8 research outputs found
Rodent Model of Direct Cranial Blast Injury
- Publication venue
- 'Mary Ann Liebert Inc'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Blast Traumatic Brain Injury in the Rat Using a Blast Overpressure Model
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Glycemic Control during Critical Illness: Tight or Not?
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Thomas Land Publishers'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Hyperglycemia Management in the Hospital: The Pharmacists Role
- Author
- Bochicchio G.V.
- Browning L.A.
- Brunkhorst F.M.
- Capes S.E.
- Clement S.
- Donner T.W.
- Estrada C.A.
- Finfer S.
- Furnary A.P.
- Furnary A.P.
- Garber A.J.
- Griesdale D.E.
- Hassan E.
- Krinsley J.S.
- Krinsley J.S.
- Levetan C.S.
- Malmberg K.
- Moghissi E.S.
- NICE-SUGAR Study Investigators
- Queale W.S.
- Saager L.
- Umpierrez G.E.
- Van den Berghe G.
- Van den Berghe G.
- Wiedenmayer K.
- Wiener R.S.
- Publication venue
- 'Thomas Land Publishers'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Prehospital Intubation Does Not Decrease Complications in the Penetrating Trauma Patient
- Author
- American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma.
- Aufderheide T.P.
- Austin P.C.
- Aydin S.
- Bickell W.H.
- Bochicchio G.V.
- Cayten C.G.
- Clevenger F.W.
- Cournand A.
- D'Agostino R.B.
- Eckstein M.
- Gausche M.
- Gervin A.S.
- Haut E.R.
- Ivatury R.R.
- Jacobs L.M.
- Karch S.B.
- Kaweski S.M.
- Mikhail J.
- Parsons L.S.
- Pennsylvania Department of Health Bureau of Emergency Medical Services
- Ruchholtz S.
- Seamon M.J.
- Shafi S.
- Sloane C.
- Smith J.P.
- Smith J.P.
- Stockinger Z.T.
- Trunkey D.
- Trunkey D.
- Van der Velden M.
- Wang H.E.
- West J.G.
- Winchell R.J.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Modulation of hearing related proteins in the brain and inner ear following repeated blast exposures
- Author
- Altman J.A.
- Alvarado J.C.
- Basile A.S.
- Bochicchio G.V.
- Boyiri T.
- Caicedo A.
- Caicedo A.
- Chen G.D.
- Coppens A.G.
- Diao M.
- Eshraghi A.A.
- Fausti S.A.
- Fausti S.A.
- Frisina R.D.
- Fuentes-Santamaria V.
- Garman R.H.
- Haase G.M.
- Hackney C.M.
- Heizmann C.W.
- Huang C.M.
- Idrizbegovic E.
- Idrizbegovic E.
- Idrizbegovic E.
- Koliatsos V.E.
- Lew H.L.
- Lohmann C.
- Long J.B.
- Lu J.
- Mac Donald C.L.
- Mao J.C.
- Maskey D.
- Peskind E.R.
- Puel J.L.
- Puel J.L.
- Sens P.M.
- Shen H.
- Snider R.S.
- Teramoto S.
- Uemaetomari I.
- Vandevord P.J.
- Wang Y.
- Wolfe J.W.
- Ylikoski M.E.
- Publication venue
- 'Akademiai Kiado Zrt.'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Diagnostische Aspekte — evidenzbasierte Empfehlungen für POCT
- Author
- A. Tiran
- A.C. Gruszecki
- A.W. Asimos
- B. Bénéteau-Burnat
- B. Clarke
- B. Messner
- B. Schlüter
- B. Schweiger
- B.E. Zander
- B.S. Dahler-Eriksen
- Bundesärztekammer
- Bundesärztekammer
- Bundesärztekammer
- Bundesärztekammer
- C. Nerbrand
- C.P. Price
- D. Meyer-Lüerßen
- D. Rixen
- D. Stengel
- D.A. Seamark
- D.B. Chalfin
- D.J.A. Cox
- E. Grodzinsky
- F. Adnet
- F. Fitzgibbon
- F. Serio Di
- F. Serio Di
- F. Serio Di
- F.D. Hobbs
- G. Menke
- G.J. Kost
- G.J. Kost
- G.M. Fleischer
- G.V. Bochicchio
- H. Hallani
- H. Schlebusch
- H.R. Arntz
- I. Plecko
- I. Schimke
- Instrumentation Laboratory
- J. Dretzke
- J. Jage
- J. Kendall
- J.H. Nichols
- J.H. Nichols
- K. Dyer
- Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung
- M. Bardenheuer
- M. Engoren
- M.L. Kilgore
- M.S. Gulich
- N. Gässler
- N. Gässler
- N. Gässler
- National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards
- O. Müller Plathe
- P. Burke
- P. Hjortdahl
- P. Hänecke
- P. St-Louis
- P.B. Luppa
- P.B. Luppa
- R.A. Felder
- R.D. Carey
- R.G. Jones
- R.H. Christenson
- R.R. Reinert
- S. Ruchholtz
- S. Walter
- T.A. Mastrovitch
- The Joint European Society of Cardiology/American College of Cardiology Committee
- W.D. Weaver
- W.W. Tsai
- Y. Takemura
- Z. Yang
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2008
- Field of study
Orthopedic Problems and Maternal Trauma
- Author
- A. Chang
- A. Fast
- A. Ravenscroft
- A.H. MacLennan
- A.J. Cunningham
- A.J. DiGiovanni
- A.M. Connolly
- A.R. Mabrouk
- B.D. Jordan
- B.P. Sachs
- B.W. Amy
- B.Y. Ong
- C. MacArthur
- C.J. Vaizey
- C.L. Emery
- D. Drummond
- D.A. Hill
- D.A. Rothenberger
- D.H. Chestnut
- D.K. Grubb
- D.M. Feldmman
- D.V. Feliciano
- E. Cho
- E. Orvomaa
- E.M. McGrady
- E.R. Kafer
- E.R. Luque
- E.T. Crosby
- F. Nuyten
- F.B. Rogers
- G.A. Dildy
- G.F. Marx
- G.V. Bochicchio
- H. Goodwin
- H. Takahashi
- H.B. Weiss
- H.C. Ostgaard
- H.C. Ostgaard
- I.J. Broome
- I.K. Stone
- J. Ali
- J. Carstoniu
- J. Fildes
- J. MacLeod
- J.E. Lonstein
- J.J. Bonica
- J.L. Hunt
- J.P. Lavery
- J.P. Lavin
- J.R. Brimacombe
- J.R. Hebl
- J.T. Awwad
- K. Ueland
- K.H. Bridwell
- L.E. Polko
- M. Crawford
- M. Schiff
- M.A. Dahmus
- M.C. Jensen
- M.D. Pearlman
- M.D. Pearlman
- M.D. Pearlman
- M.J. Curet
- M.J. Mantle
- M.J. Morrow
- M.M. LaBan
- M.M. Moore
- O.D. Carter
- O.P. Rosaeg
- P. Kristiansson
- P. Vaagenes
- P.G. Rose
- P.H. Byers
- P.P. Hamilton
- P.R. Harrington
- R. Orvieta
- R. Russell
- R. Towery
- R.B. Winter
- R.J. Scorpio
- R.N. Matthews
- S.A. Evensen
- S.D. Harrison
- S.E. Abram
- S.M. Goldman
- S.O. Henderson
- S.S. Hirshfeld
- S.T. Yeo
- T.C. Key
- T.J. Esposito
- T.W. Breen
- V.L. Katz
- W.E. Hathaway
- W.F. Rayburn
- W.G. Cole
- W.M. Crosby
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2004
- Field of study