2,855 research outputs found

    Magnetic ordering of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond via resonator-mediated coupling

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    Nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond, being a promising candidate for quantum information processing, may also be an ideal platform for simulating many-body physics. However, it is difficult to realize interactions between nitrogen-vacancy centers strong enough to form a macroscopically ordered phase under realistic temperatures. Here we propose a scheme to realize long-range ferromagnetic Ising interactions between distant nitrogen-vacancy centers by using a mechanical resonator as a medium. Since the critical temperature in the long-range Ising model is proportional to the number of spins, a ferromagnetic order can be formed at a temperature of tens of millikelvin for a sample with ∼104\sim10^4 nitrogen-vacancy centers. This method may provide a new platform for studying many-body physics using qubit systems.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Towards Understanding Astrophysical Effects of Nuclear Symmetry Energy

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    Determining the Equation of State (EOS) of dense neutron-rich nuclear matter is a shared goal of both nuclear physics and astrophysics. Except possible phase transitions, the density dependence of nuclear symmetry \esym is the most uncertain part of the EOS of neutron-rich nucleonic matter especially at supra-saturation densities. Much progresses have been made in recent years in predicting the symmetry energy and understanding why it is still very uncertain using various microscopic nuclear many-body theories and phenomenological models. Simultaneously, significant progresses have also been made in probing the symmetry energy in both terrestrial nuclear laboratories and astrophysical observatories. In light of the GW170817 event as well as ongoing or planned nuclear experiments and astrophysical observations probing the EOS of dense neutron-rich matter, we review recent progresses and identify new challenges to the best knowledge we have on several selected topics critical for understanding astrophysical effects of the nuclear symmetry energy.Comment: 77 pages. Invited Review Article, EPJA (2019) in pres

    Joint Extraction of Entities and Relations Based on a Novel Tagging Scheme

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    Joint extraction of entities and relations is an important task in information extraction. To tackle this problem, we firstly propose a novel tagging scheme that can convert the joint extraction task to a tagging problem. Then, based on our tagging scheme, we study different end-to-end models to extract entities and their relations directly, without identifying entities and relations separately. We conduct experiments on a public dataset produced by distant supervision method and the experimental results show that the tagging based methods are better than most of the existing pipelined and joint learning methods. What's more, the end-to-end model proposed in this paper, achieves the best results on the public dataset

    Aspect ratio dependence of heat transport by turbulent Rayleigh-B\'{e}nard convection in rectangular cells

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    We report high-precision measurements of the Nusselt number NuNu as a function of the Rayleigh number RaRa in water-filled rectangular Rayleigh-B\'{e}nard convection cells. The horizontal length LL and width WW of the cells are 50.0 cm and 15.0 cm, respectively, and the heights H=49.9H=49.9, 25.0, 12.5, 6.9, 3.5, and 2.4 cm, corresponding to the aspect ratios (Γx≡L/H,Γy≡W/H)=(1,0.3)(\Gamma_x\equiv L/H,\Gamma_y\equiv W/H)=(1,0.3), (2,0.6)(2,0.6), (4,1.2)(4,1.2), (7.3,2.2)(7.3,2.2), (14.3,4.3)(14.3,4.3), and (20.8,6.3)(20.8,6.3). The measurements were carried out over the Rayleigh number range 6×105≲Ra≲10116\times10^5\lesssim Ra\lesssim10^{11} and the Prandtl number range 5.2≲Pr≲75.2\lesssim Pr\lesssim7. Our results show that for rectangular geometry turbulent heat transport is independent of the cells' aspect ratios and hence is insensitive to the nature and structures of the large-scale mean flows of the system. This is slightly different from the observations in cylindrical cells where NuNu is found to be in general a decreasing function of Γ\Gamma, at least for Γ=1\Gamma=1 and larger. Such a difference is probably a manifestation of the finite plate conductivity effect. Corrections for the influence of the finite conductivity of the top and bottom plates are made to obtain the estimates of Nu∞Nu_{\infty} for plates with perfect conductivity. The local scaling exponents βl\beta_l of Nu∞∼RaβlNu_{\infty}\sim Ra^{\beta_l} are calculated and found to increase from 0.243 at Ra≃9×105Ra\simeq9\times10^5 to 0.327 at Ra≃4×1010Ra\simeq4\times10^{10}.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, Accepted by Journal of Fluid Mechanic
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