2 research outputs found
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Culture Morphology as a Biomarker for Somatic Embryogenesis in Pinus taeda
This research investigated possible predictive biomarkers for embryo yield of SE in Pinus taeda suspension culture. Previous research in related systems suggest that AGP levels or culture size may serve as a determinant for embryo yield. The culture was fractionated with a 710 um sieve and the embryo yield of each fraction was determined 12 weeks after plating on developmental media. Cell-associated AGP concentrations in each size fraction were measured to determine if there is a difference between large and small aggregates. Results demonstrated that the >710 um fraction developed more embryos; additional size verification is recommended to confirm this relationship. Results also showed that larger aggregates have higher concentrations of AGP than smaller aggregates
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Current and Innovative Strategies in Energy Efficiency: A Case Study of Astrakhan State University
The purpose of this Interactive Qualifying Project was to conduct an energy audit on three buildings at Astrakhan State University in Russia and propose recommendations regarding ways in which electrical energy efficiency could be improved. After researching multiple energy-saving technologies, we recommend that Astrakhan State University install more efficient light bulbs and motion sensors. We also recommend Astrakhan State University implement piezoelectric flooring to become a leader in energy sustainability among universities in Russia