1 research outputs found

    Plastic raw materials in Neolithic pottery production

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    The paper is dedicated to the investigation of various natural silts as the most ancient type of raw material used in pottery production. The authors describe the specific features of the composition of plain and mountain silts, and discover the same features in ancient ceramics from different regions in Russia. It can be concluded that silts were the earliest raw material used, a tradition that faded away during the evolution of pottery production.V članku predstavljamo raziskave različnih vrst naravnega mulja, ki predstavlja najstarejšo vrsto surovine za proizvodnjo lončenine. Opisujemo specifične značilnosti sestave mulja, dosegljivega tako v ravnini kot v gorah, ter jih primerjamo z najstarejšo lončenino iz različnih regij v Rusiji. Sklepamo, da predstavlja naravni mulj najzgodnejšo vrsto surovine za izdelavo keramike, in da se je ta tradicija proizvodnje lončenine sčasoma izgubila