16 research outputs found

    Method and apparatus for detection of underivatized amines and amino acids utilizing end column addition of Ru(bpy).sub.3.sup.2+

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    A method and an apparatus for detecting amines or amino acids is disclosed. The apparatus generally includes a capillary electrophoresis separation tube with a post-capillary reactor positioned at the end of the tube to immediately receive separated samples from the tube. The post-capillary reactor includes a solution of Ru(bpy)3 2+ buffered with a base. The post capillary reactor further includes an electrode assembly for providing current to the solution to convert nonluminescing Ru(bpy)3 2+ to luminescing Ru(bpy)3 3+. The method generally includes separating the desired analyte from the sample, contacting the analyte with the solution to produce luminescence, and then photometrically measuring the amount of analyte present as a function of the luminescence

    Chemiluminescent detection of amino acids

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    A detection system for determining the quantity of amino acid in a sample stream is provided based on the reaction of a buffer at a pH level from 10 to 11, with a reagent Ru(bpy)3 3+, which is generated electrochemically on site. The detection system is further characterized by immediate luminescence upon reaction of the buffer in the pH range containing amino acid, with the reagent Ru(bpy)3 3+. The detection system is capable of not only immediate detection of the quantity of amino acid in a sample stream, but even in very low concentrations

    Assumption without representation: the unacknowledged abstraction from communities and social goods

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    We have not clearly acknowledged the abstraction from unpriceable “social goods” (derived from communities) which, different from private and public goods, simply disappear if it is attempted to market them. Separability from markets and economics has not been argued, much less established. Acknowledging communities would reinforce rather than undermine them, and thus facilitate the production of social goods. But it would also help economics by facilitating our understanding of – and response to – financial crises as well as environmental destruction and many social problems, and by reducing the alienation from economics often felt by students and the public

    Peer Reviewed: Miniaturization of Enantioselective Detectors

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