13 research outputs found

    High-speed optical frequency-domain imaging

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    We demonstrate high-speed, high-sensitivity, high-resolution optical imaging based on optical frequency-domain interferometry using a rapidly-tuned wavelength-swept laser. We derive and show experimentally that frequency-domain ranging provides a superior signal-to-noise ratio compared with conventional time-domain ranging as used in optical coherence tomography. A high sensitivity of −110 dB was obtained with a 6 mW source at an axial resolution of 13.5 µm and an A-line rate of 15.7 kHz, representing more than an order-of-magnitude improvement compared with previous OCT and interferometric imaging methods

    The efficacy of alginate encapsulated CHO-K1 single chain-TRAIL producer cells in the treatment of brain tumors

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    Objective: Patients with astrocytic tumors in the central nervous system (CNS) have low survival rates despite surgery and radiotherapy. Innovative therapies and strategies must be developed to prolong survival of these patients. The alginate microencapsulation method, used to continuously release a certain cytotoxic agent in the vicinity of the tumor, is such a novel therapeutic strategy. The biological functionality of the apoptosis inducing scFv425:sTRAIL protein, which was released through the microencapsulation method, was studied in vitro. Analysis of the intracerebral biocompatibility of alginate capsules was performed by implantation of empty alginate capsules in the brain of mice. Method: Chinese Hamster Ovary cells (CHO-K1) were recombinantly engineered to produce the single chain anti-EGFR-sTRAIL protein (scFv425:sTRAIL). The CHO-K1 producer cells were encapsulated in an alginate capsule with a semi-permeable membrane through which the scFv425:sTRAIL protein could be released. Results: In vitro studies show maintained biological functionality of the released scFv425:sTRAIL protein. There was no immunological tissue response detectable after intracerebral implantation of the alginate capsules in mice brains. Conclusion: Biological functionality of the produced scFv425:sTRAIL protein is maintained and intracerebral biocompatibility of the capsules is warranted. Alginate encapsulation of CHO-K1 - scFv425:sTRAIL - producer cells and subsequently their intracerebral implantation is technically feasible. This study justifies further in vivo experiments

    Imaging the human vocal folds in vivo with optical coherence tomography: A preliminary experience

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    Objectives: Optical coherence tomography (OCT) and polarization-sensitive OCT (PS-OCT) are promising noninvasive methods for in vivo, cross-sectional imaging of the microstructure of the vocal folds. Previous studies in other tissues have shown an axial resolution of less than 10 μm and a maximum imaging depth of about 2 mm. The objectives of this pilot study were to obtain images from the vocal folds of subjects who were being evaluated and/or treated for vocal fold disease and to evaluate how well normal and pathologic microstructure could be seen in these images. Methods: Twenty-six vocal folds in 13 subjects were imaged with a flexible OCT probe. The images were successfully collected from subjects who were either topically anesthetized or under general anesthesia for microlaryngoscopic procedures. Results: The thickness of the epithelium, the relative collagen content of the subepithelial connective tissue, and certain characteristic features of lesions (including cysts, scarring, and papilloma) were seen in the OCT and PS-OCT images. Conclusions: “Live microscopy” of the human vocal folds is very promising for improved diagnosis, mapping, and treatment planning. To our knowledge, this study is the first application of PS-OCT for in vivo imaging of the human vocal folds