568 research outputs found

    Montmorilonit – usporedba metoda za njegovo određivanje u ljevaoničkim bentonitima

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    A comparison and estimation of usefulness of a quantitative analysis of montmorillonite in foundry bentonites, was the aim of this research. The investigations were made by means of three different techniques: methylene blue (MB) adsorption method, Cu(II)-triethylenetetramine complex (Cu(II)-TET) adsorption method, and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) method. Tests were performed for 9 kinds of bentonites originated from various producers. The achieved results indicated that, the results obtained by the FTIR method were, in general, even 10% lower than the ones obtained by other methods. The best correlation with the data given by the producers were obtained for the Cu(II)-TET method. In addition, this method was characterised by the smallest value of standard deviations. A very essential advantage of the Cu(II)-TET method is a much shorter time needed for the analysis and its easier execution, which is important under production conditions.Cilj ovog istraživanja je bila procjena upotrebljivosti kvantitativne analize montmorilonita u ljevaoničkim bentonitima. Istraživanja su provedena pomoću tri različite tehnike: adsorpcija metilenskog modrila (MB), adsorpcija Cu(II)-trietilentetramin kompleksa (CU(II)-TET), i infracrvena spektroskopija (FTIR). Ispitivanja su provedena na 9 vrsta bentonita koji potječu od različitih proizvođača. Rezultati dobiveni FTIR metodom u prosjeku su za čak 10,0% niži od rezultata dobivenih ostalim metodama. Najbolja korelacija s podatcima od proizvođača dobivena je primjenom Cu(II)-TET metode. Osim toga, kod te metode najmanje su vrijednosti standardnih devijacija. Vrlo važna prednost Cu(II)-TET metode je znatno kraće vrijeme potrebno za anaalizu i lakše provođenje, što je značajno u proizvodnim uvjetima

    Investigations of Protective Coatings for Castings of High-manganese Cast Steels

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    When cast steel castings are made in moulding sands on matrices of high-silica sand, which has a low fire resistance the problem of theso-called chemical penetration is distinctly visible. Whereas this effect appears to a small degree only when moulding sand matrices are of chromite, zircon or olivine sands. Therefore in case of making castings of high-manganese cast steel (e.g. Hadfield steel) sands not containing free silica should be applied (e.g. olivine sand) or in case of a high-silica matrix protective coatings for moulds and cores should be used. Two protective coatings, magnesite alcoholic (marked as coating 1 and coating 2) originated from different producers and intended for moulds for castings of the Hadfield steel, were selected for investigations. Examinations of the basic properties were performed for these coatings: viscosity, thermal analysis, sedimentation properties, wear resistance. In order to estimate the effectiveness of protective coatings the experimental castings were prepared. When applying coating 1, the surface quality of the casting was worse and traces of interaction between the casting material (cast steel) and the coating were seen. When protective coating 2 was used none interactions were seen and the surface quality was better

    Zum Verhältnis der Kaschuben zu ihrer Sprache in Geschichte und Gegenwart vor dem Hintergrund ihrer Entwicklung

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    Im vorliegenden Beitrag soll die Bedeutung der kaschubischen Sprache für die Identität der Kaschuben in Geschichte und Gegenwart vor dem Hintergrund interner sowie externer Einflussfaktoren und dem politischen Rahmen aufgezeigt werden. Nach einer Übersicht der historischen Entwicklung des Kaschubischen, insbesondere im 19. Jahrhundert über die Zwischenkriegszeit bis hin zum Fall des Kommunismus in Polen 1989, wird die Rolle der eigenen Sprache für die Identität der Kaschuben in den letzten 16 Jahren, besonders vor dem Hintergrund ihrer wissenschaftlichen sowie rechtlichen Anerkennung, ihrer Einführung als Unterrichtsfach und Liturgiesprache und den veränderten politischen und sozioö- konomischen Rahmenbedingungen, aufgezeigt