18 research outputs found

    Strategic Planning Process Formality and Institutional Performance

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    The relationship between strategic planning and the performance of organizations has been debated over the years. Some have specifically argued on the level of formality required in a strategic process to realize strategic outcomes. Based on various findings, some studies have recommended purposefully formalized strategic planning processes (deliberate strategies) while others have favored emergent strategies. Consequently, this study examined the relationship between strategic planning process and performance. It also focused on determining the degree of strategic planning process formality that influences the performance of businesses. Descriptive survey design was adopted. Twenty-six accredited private universities in Ghana which had strategic planning committees in place were selected using the stratified and purposive sampling techniques. Linear regression was used to determine the effects of strategic planning process on performance. Post hoc, One Way ANOVA was employed to determine significant differences between the degrees of strategic planning process formality and their corresponding performance levels. The study found that performance within the sector was low. Several recommendations to assist institutions wobble out of the current situation toward appreciating the importance of formality in the formulation of strategies have been proposed. Keywords: Strategic planning process formality, performanc

    Reconciling Commercial (Universal) Banking with Microfinance Institutions in Ghana, Case Study: Greater Accra Region

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    The study focused on reconciling commercial banking with microfinance institutions in the Greater Accra region. The study identifies that microfinance institutions were not able to eradicate the poverty level among Ghanaians which calls for the indulgence of commercial banks to rescue the nation from poverty through the provisions of some of the microfinance services. The study uses a sample size of 500 respondents and adopted both descriptive and quantitative analysis. The descriptive analysis takes into accounts both pie charts, bar-graphs and tables whereas the quantitative analysis used both probit and Ordered probit regression model to analyze whether or not commercial banks are providing microfinance services and their level of performance in executing the role of the MFIs respectively. The main objective of the study was to identify the role of commercial banks in comparison to that of Microfinance institutions and to further examine the extent to which commercial banks meet the criteria of MFIs as well as some challenges the commercial banks faced. The study also revealed that door-to-do banking services are offered by both commercial banks and Microfinance institution. The study finds out that the structures (administrative staff, logistics, collateral requirements, etc) that are required for the operating of microfinance services on the market are completely different from that needed to offer pure commercial banking services. The study further finds out that high default rate among customers seems to be part of the major challenges the bank faces in discharging microfinance services. In the nut-shell the study revealed that commercial banks go out of their various banking halls to the individual on the market often times to promote/ market their product available in the banks  and not necessarily offer microfinance services to petty traders and other small business units. Keywords: Microfinance, commercial banks, financial institutions, loans, saving

    Moderating Influence of Organizational Characteristics on Strategic Planning Process and Performance Linkage

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    In spite of the numerous benefits of strategic planning enumerated in the literature, some institutions appear to be struggling with maintaining expected performance standards. Some researchers allude this to the absence of effective strategic planning systems, or the plan itself. Others believe it is attitudinal – misconceptions about the role of contextual factors. This study has therefore considered the moderating influence of such factors (organizational characteristics – age, size, and structure) on the relationship between strategic planning process and performance. It focused on accredited private institutions that had some form of strategic planning systems in place, and had operated for at least five (5) academic years. Strategic planning committee members of such institutions provided data that were descriptively and empirically analyzed. The binary logistic regression analysis indicated that only institutional size and structure do significantly influence the strategic planning process toward enhanced performance. The age of an institution did not have any significant moderating influence. It has been suggested that higher degrees of formality shall enhance performance where there is insistence on attention to detail due to increased institutional size. Keywords: strategic planning, process, organizational characteristics, formality, moderators, contextual factor

    Costs of reproductive health services provided by four Christian Health Association of Ghana (CHAG) hospitals

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    The Christian Health Association of Ghana (CHAG) is a large faith-based NGO which currently serves an estimated 35 percent of the Ghanaian population, mainly in remote rural areas. This study built capacity within the CHAG secretariat to calculate the economic cost and cost recovery levels of selected reproductive health services in four CHAG-affiliated hospitals. Techniques learned in the study are applicable to most costing problems, not just to reproductive health. Information obtained in the study forms the basis for negotiating reimbursement under the Ghana National Health Insurance Scheme, and for setting cost recovery and containment policies. CHAG senior managers plan to train other association hospitals in the technique

