26 research outputs found

    Laudatio prof. dr. Salomon Kroonenberg

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    Hoe de mens de aarde veroverde

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    A mind set on Flint

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    Hoe de mens de aarde veroverde

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    Investigations of recent and fossil coral reefs in Eastern Indonesia (Snellius II expedition): a preliminary report

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    Some fifty years after the Snellius I expedition (1929-1930) a Dutch-Indonesian joint expedition is carried out (1984-1985) in the Eastern Indonesian archpelago. Based on two months (September -October 1984) of research at nine different reef localities, a first report will be presented on the general morphology, composition and condition of recent and fossil reefs of these areas. The research areas that will be discussed are the following: Ambon: In the bay of Ambon fringing and patch reefs heavily damaged by silting up, caused by soi1. erosion on the island. North East Ambon an elevated reef from the old Pleistocene. Lucipara islands: Exposed very isolated atoll with some sand cays. Tukang Besi islands: Atoll reefs of Kaledupa. Binongko reef terraces; fossil cliffs modelled from massive Pleistocene reef limestone by coastal abrasion during tectonic uplift of the island; extensive reef terrace dating from the last interglacial; living reef not at the moment constructive. Sumba: East Sumba fringing reefs with influence of land and population. Young Pleistocene reef near Melolo, older terraces higher up. Komodo: Various fringing and patch reefs bordering the east side of the National Park of Komodo. Current swept reefs in the strait of Linta. Gililawa Laut and Tinandja lo~r Miocene reefs. Sumbawa: Fringing reefs in Telok Moti Toi and Sanggar bay near Tambora volcano (erupted in 1815). Coral growth in Bima bay. Pleistocene reef north east of Bima. Taka Bone Rate: Large pseudo atoll with small sand cay reefs (e.g. Tinandja) exposed reefs, coral banks and lagoons. Salayer: fringing reefs at west coast around islands Guang and Sahuluan. Pliocene reefs on both islands; Bahuluan with volcanic core. Sulawesi: Coral reef complex on the shallow shelf off South West Sulawesi, with three rows of reefs, most emerging as sand cay reefs. Because of young Holocene reg~ession in front of Ujung Pandang. Influence of sedimentation and population. Apart from these investigations during the Snellius II expedition, a long term project has been carried out since 1979 in the last area mentioned. A continuation of reef research is planned there, in close cooperation with UnHas (University of Ujung Pandang). The presentation of results will be accompanied by maps and photographs