161 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics as a nonequilibrium path integral

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    Thermodynamics is a well developed tool to study systems in equilibrium but no such general framework is available for non-equilibrium processes. Only hope for a quantitative description is to fall back upon the equilibrium language as often done in biology. This gap is bridged by the work theorem. By using this theorem we show that the Barkhausen-type non-equilibrium noise in a process, repeated many times, can be combined to construct a special matrix S{\cal S} whose principal eigenvector provides the equilibrium distribution. For an interacting system S{\cal S}, and hence the equilibrium distribution, can be obtained from the free case without any requirement of equilibrium.Comment: 15 pages, 5 eps files. Final version to appear in J Phys.

    Molecular random walks and invariance group of the Bogolyubov equation

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    Statistics of molecular random walks in a fluid is considered with the help of the Bogolyubov equation for generating functional of distribution functions. An invariance group of solutions to this equation as functions of the fluid density is discovered. It results in many exact relations between probability distribution of the path of a test particle and its irreducible correlations with the fluid. As the consequence, significant restrictions do arise on possible shapes of the path distribution. In particular, the hypothetical Gaussian form of its long-range asymptotic proves to be forbidden (even in the Boltzmann-Grad limit). Instead, a diffusive asymptotic is allowed which possesses power-law long tail (cut off by ballistic flight length).Comment: 23 pages, no figures, LaTeX AMSART, author's translation from Russian of the paper accepted to the TMPh (``Theoretical and mathematical physics''

    Exponential peak and scaling of work fluctuations in modulated systems

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    We extend the stationary-state work fluctuation theorem to periodically modulated nonlinear systems. Such systems often have coexisting stable periodic states. We show that work fluctuations sharply increase near a kinetic phase transition where the state populations are close to each other. The work variance is proportional here to the reciprocal rate of interstate switching. We also show that the variance displays scaling with the distance to a bifurcation point and find the critical exponent for a saddle-node bifurcation

    Lower bounds on dissipation upon coarse graining

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    By different coarse-graining procedures we derive lower bounds on the total mean work dissipated in Brownian systems driven out of equilibrium. With several analytically solvable examples we illustrate how, when, and where the information on the dissipation is captured.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Non-equilibrium work relations

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    This is a brief review of recently derived relations describing the behaviour of systems far from equilibrium. They include the Fluctuation Theorem, Jarzynski's and Crooks' equalities, and an extended form of the Second Principle for general steady states. They are very general and their proofs are, in most cases, disconcertingly simple.Comment: Brief Summer School Lecture Note

    Minimal Work Principle and its Limits for Classical Systems

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    The minimal work principle asserts that work done on a thermally isolated equilibrium system, is minimal for the slowest (adiabatic) realization of a given process. This principle, one of the formulations of the second law, is operationally well-defined for any finite (few particle) Hamiltonian system. Within classical Hamiltonian mechanics, we show that the principle is valid for a system of which the observable of work is an ergodic function. For non-ergodic systems the principle may or may not hold, depending on additional conditions. Examples displaying the limits of the principle are presented and their direct experimental realizations are discussed.Comment: 4 + epsilon pages, 1 figure, revte

    Stochastic deformation of a thermodynamic symplectic structure

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    A stochastic deformation of a thermodynamic symplectic structure is studied. The stochastic deformation procedure is analogous to the deformation of an algebra of observables like deformation quantization, but for an imaginary deformation parameter (the Planck constant). Gauge symmetries of thermodynamics and corresponding stochastic mechanics, which describes fluctuations of a thermodynamic system, are revealed and gauge fields are introduced. A physical interpretation to the gauge transformations and gauge fields is given. An application of the formalism to a description of systems with distributed parameters in a local thermodynamic equilibrium is considered.Comment: 22 pages, revtex preprint style; some notations changed and references added; some formulas and comments adde
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