33 research outputs found

    Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Infections in the Eight Service Planning Areas of Los Angeles County

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    Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has become resistant to antibiotics. The purpose of this quantitative, retrospective cohort study was to examine the relationship between length of hospitalization and invasive MRSA infection rates among different racial and ethnic groups in the 8 service planning areas (SPAs) of Los Angeles County. Cane, O\u27Connor, and Michie\u27s theoretical domain framework was used. Secondary data from the Healthcare-Associated (HA) Infections Program of the California Department of Public Health were analyzed. For the first research question, a Pearson correlation analysis was conducted to assess the relationships between length of hospitalization and invasive HA-MRSA infection rates and counts. Length of hospital stay was not correlatedwith HA-MRSA infection rates; however, it was strongly and positively correlated with HA-MRSA infection counts. For the second research question, a one-way ANOVA was conducted on the infection count rate data, with SPA as the between-subjects factor. The results were statistically significant, indicating that HA-MRSA infection counts varied among the 8 SPAs. The findings might help medical professionals better understand the risk factors associated with MRSA infections. In doing so, findings may relieve some of the burden on the U.S. health care system and improve the overall quality of life of the patients involved

    Only in Hungary: experiences with municipal debt adjustment and suggested regulatory changes

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    Reforming Hungary's government sector seems to be an unavoidable task. A competitive economy does not exist without modern public finances. (Kovács, 2006). The State Audit Office outlined a possible path to reform in 2007. Local government (or municipal) reforms play important roles in these theses. Increased financial discipline is part of these reforms. Municipal reform proposals to date did not pay much heed to the legal institution of municipal debt adjustment. We will attempt to generalize our observations of municipal debt adjustment in Hungary, and attempt to show how slight modifications to the law may result in stricter financial discipline in the local government sector. Hungary is the only European state – perhaps with the exception of cantonal legislation in Switzerland – that has a municipal debt adjustment process in its statutes that is supervised by a court-appointed independent bankruptcy trustee. In Slovakia, Latvia, Romania, the Russian Federation or Estonia, the Treasury or Finance Ministry, or a state institution, intervenes directly into the affairs of an insolvent municipality

    Marku Ribas: encruzilhadas afro-sônicas através da diáspora

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    Este ensaio pretende explorar a música do cantor, compositor e multi-instrumentista Marku Ribas. Utilizando-se das chaves teóricas propostas por Paul Gilroy, assim como de correntes epistemológicas como a Negritude[1] e o pan-africanismo, para abarcar o conteúdo estético e político da obra de Marku, situada numa estrutura rizomórfica da afrodiáspora, assim como de reafirmação de uma identidade negra. O texto está dividido em três seções. O ensaio primeiro discute a trajetória do músico antes de sua viagem, em 1968, à França. Posteriormente, há a análise do disco do grupo em que Marku Ribas participou em Paris, o Batuki. E, por último, uma discussão sobre seus dois primeiros discos solo, gravados em 1972 e 1975.Palavras-chave: Marku Ribas - exílio - música do Atlântico negro - afrodiáspora; pan-africanismo. Abstract:This essay explores the music of singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist Marku Ribas. By using theoretical ideas proposed by Paul Gilroy, and epistemological lines of thought such as Négritude and pan-Africanism, this essay illustrates the expression of a rhizomorphic structure of African diaspora and a reaffirmation of black identity as seen in Marku’s oeuvre. Divided into three sections, the essay first discusses the musician’s trajectory before his trip to France in 1968. The analysis then turns to the group Batuki’s homonymous album, of which Marku participated in Paris. Lastly, the essay closes with an examination of his first two solo albums, which were recorded in 1972 and 1975.Keywords: Marku Ribas – exile – music of the black Atlantic – African diaspora – pan-Africanism.[1]       Neste artigo utilizamos as palavras “Negritude” e “negritude” com diferentes significados: a primeira com “N” maiúsculo se refere ao movimento da Négritude de Cesáire, Senghor e Damas, movimento político-literário da década de 1930 desenvolvido pelos autores em Paris, França. Já a grafia com “n” minúsculo se refere a um conceito multifacetado: “negritude passou a ser um conceito dinâmico, o qual tem um caráter político, ideológico e cultural. No terreno político, negritude serve de subsídio para a ação do movimento negro organizado. No campo ideológico, negritude pode ser entendida como processo de aquisição de uma consciência racial. Já na esfera cultural, negritude é a tendência de valorização de toda manifestação cultural de matriz africana. Portanto, negritude é um conceito multifacetado, que precisa ser compreendido à luz dos diversos contextos históricos.”. Petrônio Domingues, “Movimento da negritude: uma breve reconstrução histórica”, Mediações – Revista de Ciências Sociais, Londrina, v. 10, n. 1 (2005), pp. 25-40. É também uma alternativa de tradução do termo blackness

    Magyar Tanítóképző 6 (1891) 04

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    Magyar Tanítóképző A Tanítóképző-intézeti Tanárok Országos Egyesületének közlönye 6. évfolyam, IV. füzet Budapest, 1891. április 25

    Fetal Window of Vulnerability to Airborne Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Proportional Intrauterine Growth Restriction

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    Background: Although the entire duration of fetal development is generally considered a highly susceptible period, it is of public health interest to determine a narrower window of heightened vulnerability to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in humans. We posited that exposure to PAHs during the first trimester impairs fetal growth more severely than a similar level of exposure during the subsequent trimesters. Methods: In a group of healthy, non-smoking pregnant women with no known risks of adverse birth outcomes, personal exposure to eight airborne PAHs was monitored once during the second trimester for the entire cohort (n = 344), and once each trimester within a subset (n = 77). Both air monitoring and self-reported PAH exposure data were used in order to statistically estimate PAH exposure during the entire gestational period for each individual newborn. Results: One natural-log unit increase in prenatal exposure to the eight summed PAHs during the first trimester was associated with the largest decrement in the Fetal Growth Ratio (FGR) (23%, 95 % Confidence Interval (CI), 25 to20%), birthweight (2105 g, 95 % CI, 2188 to 222 g), and birth length (20.78 cm, 95 % CI, 21.30 to 20.26 cm), compared to the unit effects of PAHs during the subsequent trimesters, after accounting for confounders. Furthermore, a unit exposure during the first trimester was associated with the largest elevation in Cephalization Index (head to weight ratio) (3 mm/g, 95 % CI, 1 to 5 mm/g). PAH exposure was not associated with evidence of asymmetric growth restriction in this cohort