9 research outputs found

    Review of the usage of socio-economic indicators on the environmental impact of fishing activities

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    A Fishery Manager's Guidebook, Second Edition

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    A Fishery Managers' Guidebook was first published as an FAO Fisheries Technical Paper in 2002 to meet the need for information and guidance on the broad and often complex task of fisheries management. Based on subsequent experience and feedback gained from publication of the first edition, this new volume, has been expanded to provide broader coverage of the key elements of the task and updated in order to keep track of the rapid developments in theory and practice as academics and practitioners struggle to confront the many challenges facing modern fisheries management

    L'algoculture dans le monde et ses contraintes

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    The commercial cultivation of seeweeds has allowed substantial increases in annual production, still essentially Asiatic. Howewer, alongside the traditionnal producers (China, Japan and Korea), new nations are emerging (Chili, Indonesia and Philippines). Human consumption remains the principal use but processing industries are diversifying. Primary transformation is carried out in Western nations. Algae production is thereby increasingly subject to external constraints at global scale (supply markets and demand) as well at the national and regional scales (ecological, social, cultural, juridical).L'algoculture a permis d'accroßtre considérablement les débarquements annuels, encore principalement asiatiques. A cÎté des grands producteurs traditionnels (Chine, Japon, Corée du Sud) sont apparus de nouveaux producteurs (Chili, Philippines, Indonésie). L'utilisation alimentaire reste dominante mais les industries aval se diversifient. Les pays occidentaux assurent l'essentiel de la transformation de la matiÚre premiÚre. La production d'algues est donc soumise à des contraintes exogÚnes mondiales (marché de l'offre et de la demande) et des contraintes endogÚnes nationales ou régionales (écologiques, sociales, culturelles, juridiques...).Bodiguel Clothilde. L'algoculture dans le monde et ses contraintes. In: Annales de Géographie, t. 105, n°591, 1996. pp. 480-497

    Le principe d’opportunitĂ© : les pĂȘcheurs des Provinces Maritimes du Canada devant les incertitudes des pĂȘches

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    The principle of opportunity is an action principle of fishers facing uncertainties of their professional activity. It has been defined from a study on fishers in Lobster Bay and Charlotte County in the Maritime Provinces of Canada. This principle results from a representation of uncertainties in fisheries, particularly catches and resource abundance ; nevertheless its application to exploitation systems and its changes integrate all facets of uncertainties, including fisheries management by the Canadian federal government.Le principe d’opportunitĂ© est un principe d’action des pĂȘcheurs face aux incertitudes de leur activitĂ©. Il a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©fini Ă  la suite d’une recherche menĂ©e auprĂšs des patrons-pĂȘcheurs de la Lobster Bay et du comtĂ© de Charlotte dans les Provinces Maritimes du Canada. Il rĂ©sulte d’une certaine reprĂ©sentation des incertitudes de la pĂȘche, en particulier, celles des prises et de l’abondance des ressources ; mais son application dans le systĂšme d’exploitation et ses modifications rĂ©pond Ă  toutes les incertitudes spĂ©cifiques Ă  cette activitĂ©, dont la gestion des pĂȘches par l’État fĂ©dĂ©ral canadien.Bodiguel Clotilde. Le principe d’opportunitĂ© : les pĂȘcheurs des Provinces Maritimes du Canada devant les incertitudes des pĂȘches. In: Cahiers Nantais, n°55-56, 2001. Terres, sociĂ©tĂ©s, itinĂ©raires atlantiques. pp. 27-37