    Strategic Planning Process Formality: A Model

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    It has been argued and indicated that an organization’s competitiveness is partly dependent on its strategic positioning. In spite of the growing interest in strategic planning formality process, there seem to exist some definitional inconsistencies; approaches seem to differ among organizations, and appears to have led to irregularities in the measurement of effectiveness within industries.  This study was accomplished by reviewing related literature. It identified and critically examined varied perceptions of the strategic planning formality process. The study found that there is lack of coherency in the definition of acceptable strategic dimensions for an organization. There is no basic standard of measure to determine how much strategic planning formality is required to realize expected outcomes. Descriptions of the strategic planning formality process were therefore found to have a blend of characteristics that run through perceptions in the extant literature. In view of this, it has been recommended that a proposed working definition and a framework (the Strategic Planning Formality Process Model – SPPFM) to guide the establishment of an effective system should be considered by organizations. Keywords: strategic planning process, Strategic Planning Process Formalit

    Sexual Harassment and Human Resource Development

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    The challenges of workplace sexual harassment and its effects on the development of human resources in an organization has been the focus of this study. Even though it happens at the workplace, sexual harassment has rippling, barely unnoticed, but devastating effects on all: the victim, the harasser, the organization, and society. Among other objectives, the study has attempted to determine level of awareness, status, reportage, and the physio-psychological effects of sexual harassment. A total of forty-four respondents provided data for the study. Descriptive statistical tools have been applied in the analysis of data; frequencies, and percentages. The study found men’s level of awareness to be generally higher than women. Again, more men indicated having been harassed than women. Negative effects of harassment on productivity were also identified and discussed. The implications of these effects on performance and an organization’s efforts to develop human capital have been emphasized. Recommendations have also been made. Keywords: workplace sexual harassment, human resource developmen

    Assessing the Impact of a Dam on the Livelihood of Surrounding Communities: A Case Study of Vea Dam in the Upper East Region of Ghana

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    River basins are well known as the origin of advanced human social development and cultural heritage which ancient and modern communities have depended on for livelihood, commerce and habitat. Dam is one of the many man-made alterations to river basins that have been built for centuries and without doubt have contributed to the development of many nations. However, their social, health and environmental impacts have in too many cases not been assessed most often in developing countries. This research sought to explore and understand the Vea Dam within the context of socio-economic and health impacts on the host communities. Secondary data were collected from Irrigation Company of Upper Region and Bongo District Assembly in Ghana whilst primary data were obtained through random and stratified sampling. The results revealed that 2.6% and 66% of the respondents are employed in the fishery sector and irrigation sector, respectively. The dam necessitated the relocation of about 34% of the communities and on the average two people are drown annually in the Dam. The prevalence of water borne diseases after the construction of the Dam was also perceived by the communities to have increased. The Dam has both positive and negative socio-economic and health impacts on the surrounding communities with the benefits outweighing the negative impacts. The availability of potable drinking water in the area has created development with inevitable rise in standard of living. The study also revealed that agricultural activities, freshwater fishery and availability of water for irrigation of farmlands have improved. However, an enhancement in the beneficial impacts and minimization of the adverse impacts would help better livelihood in the communities. Keywords: Bongo District, Impacts of a dam, Livelihood, Socio-economic, Vea Da


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    Researchers' interest in consumer religiosity and behavior is explained by the fact that religion influences not only the social behavior of individuals, but also their consumption behavior. Most of the studies on the subject come from Western and Asian countries with a few of such studies been conducted in Africa and particularly in Ghana. The aim of this paper is to explore the concepts of religiosity and consumer behavior in Ghana, in order to consider the role of culture in the management and marketing of industrial products. Ghana is a country where religion plays an important role in shaping lives and ensuring community cohesion. However, a determined part of the believers contributes to increasing the consumption of industrial beverages, and the obliviousness in the marketing sector also seems to be a barrier that slows the production and consumption of non-alcoholic industrial beverages. The research approach is exploratory and qualitative. The collection of qualitative data is done with the aid of a SONY voice recorder through some semi-structured interviews. Then, the qualitative data are transcribed manually and verbatim analyzed. The results show that in the context of Ghana, religiosity of believers affects the behavior of the consumer and that consumer behavior towards non-alcoholic industrial beverages affects religiosity. Keywords: Religiosity, Consumer Behavior, Industrial Beverages, Consumption, Marketing, Ghana