821 research outputs found

    Enhancement of quantum correlations for the system of cavity QED by applying bang-bang pulses

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    We propose a scheme of increasing quantum correlations for the cavity quantum electrodynamics system consisting of two noninteracting two-level atoms each locally interacting with its own quantized field mode by bang-bang pulses. We investigate the influence of the bang-bang pulses on the dynamics of quantum discord, entanglement, quantum mutual information and classical correlation between the two atoms. It is shown that the amount of quantum discord and entanglement of the two atoms can be improved by applying the bang-bang pulses.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Maximally entangled mixed states of two atoms trapped inside an optical cavity

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    In some off-resonant cases, the reduced density matrix of two atoms symmetrically coupled with an optical cavity can very approximately approach to maximally entangled mixed states or maximal Bell violation mixed states in their evolution. The influence of phase decoherence on the generation of maximally entangled mixed state is also discussed. PACS numbers: 03.67.-a, 03.65.UdComment: 7 pages, 4 figures, Latex, have a major revision of content

    Non-Markovian effect on the quantum discord

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    We study the non-Markovian effect on the dynamics of the quantum discord by exactly solving a model consisting of two independent qubits subject to two zero-temperature non-Markovian reservoirs, respectively. Considering the two qubits initially prepared in Bell-like or extended Werner-like states, we show that there is no occurrence of the sudden death, but only instantaneous disappearance of the quantum discord at some time points, in comparison to the entanglement sudden death in the same range of the parameters of interest. It implies that the quantum discord is more useful than the entanglement to describe quantum correlation involved in quantum systems.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Some Conceptual and Multi-level Issues

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    Quantum discord dynamical behaviors due to initial system-cavity correlations

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    We analyze the roles of initial correlations between the two-qubit system and a dissipative cavity on quantum discord dynamics of two qubits. Considering two initial system-cavity states, we show that the initial system-cavity correlations not only can initially increase the two-qubit quantum discord but also would lead to a larger long-time quantum discord asymptotic value. Moreover, quantum discord due to initial correlations is more robust than the case of the initial factorized state. Finally, we show the initial correlations' importance for dynamics behaviors of mutual information and classical correlation

    Control the entanglement of two atoms in an optical cavity via white noise

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    Two two-level atoms within a leaky optical cavity is driven by two independent external optical white noise fields. We investigate how entanglement between two atoms arises in such a situation. The steady state entanglement of two atoms is also investigated. A stochastic-resonance-like behavior of entanglement is revealed. Finally, the Bell violation between atoms is discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure
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