, where users are able to play, test and probe without serious consequences. The purpose of this paper is to give a brief info about computer gaming and serious games, and in line with that to describe a new approach for building a Þ rearms simulator based on a serious game and motion sensor technology. It also compares this model with the similar models that are in use in NATO allies and it describes challenges and our plans for future work. At the end, we are giving initial assessment of suitability of this kind virtual environment for military training

    USB flash drives - security risks and protection

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    Information has great importance for organizations in general, especially for the security organizations, and should be adequately protected. Information exists in various forms: paper, electronic information transmitted by telegraph, telephone, shown on film, etc.. No matter in what form the information occur, it should be adequately protected in every moment because information’s that are well protected minimize the damage that may occur. Physical security is considered an integral part of information systems security. The idea that small devices pose a security threat for enterprises is well established. On the other hand, consented and supervised access to USB ports via USB flash drives is sometimes allowed. The large storage capacity of USB flash drives relative to their small size and low cost means that using them for data storage without adequate operational and logical controls can pose a serious threat to information confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Using USB flash drives can increase the risk of data loss (when a physical device is lost), data exposure (when sensitive data is exposed to the public or a third party without consent), and increased exposure to network-based attacks to and from any system the device is connected to (both directly and via networks over the internet). In the past years, 70% of businesses have traced the loss of sensitive or confidential information to USB flash memory sticks. While such losses can obviously occur when the devices get lost or stolen, 55% of those incidents are likely related to malware-infected devices that introduced malicious code onto corporate networks. This paper will highlight the security risks associated with the use of USB flash drives. It will briefly explain some common types of attacks, and common necessary measures to mitigate or at least reduced. As existing products evolve and new ones enter the market, you must use them with caution, always considering their security features, possible vulnerabilities, and ways they could be targeted by malicious attackers

    Model of firearms simulator based on a serious game and sensor technology

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    The purpose of this paper is to describe a new approach for building a firearms simulator that is based on a Serious game – Virtual battle space 2 (VBS2) and motion sensor technology used in Army of Republic of Macedonia (ARM). Motion sensor technology is used to create representative weapon movement signals and transfer them to the VBS2 API in order to create realistic weapon movement. This paper major focus is to give a possible solutions for overcoming the problem with the transfer of the signals from the sensors to the computer, so that everything is going to be rightly represented in the virtual 3D engine of VBS2. It also compares this model and the similar models that are in use in NATO allies, and describe challenges and our plans for future work

    Performance Analysis of Statistical QoS Routing Schemes for Multihop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

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    The quality of service (QoS) standard in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET's) is much more challenging compared to the wired networks. In the last decade there was a lot of attention in the area of integration of QoS standard in MANET protocols. QoS-based routing protocols are integral part of any QoS solution, because their function is to check whether the nodes in the network are able to provide services to network applications. These protocols play a key role in controlling the information received and delivered from data transfer sessions. The purpose of this paper is to study and review the QoS routing schemes designed for IEEE 802.11 standard in Multihop Ad-hoc networks. Moreover, the paper simulates a routing scheme and shows results for an effective end-to-end communication

    Прототип апликација за Е- Архив

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    Во трудот е презентиран развојот на прототип апликација за електронски архив. Со него се овозможува следење на современите архивски трендови, транспарентност на дигитализираната граѓа, прилагодување на влијанието на технологијата во промена на информациската околина, заштита на дигитализираната и класичната граѓа, истражување на електронската архивска граѓа, како и истражување од далечина со што архивската граѓа станува достапна од било која точка на земјата во било кое време. Трудот е посветен на опис на апликацијата за електронски архив, наречена „е - архив“, изработена врз база на платформата Lotus Notes. Бидејќи прототипот апликација е имплементиран модул на WEB Portal, разработена е структурата и содржината на WEB Portal – от со сите негови модули, при што поединечно се презентирани карактеристиките на секој модул

    AI-Based Cyber Defense for More Secure Cyberspace

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    The growing network attacks and intrusions have put the government organizations at a great risk. In cyberspace, humans have great limitations in data analyze and cyber defense because of the amount of data they have to process and the limited response time. Considering these parameters one of the best solutions is when the cyber defense mechanisms are AI (Artificial intelligence)-based because they can easily determine and respond to the attacks that are underway. The responses can be easily managed using man in the loop or fully atomized techniques. This chapter gives a brief review of the usage of artificial intelligence in support of cyber defense, explains some useful applications that already exist, emphasizing the neural nets, expert systems and intelligent agents in cyber defense. Furthermore, the chapter will propose a technical AI-based cyber defense model which can support the governmental and non-governmental efforts against cyber threats and can improve the success against malicious attack in the cyberspace

    Concept for serious games implementation in military education and training

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    Целта на трудот е да се прикаже концептот за имплементација на технологијата на виртуелно опкружување и „Сериозни игри“ во военото образованието и обука на питом- ците во Воената академија. На почетокот направен е краток преглед на истражувањата и постигнатите резултати од доменот на ефикасноста и ефективноста во примената на „Сериозните игри“. Понатаму, накратко е објаснет софтверот од доменот на сериозни игри, кој планираме да го набавиме и користиме во рамките на образованието и обуката – Виртуелно бојно поле 2 (Virtual BattleSpace - VBS2) и можностите кои тој ги нуди за тактичка обука на тимови (најчесто до четно ниво), извежбување техники и процедури, воспоставување стандардни оперативни процедури и тимска работа. Главен фокус на трудот е представување на нашиот концепт за организациска поставеност и опремување на капацитетот за обука со VBS2. Притоа, дадени се основните елементи потребни за реализација на компјутерски подржувана вежби со користење на VBS2 и даден е пример на креирање мисија за реализација на практичната обука

    Game-Theoretic Models for Assessing Security of a SOA Based Intelligence Information System

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    Modern information technology offers significant support to the Intelligence Cycles (planning, collecting, analyzing of data and their dissemination), by promoting the appropriate and flexible use of information, its searchability and exploitation. Although Intelligence Information Systems can significantly improve current and generate new intelligence working protocols, they are confronted with a serious challenge – the security of the system and the circulated information. Optimization techniques in the context of game and control theory are some of the tools that offer mathematical support for the formalization of the decision-making processes related to networked systems security. Game theory has been recently recognized as a way around the problem of lacking a quantitive decision framework for the security issues, as well as a model that can address more efficiently the problem of computational complexity in simulations

    A novel approach for mitigating the effects of the TCP SYN flood DDoS attacks

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    Today’s modern society greatly depends on computer systems. Security is a basic need for any computer system. This is more than acceptable if we consider that any disruption of the normal function of the computer and networks may lead to catastrophic consequences. The most frequently attacks conducting malicious activities against the networks and systems are the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. The paper concerns the TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) vulnerability that gives space for a type of DoS (Denial of Service) attack called TCP-SYN Flood DDoS attack which is well-known to the community for several years. It explains in more detail the TCP SYN Flood DDoS attacks and methods for preventing and mitigating the effects of these attacks. Furthermore, the paper proposes a novel method consisting of five modules which can be used for mitigation and protection against the considered TCP SYN Flood attack, as well as against other similar flooding based attacks