48 research outputs found

    Endoparasites of rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus) in Southern Ukraine

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    One of the main tasks of ecological parasitology at the present stage is to establish patterns of spread of invasive diseases of animals in the environment through a thorough epidemiological examination, as well as to determine the main directions and factors of spread of parasites in Ukraine. Among the many pathogens, endoparasites play a major role in a number of diseases in rabbits with increased morbidity and mortality. In the body of both wild and domestic rabbits several species of parasites that form a parasitocenosis can be localized. The latter have a pathogenic effect on organs and tissues, leading to reduced weight gain, premature slaughter and even mortality. The prevalence of endoparasitoses was studied in weaned rabbits 60 days of age, 120 days of age at fattening, 180 days of age – mating age and adults of 320 days of age to determine the extensiveness and intensity of the dominant invasion. A total of 720 head was studied, 180 animals from each age group. Three species of nematodes were recorded in the rabbits: Trichostrongylus retortaeformis (Zeder, 1800), Nematodirus leporis (Ransom, 1907) and Passalurus ambiguus (Rudolphi, 1819); the cestode Taenia pisiformis (Bloch, 1780); three species of Emeria: Eimeria stiedae (Lindermann, 1865), which parasitizes in the bile ducts of the liver and gallbladder, E. magna (Perard, 1925) and E. media (Kessel, 1929) – in the epithelial cells of the intestine. The prevalence of the infestation depends on the age of the animals. According to the data obtained, eimeriosis was one of the main parasitic diseases of the rabbits. Dominant invasions of Eimeria in the intestines of 60-day-old rabbits were found in the studied animals, their extensiveness reached 19.4%, while the spread of hepatic Eimeria was registered in 13.3% of the examined rabbits. The total infestation of weaned rabbits with helminths was 22.2%, in rabbits for fattening – 26.7%, and in rabbits of mating age and adults – 20.0% and 20.6%, respectively. Global climate change will change the distribution and dynamics of soil-borne helminthiases, but host immunity may also affect host-parasite interactions. Subsequent studies will be aimed at elucidating the effect of mono and mixed invasions on the body of rabbits. Updated data on helminthiasis will expand the screening strategy to maintain rabbit health and reduce economic losses

    Hall effect in the vicinity of quantum critical point in Tm1-xYbxB12

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    The angular, temperature and magnetic field dependences of Hall resistance roH for the rare-earth dodecaboride solid solutions Tm1-xYbxB12 have been studied in a wide vicinity of the quantum critical point (QCP) xC~0.3. The measurements performed in the temperature range 1.9-300 K on high quality single crystals allowed to find out for the first time in these fcc compounds both an appearance of the second harmonic contribution in ro2H at QCP and its enhancement under the Tm to ytterbium substitution and/or with increase of external magnetic field. When the Yb concentration x increases a negative maximum of a significant amplitude was shown to appear on the temperature dependences of Hall coefficient RH(T) for the Tm1-xYbxB12 compounds. Moreover, a complicated activation type behavior of the Hall coefficient is observed at intermediate temperatures for x>0.5 with activation energies Eg~200K and Ea~55-75K in combination with the sign inversion of RH(T) at low temperatures in the coherent regime. The density of states renormalization effects are analyzed within the variation of Yb concentration and the features of the charge transport in various regimes (charge gap formation, intra-gap manybody resonance and coherent regime) are discussed in detail in Tm1-xYbxB12 solid solutions.Comment: 38 pages including 10 figures, 70 reference

    Вплив еймеріостатиків на біохімічні та імунологічні показники сироватки крові телят за змішаного перебігу криптоспоридіозу та еймеріозу

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    Cryptosporidia often parasitize in combination with eimeria and helminths, which leads to a complication of therapeutic treatment measures and to an increase in the level of death among young animals. The scheme of application of medical preparations for animals, which would have high efficiency, remains uncertain. The developed medicinal product "Amprolev-plus" exhibited 100% extensive efficiency for cryptosporidiosis and 95.7 % for eimeria. Therefore, the relevant issue is still as follows: investigation into the influence of eimerostats on biochemical and immunological indices of calves’ blood serum in the mixed invasion course. Within the experiment, 3 days after applying Brovitakoktsid and Amprelev-plus, the total protein content decreased by 0.9 % and 0.7 % and albumin by 5.1 % and 7.1 %, respectively, compared with the control group. After applying Brovitakoktsid, content of β-globulins on the 7th day was 10,20±0,05 g/L, which is almost at the control level of 10.20±0,14 g/L, whereas indicators after applying Amprolev-plus were at the level of 9.80±0.16 g/L, i.e., decreased by 3.9 %. After applying Brovitakoktsid on the 3rd and 7th day, the content of γ-globulins made up of 14.80±0,29 g/L and 14.20±0,10 g/L, and the indicator decreased only on the 14th day to 13.80±0.22 g/L, that is almost the control level of 13.90±0.09 g/L. After applying Amprolev-plus, the indicator gradually decreased from 13.80±0.15 g/L on the 3rd day up to 13.10±0.18 g/L on the 14th day. Albumin/Globulin ratio formed the corresponding A/G coefficient. It was at the level of 0.7‒0.8 in the control group of animals during the entire period of research, as well as in research groups before applying drugs. After applying Brovitakoktsid, the A/G ratio made 1.0 only on the 21st  day of the experiment, whereas after Amprolev-plus application the same ratio was obtained already  on the 14th day. High activity of AST and ALT transaminases was recorded in the invasive calves of both experimental and control groups. The AST activity significantly decreased by 10.2 % only on the 21st day after Brovitakoktsid application, whereas the decrease by 11.2% was observed after Amprolev-plus application on the 14th day, compared to the control. The concentration of circulating immune complexes (CIC) on the 7th day of the experiment in the second group of animals significantly decreased by 7.5 %, while in the first group the CIC concentration decrease by 12.8 % was recorded only on the 14th day of the experiment, which indicates a reduction in the immunosuppression of preparations.У статті наведені дані щодо впливу еймеріостатиків на біохімічні та імунологічні показники сироватки крові телят за змішаного перебігу криптоспоридіозу та еймеріозу. Встановлено, що в сироватці крові телят на 14 добу після застосування бровітакокциду і ампролеву-плюс збільшився вміст альбумінів на 4,8 % та 15,7 % відповідно, тоді як глобуліни зменшилися на 2,4 % та 7,7 %.  Відновлення вмісту загального білку, альбумінів і глобулінів, що стало основою формування А/Г коефіцієнту було відмічено вже на 14 добу після задавання ампролев-плюс, а протягом всього експерименту спостерігалася тенденція до зменшення активності ферментів АлАТ і АсАТ та концентрації циркулюючих імунних комплексів, серомукоїдів, що свідчить про незначну, у порівнянні з бровітакокцидом, імуносупресивну дію препарату

    Charge Transport and Magnetism in Eu1xCaxB6Eu_{1-x}Ca_{x}B_6

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    Transport, magnetic and thermal properties of substitutional solid solution Eu1xCaxB6Eu_{1 - x}Ca_{x}B_6 single crystals (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.244) have been studied at 1.8 ≤ T ≤ 300 K and in magnetic fields up to 8 T. Calcium doping is shown to result in a metal-insulator transition, which occurs at x_{MIT} ≈ 0.2. In vicinity of metal-insulator transition the effect of colossal magnetoresistance is found to be very sensitive to Ca content, the amplitude varying from Δ = [ ρ (0)- ρ (8T)]/ρ(8T) ≈1.4 × 10210^2 to Δ ≈ 7.5 × 10310^3 for 0.14 ≤ x ≤ 0.16. The analysis of magnetic contribution to heat capacity shows that a large amount of magnetic entropy ( ≈ 30%) releases in Eu0.845Ca0.155B6Eu_{0.845}Ca_{0.155}B_6 when moving from the Curie temperature TCT_{C} ≈ 5.5 K to the characteristic one T* ≈ 30 K. This observation as well as the large amplitude of low field colossal magnetoresistance effect and the deviation of magnetic susceptibility from the Curie-Weiss law detected for x = 0.155 compound in the interval TCT_{C} ≤ T ≤ T* seem to be associated with magnetic phase separation induced by Ca doping